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Re: dynamic context transitions - a seteuid parallel

From: Russell Coker <>
Date: Wed, 3 Nov 2004 13:59:43 +1100

On Tue, 2 Nov 2004 23:49, "Frank Mayer" <> wrote:
> So if we were honest, the real reason we want to change security content is
> for performance reasons, not security assurance reason.

Which probably made a lot of sense for Xenix, an 80286 was not a particularly fast CPU.

I've just done a quick test of exec time. For a process to exec itself it takes an average of .9ms per exec on a P3-650. In the past we have discussed at length issues related to modifying Samba for best operation under SE Linux. It seems to me that any disk sub-system you might find attached to a P3-650 class CPU is unlikely to support 1000 operations of the form of file create/open/unlink per second. So therefore if we were to have a Samba server process fork off a child for each file open we still probably wouldn't have the exec be the bottleneck for Samba performance.

Now we have to keep in mind that doing a fork/exec for every file open isn't the best way of doing such things. If we create a helper process when the SMB authentication is performed and pass requests to it via a Unix domain socket then performance should be better.

What is the trend in new CPUs? Are they getting worse or better for exec performance? The only machine better than a P3-800 that I have for testing is a pitiful P-M.

What programs have the greatest performance requirements in terms of launching processes under a different context? I suspect that a Samba server with the design changes we discussed could be near the top of the list, with the main competitor being a busy web server that's launching cgi-bin scripts.

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Date Posted: Jan 15, 2009 | Last Modified: Jan 15, 2009 | Last Reviewed: Jan 15, 2009


National Security Agency / Central Security Service