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Re: How to build external policy modules outside of the main tree

From: Daniel J Walsh <>
Date: Mon, 20 Feb 2006 23:33:13 -0500

Thomas Bleher wrote:
> Reference policy allows policy modules to be built outside of the main
> source tree. I didn't find any instructions on how to do it, so here are
> my notes:
> You will need the following directories and files:
> Makefile
> build.conf
> policy/
> policy/modules/
> policy/modules/apps/
> policy/modules/apps/example.fc
> policy/modules/apps/example.if
> policy/modules/apps/example.te
> policy/modules/apps/metadata.xml
> Additionally, you will need to have policy sources installed (probably
> not full sources, but at least the Makefile, all interfaces you are
> going to use, everything under support/ and likely some more files).
> I assume the source is available at /etc/selinux/refpolicy/src/policy .
> The Makefile is just three lines long:
>> ROOT=/etc/selinux/refpolicy/src/policy
>> include /etc/selinux/refpolicy/src/policy/Makefile
> The build.conf should contain build options equivalent to the ones your
> policy was built with. You can try to symlink your build.conf from the
> policy sources, but please keep in mind that the build.conf shipped as
> part of the source may not accurately reflect how the base policy was
> built; that's because the variables in build.conf can be overridden on
> the command line.
> Without comments, my build.conf looks like this:
>> TYPE = strict-mcs
>> NAME = refpolicy-strict
>> DISTRO = debian
>> POLY=n
>> QUIET=n
> Now you can create your policy in the appropriate layer under
> policy/modules/. For every layer, you will need a file "metadata.xml";
> just copy it from the policy sources.
> To actually build the module you'll need a policy/modules.conf. Just
> create it by calling "make conf".
> Presumably you don't want to rebuild every shipped module when building
> your module, so edit the generated file and do an s/= base/= off/g and
> s/= module/= off/g and then enable your module again. Don't completely
> remove the lines of the other modules, otherwise you won't be able to
> use their interfaces.
> After that, a "make modules" will build your shiny new policy module and
> put it in your base directory. From there you can load it using
> "semodule -i".
> Happy policy hacking,
> Thomas

Actually on Fedora you can install selinux-policy-devel package.

You will find that it installs /usr/share/selinux/refpolicy

Under this directory you will find a Makefile and policygentool You can use this tool to generate a quick template te,fc and if file.

You can then use the Makefile to start building a loadable module.

The include directory includes all reference policy if files and additional files needed to build a reference policy loadable module including the build.conf

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Received on Mon 20 Feb 2006 - 23:33:13 EST

Date Posted: Jan 15, 2009 | Last Modified: Jan 15, 2009 | Last Reviewed: Jan 15, 2009


National Security Agency / Central Security Service