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Topic: Home > Executive Acts > Determination

Reports to Congress that the President has determined something is the case.

Presidential Determination No. 2003-13
    Presidential Determination No. 2003-12
    Presidential Determination No. 2003-10
    Presidential Determination No. 2003-11
    View more hits from '' (Group score: 88%)
Presidential Determination No. 2003-06
    Presidential Determination No. 2003-07
    Presidential Determination No. 2003-05
    Presidential Determination No. 2003-04
    View more hits from '' (Group score: 87%)
Presidential Determination on Refugee Numbers
Presidential Determination: Assistance for Pakistan
    Presidential Determination: Refugee Assistance for Afghanistan
    Presidential Determination
    View more hits from '' (Group score: 74%)
Presidential Determination No. 2003-02
Presidential Determination No. 2002-32
    Presidential Determination No. 2002-30
    Presidential Determination No. 2002-31
    View more hits from '' (Group score: 87%)
Presidential Determination No. 2002-16
    Presidential Determination on Military Drawdown for Georgia
    Presidential Determination, No. 2002-15
    Presidential Determination
    View more hits from '' (Group score: 86%)
Presidential Determination on the Designation of Bahrain as a Major Non-Nato Ally
    Presidential Determination on the Foreign Operations, Export Financing, and Related ..
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Presidential Determination on Azerbaijan
Presidential Determination
    Presidential Determination: Memorandum for the Secretary of State
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