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Congressman Brown is a member of the following Committees within the House of Representatives:

Committee on Transportation & Infrastructure

The House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure (commonly known as T&I) has a broad jurisdiction, including federal support and policy related to surface, air, rail, and waterborne transportation. In addition, the Committee has jurisdiction over the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, water resources, federal buildings, the U.S. Coast Guard, and federal emergency management activities. Significant legislation passed by the committee includes "The Highway Bill," Water Resources and Development Acts, reauthorization of the Federal Aviation Administration, and legislation related to the safety of our nation's pipeline system.

Congressman Brown currently sits on the following Subcommittees:

More Information:
House Transportation & Infrastructure - Republican Website
House Transportation & Infrastructure - Majority Website
T&I Committee Jurisdiction
T&I Committee Membership

Committee on Natural Resources

A wide range of issues fall under the jurisdiction of the Natural Resources Committee including energy, wildlife, fisheries, insular and Native affairs, mineral resources, and oceans.

Congressman Brown currently sits on the following Subcommittees:

More Information:
House Natural Resources - Republican Website
House Natural Resources - Majority Website
Natural Resources Jurisdiction
Natural Resources Membership

Committee on Veterans' Affairs

The House Committee on Veterans' Affairs reviews veterans' programs, examines current laws, and reports bills and amendments. Committee members work to strengthen existing laws concerning veterans and the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), such as for health care, disability compensation, GI bill education and job training, home loan guarantees, life insurance policies, and a nationwide system of veterans' cemeteries.

Congressman Brown currently sits on the following Subcommittee:

More Information:

House Veterans' Affairs - Republican Website
House Veterans' Affairs - Majority Website
VA Committee Jurisdiction
VA Committee Membership