Newsroom > Moore From The Hill

For Immediate Release: Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Contact: Dennis   Moore (913) 383-2013

Moore from the Hill: Veterans Update

As a member of Congress and a veteran myself, I believe it is our duty to keep our promises to our servicemen and women. That’s why I have made it one of my top priorities to do all that I can to help our troops, military retirees, veterans and their families.

Here’s a brief update on my efforts:

VA Claims Backlog

Often, veterans contact my office to request help in resolving a pending claim for VA services. Many of these folks have been waiting months or even years for a response. This is simply unacceptable.

Due to the large number of Iraq and Afghanistan veterans entering the VA system now and in the near future, it is a considerable task to maintain a high level of care for all those needing the VA’s services, but it is one we must do. “Support our troops” extends beyond the battlefield.

That’s why I recently wrote a letter to VA Secretary James Peak about the importance of the services the VA provides and have urged him to take bold action to improve the efficiency and responsiveness of the VA so that claims are decided in a reasonable time. I am ready to work with the Department in helping to provide the necessary resources to serve those who have served us.

Disabled Veterans Memorial

As you may know, I introduced legislation last year with Rep. Mark Kirk (R-IL) authorizing the Secretary of the Treasury to mint coins in commemoration of veterans who became disabled for life while serving in the U.S. Armed Forces. The revenue gained from the new coin would help fund a national memorial honoring those veterans.

Though we can never fully communicate our gratitude for the service and sacrifice that our servicemen and women have made, this memorial is an important step. This legislation has been approved by both the House and Senate and is now awaiting the President’s signature. I’m hopeful that it will be law soon!

Honor Flight visits D.C.

Last week, I met with a group of World War II veterans who had flown to Washington D.C., for the day. Their trip, made possible by Honor Flight, was a day that I know I will remember for years to come, and I know it meant a lot to our veterans, as well. I am incredibly honored to have had this opportunity to thank our veterans in person. Our world would look very different had it not been for their service and the sacrifices they made so very long ago.
