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selinux-policy-targeted (1:1.22-3) available

From: Lorenzo Hernández García-Hierro <>
Date: Sun, 27 Mar 2005 18:24:08 +0200


The new selinux-policy-targeted (1:1.22-3) package is available.

Some improvements have been made to the package since the 1.22-2 version, the weird configuration method is not anymore used, post-installation script doesn't add a selinuxfs entry to your /etc/fstab everytime you (re)install or upgrade the package...

Changes are reflected at: selinux-policy-targeted_1.22-3_i386.changes

The package is available at:

Continue making comments, suggestions and critics ;)

I don't want to seem impatient with the SELinux deployment in Ubuntu Linux, but the next 3 months I will have limited time, so, I want to have at least the 75% of the work done (it's around 87% now, just some more userland work and we are done for fine-tuning, etc), even if Breezy is far away from us (Hoary is still not released). By doing this quickly and before others, and as soon as we start it, as soon as we will finish it, we gain momentum ;)


Lorenzo Hernández García-Hierro <> 
[1024D/6F2B2DEC] & [2048g/9AE91A22][]

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Received on Sun 27 Mar 2005 - 11:25:22 EST

Date Posted: Jan 15, 2009 | Last Modified: Jan 15, 2009 | Last Reviewed: Jan 15, 2009


National Security Agency / Central Security Service