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TE Policy Modules for SELinux policies

From: Serge Hallyn <>
Date: Mon, 10 Jan 2005 22:35:42 -0600


Three or four years ago I started using "policy modules" to write DTE policies. A year or two ago I considered porting/extending the policy modules to support selinux. I've played on and off, and finally decided this weekend to get it to a state where I could send it out.

The attached tarball contains (and supporting code), which converts policy modules to an selinux policy. A sample module is in selinux_policy_modules/modules/basic, which compiled to bootable policies - under enforcing mode. I have not added sufficient permisssions
(ie to class lnkfile, process, etc) to bother trying to use enforcing.

One way in which this differs from writing selinux policy by hand, is that access rules are actually grants and requests (and denials) by specific domains and types. As such, priorities can be used to resolve conflicts in intuitive ways. For instance, if we have

type etc_t

        access boot_d f:r
        access user_d none


domain user_d

        type etc_t f:r

Then domain user_d will not receive the f:r to etc_t, because the "incoming" permission grant (into etc_t) trumps the "outgoing" permission request (from user_d). Of course this example isn't very useful, but it becomes useful with grouping, ie domain user_d can simply ask for 'f:r' to 'bin.*" or "all", even if etc_t is defined as "bin.etc_t".

The DTE module compiler code had support for automatic policy analysis. I have not yet tested this under sel_pc, but will do plan to do so. One class which I had written, for instance, checked for maintenance of Bell-LaPadula dominates relations among pre-existing types when a new module was applied to a policy. (an idea I took from TIS' live policy extension paper)


tar jxf selinux_policy_modules.03.tar.bz2 cd selinux_policy_modules/modules
../src/ -f list -o policy -c file_contexts checkpolicy policy -o policy.bin
install policy.bin and set file_contexts
(I installed under /etc/selinux/serge/, for instance)


        general debugging
        write better policies
        test under enforcing
        test policy consistency classes (blp, mod_blp, etc)
        incorporate booleans into module language


PS - For more information, usenix members can read Sorry it's not publically available...

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Received on Mon 10 Jan 2005 - 23:35:48 EST

Date Posted: Jan 15, 2009 | Last Modified: Jan 15, 2009 | Last Reviewed: Jan 15, 2009


National Security Agency / Central Security Service