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Re: Sugg. for SELinux enabled Interpreters

From: Russell Coker <>
Date: Sat, 23 Apr 2005 07:41:34 +1000

On Tuesday 25 January 2005 07:05, Jochen Schmitt <> wrote:
> Hallo,
> I have bought a book about SELinux form O'Reilly. In this book it
> was discussed, that some applications, like KDE have issues with
> SELinux.
> On KDE the problem is the kdeinit process, which coused, that
> SELinux can not distlinguish the diffent programms started by
> kdeinit.

Below is a message from Luke about this matter. In this example reconfiguring KDE is the better option. I've pasted the message because I have no net access at the moment and can't lookup a URL.

We should get some bugs filed against kdeinit in all the distributions to make this an option that the administrator can configure permanently for the entire system. Also Fedora, RHEL, and any other distribution which gets SE Linux as the default install option should probably default to this.

 Subject: kdeinit
 Date: 2004-07-25 23:01
 From: Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton <>  To: SE-Linux <>  

as you've seen, i sent a message to the kde-devel list, stephan kindly responded by saying that it's possible to disable kdeinit by defining KDE_IS_PRELINKED.

i've modified startkde (possibly not the smartest thing to do) to have this at the top:


        export KDE_IS_PRELINKED

and voila, it appears that i end up saving about 30mbyte of virtual memory - something that _could_ save a lot of time on a system that is pushed for physical ram.

so it's a trade-off between saving some virtual memory and saving some speed in the library pre-loading.

... but the important thing is that as far as SE/Linux is concerned it IS possible to remove kdeinit from the loop, and therefore it IS possible to write selinux policy files without kdeinit getting in the way.

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Received on Fri 22 Apr 2005 - 19:26:04 EDT

Date Posted: Jan 15, 2009 | Last Modified: Jan 15, 2009 | Last Reviewed: Jan 15, 2009


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