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Re: [ PATCH ] X clients cleanup Patch #3

From: Daniel J Walsh <>
Date: Sat, 02 Apr 2005 07:04:25 -0500

Ivan Gyurdiev wrote:

>Cleanup Patch #3, Draft 0. I am in process of testing this to see if it
>breaks anything. Any comments?
>- Use x_client_domain in base_user_macros.te, ssh_macros.te, and
>java_macros.te. Remove large sections of code regarding X permissions
>in those files. Might break something, but hopefully not.
>- Change x_client_domain macro arguments to take client domain as
>arg 1, and user role as arg 2 - this is necessary to invoke it from
>- move can_ps/signal handling from user to x client into each
>separate x client file

Do we want to remove tmpfs_domain from base_user_domain. I would prever to have policy where X privs for users is optional. Think eventually about loadable modules, where you have a X user support module. Server users need a lot less privs.

>- Add a boolean to control writing to X shm, previously discussed
>on this list as causing slow openGL performance.
>- other minor stuff?
>Ivan Gyurdiev <>
>Cornell University
>diff -aur policy.old/macros/base_user_macros.te policy/macros/base_user_macros.te
>--- policy.old/macros/base_user_macros.te 2005-04-01 23:21:05.000000000 -0500
>+++ policy/macros/base_user_macros.te 2005-04-01 23:13:55.000000000 -0500
>@@ -124,8 +124,6 @@
> # Use the type when relabeling pty devices.
> type_change $1_t server_pty:chr_file $1_devpts_t;
> ifdef(`cardmgr.te', `
> # to allow monitoring of pcmcia status
> allow $1_t cardmgr_var_run_t:file { getattr read };
>@@ -280,6 +278,9 @@
> #
> dontaudit $1_t usr_t:file setattr;
>+# Use X
>+x_client_domain($1, $1)
> ifdef(`xserver.te', `
> # for /tmp/.ICE-unix
> file_type_auto_trans($1_t, xdm_xserver_tmp_t, $1_tmp_t, sock_file)
>@@ -289,13 +290,7 @@
> ifdef(`xdm.te', `
> # Connect to the X server run by the X Display Manager.
> can_unix_connect($1_t, xdm_t)
>-allow $1_t xdm_tmp_t:sock_file rw_file_perms;
>-allow $1_t xdm_tmp_t:dir r_dir_perms;
>-allow $1_t xdm_tmp_t:file { getattr read };
>-allow $1_t xdm_xserver_tmp_t:sock_file { read write };
>-allow $1_t xdm_xserver_tmp_t:dir search;
>-allow $1_t xdm_xserver_t:unix_stream_socket connectto;
>-# certain apps want to read file
>+# certain apps want to read file
> r_dir_file($1_t, xdm_var_run_t)
> allow $1_t xdm_var_lib_t:file { getattr read };
> allow xdm_t $1_home_dir_t:dir getattr;
>@@ -303,9 +298,6 @@
> file_type_auto_trans(xdm_t, $1_home_dir_t, $1_xauth_home_t, file)
> ')
>-# for shared memory
>-allow xdm_xserver_t $1_tmpfs_t:file { read write };
> ')dnl end ifdef xdm.te
> # Access the sound device.
>diff -aur policy.old/macros/program/gift_macros.te policy/macros/program/gift_macros.te
>--- policy.old/macros/program/gift_macros.te 2005-04-01 22:55:49.000000000 -0500
>+++ policy/macros/program/gift_macros.te 2005-04-01 23:09:54.000000000 -0500
>@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
> role $1_r types $1_gift_t;
> # X access, Home files
>-x_client_domain($1, gift)
>+x_client_domain($1_gift, $1)
> home_domain($1, gift)
> uses_shlib($1_gift_t)
>@@ -26,12 +26,15 @@
> read_sysctl($1_gift_t)
> access_terminal($1_gift_t, $1)
>+# Allow the user domain to signal/ps.
>+can_ps($1_t, $1_gift_t)
>+allow $1_t $1_gift_t:process signal_perms;
> # Self permissions
> allow $1_gift_t self:process getsched;
> # Fonts, icons
> r_dir_file($1_gift_t, usr_t)
>-r_dir_file($1_gift_t, fonts_t)
> # Launch gift daemon
> allow $1_gift_t bin_t:dir search;
>diff -aur policy.old/macros/program/java_macros.te policy/macros/program/java_macros.te
>--- policy.old/macros/program/java_macros.te 2005-04-01 22:55:49.000000000 -0500
>+++ policy/macros/program/java_macros.te 2005-04-01 23:14:28.000000000 -0500
>@@ -32,7 +32,6 @@
> allow $1_javaplugin_t port_type:tcp_socket name_connect;
> can_ypbind($1_javaplugin_t)
> allow $1_javaplugin_t self:process { fork signal_perms getsched setsched };
>-allow $1_javaplugin_t self:unix_stream_socket { connectto create_stream_socket_perms };
> allow $1_javaplugin_t self:fifo_file rw_file_perms;
> allow $1_javaplugin_t etc_runtime_t:file { getattr read };
> allow $1_javaplugin_t fs_t:filesystem getattr;
>@@ -55,36 +54,8 @@
> allow $1_javaplugin_t texrel_shlib_t:file execmod;
> }
>-# Allow connections to X server.
>-ifdef(`xserver.te', `
>-ifdef(`xdm.te', `
>-# for when /tmp/.X11-unix is created by the system
>-allow $1_javaplugin_t xdm_xserver_tmp_t:dir search;
>-allow $1_javaplugin_t xdm_t:fifo_file rw_file_perms;
>-allow $1_javaplugin_t xdm_tmp_t:dir search;
>-allow $1_javaplugin_t xdm_tmp_t:sock_file write;
>-ifdef(`startx.te', `
>-# for when /tmp/.X11-unix is created by the X server
>-allow $1_javaplugin_t $2_xserver_tmp_t:dir search;
>-# for /tmp/.X0-lock
>-allow $1_javaplugin_t $2_xserver_tmp_t:file getattr;
>-allow $1_javaplugin_t $2_xserver_tmp_t:sock_file rw_file_perms;
>-can_unix_connect($1_javaplugin_t, $2_xserver_t)
>-')dnl end startx
>-can_unix_connect($1_javaplugin_t, xdm_xserver_t)
>-allow xdm_xserver_t $1_javaplugin_t:fd use;
>-allow xdm_xserver_t $1_javaplugin_t:shm { associate getattr read unix_read };
>-dontaudit xdm_xserver_t $1_javaplugin_t:shm { unix_write write };
>-')dnl end xserver
>-allow $1_javaplugin_t self:shm create_shm_perms;
>+# Connect to X server
>+x_client_domain($1_javaplugin, $2)
> uses_shlib($1_javaplugin_t)
> read_locale($1_javaplugin_t)
>diff -aur policy.old/macros/program/mozilla_macros.te policy/macros/program/mozilla_macros.te
>--- policy.old/macros/program/mozilla_macros.te 2005-04-01 22:55:49.000000000 -0500
>+++ policy/macros/program/mozilla_macros.te 2005-04-01 23:09:25.000000000 -0500
>@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
> # X access, Home files
> home_domain($1, mozilla)
>-x_client_domain($1, mozilla)
>+x_client_domain($1_mozilla, $1)
> # Browse files
> file_browse_domain($1_mozilla_t)
>@@ -43,6 +43,10 @@
> allow $1_t $1_mozilla_t:process { noatsecure siginh rlimitinh };
> allow $1_mozilla_t $1_t:process signull;
>+# Allow the user domain to signal/ps.
>+can_ps($1_t, $1_mozilla_t)
>+allow $1_t $1_mozilla_t:process signal_perms;
> # Fork, set resource limits and scheduling info.
> allow $1_mozilla_t self:process { fork signal_perms setrlimit setsched getsched };
>diff -aur policy.old/macros/program/mplayer_macros.te policy/macros/program/mplayer_macros.te
>--- policy.old/macros/program/mplayer_macros.te 2005-03-31 17:39:39.000000000 -0500
>+++ policy/macros/program/mplayer_macros.te 2005-04-01 23:09:12.000000000 -0500
>@@ -15,6 +15,10 @@
> # Read global config
> r_dir_file($1_$2_t, mplayer_etc_t)
>+# Allow the user domain to signal/ps.
>+can_ps($1_t, $1_$2_t)
>+allow $1_t $1_$2_t:process signal_perms;
> # Read data in /usr/share (fonts, icons..)
> r_dir_file($1_$2_t, usr_t)
>@@ -72,7 +76,7 @@
> # Home access, X access, Browse files
> home_domain($1, mplayer)
>-x_client_domain($1, mplayer)
>+x_client_domain($1_mplayer, $1)
> file_browse_domain($1_mplayer_t)
> # Mplayer common stuff
>diff -aur policy.old/macros/program/ssh_macros.te policy/macros/program/ssh_macros.te
>--- policy.old/macros/program/ssh_macros.te 2005-03-31 18:04:52.000000000 -0500
>+++ policy/macros/program/ssh_macros.te 2005-04-01 23:14:40.000000000 -0500
>@@ -131,18 +131,8 @@
> # allow ps to show ssh
> can_ps($1_t, $1_ssh_t)
>-ifdef(`xserver.te', `
>-# Communicate with the X server.
>-ifdef(`startx.te', `
>-can_unix_connect($1_ssh_t, $1_xserver_t)
>-allow $1_ssh_t $1_xserver_tmp_t:sock_file rw_file_perms;
>-allow $1_ssh_t $1_xserver_tmp_t:dir search;
>-')dnl end if startx
>-ifdef(`xdm.te', `
>-allow $1_ssh_t { xdm_xserver_tmp_t xdm_tmp_t }:dir search;
>-allow $1_ssh_t { xdm_tmp_t }:sock_file write;
>-')dnl end if xserver
>+# Connect to X server
>+x_client_domain($1_ssh, $1)
> ifdef(`ssh-agent.te', `
> ssh_agent_domain($1)
>@@ -169,16 +159,6 @@
> allow $1_ssh_keysign_t self:file { getattr read };
> allow $1_ssh_keysign_t self:unix_stream_socket create_socket_perms;
>-ifdef(`xdm.te', `
>-# should be able to remove these two later
>-allow $1_ssh_t xdm_xserver_tmp_t:sock_file { read write };
>-allow $1_ssh_t xdm_xserver_tmp_t:dir search;
>-allow $1_ssh_t xdm_xserver_t:unix_stream_socket connectto;
>-allow $1_ssh_t xdm_xserver_t:shm r_shm_perms;
>-allow $1_ssh_t xdm_xserver_t:fd use;
>-allow $1_ssh_t xdm_xserver_tmpfs_t:file read;
>-allow $1_ssh_t xdm_t:fd use;
>-')dnl end if xdm.te
> ')dnl end macro definition
> ', `
>diff -aur policy.old/macros/program/tvtime_macros.te policy/macros/program/tvtime_macros.te
>--- policy.old/macros/program/tvtime_macros.te 2005-03-31 17:41:35.000000000 -0500
>+++ policy/macros/program/tvtime_macros.te 2005-04-01 23:08:50.000000000 -0500
>@@ -26,13 +26,17 @@
> # X access, Home files
> home_domain($1, tvtime)
>-x_client_domain($1, tvtime)
>+x_client_domain($1_tvtime, $1)
> uses_shlib($1_tvtime_t)
> read_locale($1_tvtime_t)
> read_sysctl($1_tvtime_t)
> access_terminal($1_tvtime_t, $1)
>+# Allow the user domain to signal/ps.
>+can_ps($1_t, $1_tvtime_t)
>+allow $1_t $1_tvtime_t:process signal_perms;
> # Read /etc/tvtime
> allow $1_tvtime_t etc_t:file { getattr read };
>diff -aur policy.old/macros/program/x_client_macros.te policy/macros/program/x_client_macros.te
>--- policy.old/macros/program/x_client_macros.te 2005-03-31 16:30:34.000000000 -0500
>+++ policy/macros/program/x_client_macros.te 2005-04-01 23:07:05.000000000 -0500
>@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
> #
>-# Macros for X client programs ($2 etc)
>+# Macros for X client programs
> #
> #
>@@ -8,6 +8,9 @@
> # and Timothy Fraser
> #
>+# Allows clients to write to the X server's shm
>+bool allow_write_xshm false;
> define(`xsession_domain', `
> # Connect to xserver
>@@ -23,73 +26,73 @@
> # Signal Xserver
> allow $1_t $2_xserver_t:process signal;
>-# Use file descriptors created by each other.
>-allow $1_t $2_xserver_t:fd use;
>+# Xserver read/write client shm
> allow $2_xserver_t $1_t:fd use;
>-# Xserver read/write parent shm
> allow $2_xserver_t $1_t:shm rw_shm_perms;
> allow $2_xserver_t $1_tmpfs_t:file rw_file_perms;
>-# Parent read xserver shm
>+# Client read xserver shm
>+allow $2_xserver_t $1_t:fd use;
> allow $1_t $2_xserver_t:shm r_shm_perms;
> allow $1_t $2_xserver_tmpfs_t:file r_file_perms;
>+# Client write xserver shm
>+if (allow_write_xshm) {
>+allow $1_t $2_xserver_t:shm write;
>+allow $1_t $2_xserver_tmpfs_t:file write;
> ')
> #
>-# x_client_domain(user, app)
>+# x_client_domain(client, role)
> #
>-# Defines common X access rules for the user_app_t domain
>+# Defines common X access rules for the client domain
> #
> define(`x_client_domain',`
>-allow $1_$2_t self:unix_dgram_socket create_socket_perms;
>-allow $1_$2_t self:unix_stream_socket { connectto create_stream_socket_perms };
>+# Create socket to communicate with X server
>+allow $1_t self:unix_dgram_socket create_socket_perms;
>+allow $1_t self:unix_stream_socket { connectto create_stream_socket_perms };
>+# Read .Xauthority file
> ifdef(`xauth.te',`
>-allow $1_$2_t $1_xauth_home_t:file { getattr read };
>+allow $1_t home_root_t:dir { search getattr };
>+allow $1_t $2_xauth_home_t:file { getattr read };
> ')
>-# Allow the user domain to send any signal to the $2 process.
>-can_ps($1_t, $1_$2_t)
>-allow $1_t $1_$2_t:process signal_perms;
> # for .xsession-errors
>-dontaudit $1_$2_t $1_home_t:file write;
>+dontaudit $1_t $2_home_t:file write;
> # for X over a ssh tunnel
> ifdef(`ssh.te', `
>-can_tcp_connect($1_$2_t, sshd_t)
>+can_tcp_connect($1_t, sshd_t)
> ')
>-# Read the home directory, e.g. for .Xauthority and to get to config files
>-allow $1_$2_t home_root_t:dir { search getattr };
> # Use a separate type for tmpfs/shm pseudo files.
>-allow $1_$2_t self:shm create_shm_perms;
>+allow $1_t self:shm create_shm_perms;
> # allow X client to read all font files
>-r_dir_file($1_$2_t, fonts_t)
>+r_dir_file($1_t, fonts_t)
> # Allow connections to X server.
> ifdef(`xserver.te', `
>-allow $1_$2_t tmp_t:dir search;
>+allow $1_t tmp_t:dir search;
> ifdef(`xdm.te', `
>-xsession_domain($1_$2, xdm)
>+xsession_domain($1, xdm)
> # for when /tmp/.X11-unix is created by the system
>-allow $1_$2_t xdm_t:fifo_file rw_file_perms;
>-allow $1_$2_t xdm_tmp_t:dir search;
>-allow $1_$2_t xdm_tmp_t:sock_file { read write };
>-allow $1_$2_t xdm_t:fd use;
>-dontaudit $1_$2_t xdm_t:tcp_socket { read write };
>+allow $1_t xdm_t:fifo_file rw_file_perms;
>+allow $1_t xdm_tmp_t:dir search;
>+allow $1_t xdm_tmp_t:sock_file { read write };
>+allow $1_t xdm_t:fd use;
>+dontaudit $1_t xdm_t:tcp_socket { read write };
> ')
> ifdef(`startx.te', `
>-xsession_domain($1_$2, $1)
>+xsession_domain($1, $2)
> ')dnl end startx
> ')dnl end xserver


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Received on Sat 2 Apr 2005 - 07:10:08 EST

Date Posted: Jan 15, 2009 | Last Modified: Jan 15, 2009 | Last Reviewed: Jan 15, 2009


National Security Agency / Central Security Service