United States Congressman Mark Souder
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National Parks


Founded in the 108th Congress, the bipartisan National Parks Caucus is dedicated to furthering the awareness in Congress of the needs of America’s national parks.  Here is an alphabetical list of its members:

Rep. Brian Baird, Co-Chairman
Rep. Sherwood Boehlert
Rep. Jeb Bradley
Rep. Henry Brown
Rep. Lois Capps
Rep. Ed Case
Rep. Jerry Costello
Rep. Bill Delahunt
Rep. Norman Dicks
Rep. John Duncan
Rep. Vernon Ehlers
Rep. Sam Farr
Rep. Bob Filner
Rep. Wayne Gilchrest
Rep. Bob Goodlatte
Rep. Bart Gordon
Rep. Raul Grijalva
Rep. Rush Holt
Rep. Jay Inslee
Rep. Ed Markey
Rep. Jim Matheson
Rep. Betty McCollum
Rep. Jim McDermott
Rep. Candice Miller
Rep. George Miller
Rep. Richard Neal
Rep. Tom Petri
Rep. Adam Smith
Rep. Vic Snyder
Rep. Mark Souder, Co-Chairman
Rep. Pete Stark
Rep. Mike Thompson
Rep. Mark Udall
Rep. Tom Udall
Rep. Chris Van Hollen
Rep. Pete Visclosky
Rep. Lynn Woolsey