U.S. Representative Stephanie Herseth Sandlin - South Dakota
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News from Rep. Stephanie Herseth
For Immediate Release
Contact: Russ Levsen, 202-226-4449
Chip Weiskotten, 202-226-8553


Closes Loophole That Denied Coverage to Severely Injured Servicemembers

January 29, 2007 – U.S. Rep. Stephanie Herseth has introduced a bill in the House of Representatives to close a loophole that currently denies certain wounded servicemembers the financial benefits they deserve. The act would aid approximately 700 severely injured servicemembers who do not qualify for Traumatic Servicemember Group Life Insurance (TSGLI) benefits simply because of their location during their time of injury.

Implemented on December 1, 2005, TSGLI is a traumatic injury program that provides payment to any member of the uniformed services who sustain a traumatic injury with certain severe losses. The insurance program serves as a financial bridge from the time of injury until the soldier is eligible for VA benefits. However, by defining “in Operations Enduring Freedom or Iraqi Freedom” as such for retroactive benefits, the regulation has disqualified a number of traumatically injured servicemembers from payment based solely on their location at the time of their injury. Rep. Herseth's bill expands the TSGLI program to cover all soldiers that have been wounded since October 7, 2001, which was the beginning of Operation Enduring Freedom.

Herseth, who chairs the House Veterans’ Affairs Economic Opportunity Subcommittee, said, “I am proud to introduce this legislation that will expand needed financial benefits to hundreds of our most critically wounded servicemembers. These men and women have sacrificed greatly for our freedom, and they and their families deserve our help recovering from their injuries. It is my hope that the House will quickly consider and pass this bill to care for those who gave so much to us.”

Herseth is a member of the Blue Dog Coalition, a group of moderate Democrats committed to fiscal discipline and strong national security, and is co-chair of the Rural Working Group, which is dedicated to raise the profile of issues important to rural America. She also serves on three committees vital to South Dakota’s interest: Agriculture, Veterans’ Affairs and Resources.

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