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For Immediate Release: Tuesday, October 07, 2008
Contact: Glen   Sears 2022252865

Moore Gets A+ For Voting Record

Iraq Afghanistan Veterans of America releases their 2008 Congressional Report Card

(OVERLAND PARK, KS) – Today, Iraq Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA) released their 2008 Congressional Report Card, grading every member of the House of Representatives and the Senate on crucial votes that affected the lives of veterans and their families. Congressman Dennis Moore (Third District – Kansas) received an A+, reflecting a perfect voting record in support of America’s veterans.

“Providing for our service men and women, our veterans and their families has been one of my highest priorities while serving in Congress,” Moore said. “I will continue supporting legislation that honors the commitment and sacrifice that our troops and veterans have made to keep our country safe."

The new G.I. Bill, cosponsored by Moore, updated the prior law to expand educational opportunities for Iraq and Afghanistan veterans, providing funds for veterans to pursue a college degree, take part in vocational programs, and complete on the job training programs. With enactment of the new G.I. Bill, service members or reservists serving at least 90 days now qualify.

Other legislation supported by Moore and referenced in the IAVA report are bills that expanded suicide prevention efforts, improved veterans’ health care, provided more support for homeless veterans, improved treatment for Traumatic Brain Injuries, and increased benefits for disabled veterans overall.

“Congress has enacted several bills into law that strongly support our veterans, including expanding opportunities for our brave men and women to get a college education when their service is done," Moore continued. "But more work remains. With every bill we consider, I will continue working with Republicans and Democrats to make sure we keep the best interests of our military, veterans and their families in mind."

Moore received an A+ (15 out of 15 points) for voting pro veteran 100% of the time and cosponsoring the G.I Bill. Those wishing to read more about the congressional report card or see the full report may visit the IAVA website at
