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FW: New Development Site

From: JohnScroggins <>
Date: Thu, 23 Aug 2001 11:39:48 -0700

-----Original Message-----

From: JohnScroggins [] Sent: Wednesday, August 22, 2001 12:00 PM To: Jonathan Day
Subject: RE: New Development Site


I hope you've not taken over the -whole- of Sourceforge. That could be most awkward for the 10,000 or so other projects hosted there. :)

Aww, they'll get used to it sooner or later ;)

Seriously, I thought someone had -already- mirrored SELinux over on Sourceforge. Not that it really does any good, as 99.999% of the development work, at this point, is being done behind the scenes, anyway.

Someone has, and we are using the site that you are talking about.. The kernel development is going forward, but my concern was the remaining work tasks. I have talked with Stephen Smalley, and indicated an interest in providing the guidance documentation for the project, that portion of the project lays dormant.

IMHO, there's a right time for everything, and right now, that seems to be to examine the new infrastructure that's going to be used. Will it mean that the next version of SELinux will be more restricted? More flexible? How secure is the infrastructure itself? The new version of SELinux will be using external code - has it been audited? What else can it do?

I believe the timing is good on this ramp up effort.. what better than to have people waiting to test the next release? I would not recommend this(or any other) development kernel be used in a real time environ, but if there are people that are willing to run it on test boxes, and provide input and help make the administrative tasks simpler (which means more people may use it as a part of their solution), I think this puts the project further down the road. maybe?

Until the SELinux group is cleared to release the new code, mirroring the old stuff may be more harmful than good. For a start, it might give the impression that it -is- the new code, which would NOT be good.

Since there is a v2.4.2 listed on the site now, I would have to say: that was not my plan. If this is hazardous overall, then a link to the NSA's website for download would be sufficient? It's already there in the mirror, just eliminate the CVS option.

Also, if there are multiple mirrors (especially multiple mirrors on Sourceforge), consolidation and/or arrangement might be a good idea. If the mirrors are all manual, for example, how is anybody to know, at any given time, what mirrors hold what versions of what? Perhaps you might want to look into a "meta-mirror", which allows people to see this information.

there seems to be only one site on S/F for selinux, and we are using that one to build on.

thanks for the input, really ...:)


Just some thoughts

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Date Posted: Jan 15, 2009 | Last Modified: Jan 15, 2009 | Last Reviewed: Jan 15, 2009


National Security Agency / Central Security Service