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RMRS-GTR-114: Hayman Fire Case Study

Graham, Russell T., Technical Editor. 2003. Hayman Fire Case Study. Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-114. Ogden, UT: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station. 396 p.

In 2002 much of the Front Range of the Rocky Mountains in Colorado was rich in dry vegetation as a result of fire exclusion and the droughty conditions that prevailed in recent years. These dry and heavy fuel loadings were continuous along the South Platte River corridor located between Denver and Colorado Springs on the Front Range. These topographic and fuel conditions combined with a dry and windy weather system centered over eastern Washington to produce ideal burning conditions. The start of the Hayman Fire was timed and located perfectly to take advantage of these conditions resulting in a wildfire run in 1 day of over 60,000 acres and finally impacting over 138,000 acres. The Hayman Fire Case Study, involving more than 60 scientists and professionals from throughout the United States, examined how the fire behaved, the effects of fuel treatments on burn severity, the emissions produced, the ecological (for example, soil, vegetation, animals) effects, the home destruction, postfire rehabilitation activities, and the social and economic issues surrounding the Hayman Fire. The Hayman Fire Case Study revealed much about wildfires and their interactions with both the social and natural environments. As the largest fire in Colorado history it had a profound impact both locally and nationally. The findings of this study will inform both private and public decisions on the management of natural resources and how individuals, communities, and organizations can prepare for wildfire events.

Keywords: Wildfire, fuel treatments, wildfire behavior, social and economic wildfire effects, ecological effects of wildfires

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Hayman Fire Case Study: Summary
Russell T. Graham
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Fire Behavior, Fuel Treatments, and Fire Suppression on the Hayman Fire
Mark A. Finney, Roberta Bartlette, Larry Bradshaw, Kelly Close, Brandon M. Collins, Paul Gleason, Wei Min Hao, Paul Langowski, John McGinely, Charles W. McHugh, Erik Martinson, Phillip N. Omi, Wayne Shepperd, Karl Zeller
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Part 1: Fire Weather, Meteorology, and Climate
Larry Bradshaw, Roberta Bartlette, John McGinely, Karl Zeller
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Part 2: Description and Interpretations of Fire Behavior
Mark A. Finney, Charles W. McHugh, Roberta Bartlette, Kelly Close, Paul Langowski
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Part 3: Effects of Fuel Treatments on Fire Severity
Erik Martinson, Phillip N. Omi, Wayne Shepperd
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Part 4: Relation of Roads to Burn Severity
Charles W. McHugh and Mark A. Finney
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Part 5: Fire Suppression Activities
Charles W. McHugh, Paul Gleason
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Part 6: Daily Emissions
Wei Min Hao
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Ecological Effects of the Hayman Fire

Part 1: Historical (Pre-1860) and Current (1860 ­ 2002) Fire Regimes
William H. Romme, Thomas T. Veblen, Merrill R. Kaufmann, Rosemary Sherriff, and Claudia M. Regan
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Part 2: Historical (Pre-1860) and Current (1860-2002) Forest and Landscape Structure
William H. Romme, Merrill Kaufmann, Thomas T. Veblen, Rosemary Sherriff, and Claudia Regan
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Part 3: Soil Properties, Erosion, and Implications for Rehabilitation and Aquatic Ecosystems
Jan E. Cipra, Eugene F. Kelly, Lee MacDonald, and John Norman
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Part 4: Forest Succession
William H. Romme, Claudia M. Regan, Merrill R. Kaufmann, Laurie Huckaby, and Thomas T. Veblen
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Part 5: Historical Aquatic Systems
Lynn M. Decker, Jeffrey L. Kershner, and David Winters
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Part 6: Fire-Induced Changes in Aquatic Ecosystems
Jeffrey L. Kershner, Lee MacDonald, Lynn M. Decker, David Winters, and Zamir Libohova
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Part 7: Key Invasive Nonnative Plants
Geneva Chong, Tom Stohlgren, Catherine Crosier, Sara Simonson, Greg Newman, and Eric Petterson
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Part 8: Effects on Species of Concern
Natasha B. Kotliar, Sara Simonson, Geneva Chong, and Dave Theobald
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Home Destruction Within the Hayman Fire Perimeter
Jack Cohen and Rick Stratton
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Postfire Rehabilitation of the Hayman Fire
Peter Robichaud, Lee MacDonald, Jeff Freeouf, Dan Neary, Deborah Martin, Louise Ashmun
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Social and Economic Issues of the Hayman Fire
Brian Kent, Krista Gebert, Sarah McCaffrey, Wade Martin, David Calkin, Ervin Schuster, Ingrid Martin, Holly Wise Bender, Greg Alward, Yoshitaka Kumagai, Patricia J. Cohn, Matt Carroll, Dan Williams, Carol Ekarius
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Title: RMRS-GTR-114: Hayman Fire Case Study
Electronic Publish Date: September 25, 2003
Last Update:
July 9, 2007

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