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12.19.2007 Delivering Tax Relief to Hoosiers
Congressman Ellsworth discusses his support for exempting middle-class Americans from the Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT). The AMT was originally implemented to ensure very wealthy individuals do not avoid paying income tax, but because it is not adjusted for inflation, the tax now threatens to raise taxes on 35,450 middle-class families in the 8th District alone.

12.13.07 Extending the "Do Not Call" List
This week the House approved extending the "Do Not Call" list permanently. Congressman Ellsworth talks about this program to prevent unwanted telemarketing solicitations, as well as his support for extending it permanently.

12.06.07 Putting America on a Path Toward Energy Independence

Congressman Ellsworth talks about his support for a compromise energy package designed to put America on the path to energy independence. The bill includes a historic increase in the fuel economy standard for new cars and trucks to 35 miles per gallon by 2020. This is the first increase since 1975 and, once implemented, could save Hoosier families an average of $700-$1000 per year at the pump. In addition, the bill includes incentives to boost the production of home-grown energy sources.listenhere 



11.06.07 Getting Tough on Illegal Immigration -- Bipartisan Group Introduces SAVE Act
A bipartisan group of lawmakers unveiled the Secure America through Verification and Employment (SAVE) Act during a Capitol Hill press conference. The bill aims to combat illegal immigration by strengthening border security, ensuring legal employment verification, and enforcing current laws.


10.30.07 House Debates CJ's Home Protection Act
CJ's Home Protection Act, which requires new manufactured and mobile homes to be equipped with weather radios, was debated on the floor of the House of Representatives. The bill passed with broad bipartisan support.

10.26.07 The New Direction -- The House Casts its 1000th Vote
Congressman Ellsworth marks the 1000th vote taken by the U.S. House of Representatives this year by highlighting some of the accomplishments of the new Congress including passing historic investments in veterans' health care, implementing the 9/11 Commission's recommendations, raising the minimum wage, and cutting taxes for small businesses.listenhere 

10.15.07 No Child Left Behind Tele-TownHall with Chairman George Miller
Congressman Ellsworth hosted a telephone town hall with House Education and Labor Committee Chairman George Miller and 8th District teachers and administrators to discuss reauthorization of the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act.


09.27.07 Providing Health Care to Hoosier Kids
Congressman Ellsworth voices his support for reauthorizing the State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP). The bipartisan, compromise legislation will provide health care coverage to 10 million American children whose parents work, but are unable to afford private health insurance. Ellsworth also expressed his hope that President Bush will sign the legislation.

09.20.07 Protecting Hoosiers' Homes
Congressman Ellsworth discusses the recent subprime mortgage loan market crisis and his support for the Expanding American Homeownership Act. The bill modernizes and empowers the Federal Housing Administration -- which provides a reliable source of affordable mortgage loans to first-time homebuyers -- to serve more families and offer more refinancing options to homeowners who need assistance meeting their mortgage payments. Indiana was recently ranked 10th in the nation for the highest number of foreclosures.listenhere  

09.06.07 Improving Mineworkers' Safety

Congressman Ellsworth announces the introduction of a bill to help mining companies improve miner's safety during an accident. The bill, introduced on September 6th, strengthens and extends current tax incentives for companies to purchase advanced mine safety equipment such as electronic tracking devices to locate miners, additional oxygen supplies stored in mines, and other equipment that goes above and beyond current safety equipment requirements.listenhere 


08.01.07 Protecting Communities from Terrorism
Congressman Ellsworth discusses the House's passage of a bill to implement the 9/11 Commission's recommendations and expresses his hope that President Bush will sign the measure into law. Three years ago, the bipartisan commission, led by former Indiana Congressman Lee Hamilton, submitted recommendations to better protect Americans from terrorism.


07.24.07 Giving Hoosiers a Raise
Today, the minimum wage will increase for the first time in a decade -- from $5.15 per hour to $5.85 per hour, the first of three steps to raise the minimum wage to $7.25 per hour over two years. Congressman Ellsworth talks about his support for the pay raise and his efforts to help grow and strengthen small businesses that employ minimum wage workers.

07.12.07 Making College Affordable for Hoosiers
Congressman Ellsworth discusses the College Cost Reduction Act which represents the single largest investment in college financial aid since the GI Bill -- $18 billion over the next five years.listenhere  


06.27.07 Standing Up for Our Beliefs
Congressman Ellsworth talks about letters he sent to House Democratic Leadership expressing his unequivocal opposition to amnesty provisions as part of any immigration reform legislation that may be considered by the House.


06.21.07 Capitol Hill Press Conference with Kathryn Martin
Congressman Ellsworth joins Congressmen Spencer Bachus (AL) and Dennis Moore (KS), and Congresswoman Kay Granger (TX) in introducing the CJ's Home Protection Act. Tornado survivor and advocate Kathryn Martin and Indiana State Rep. Phil Hoy (D-Evansville) joined the lawmakers in a Capitol Hill press conference to unveil the federal initiative.


06.07.07 Cleaning Up Washington

Congressman Ellsworth describes his recent efforts to change the way Washington works. He co-sponsored legislation with Republican Congressman Jim Jordan (OH) to increase penalties for public officials convicted of bribery and similar crimes. He also co-sponsored legislation to strip disgraced members of their Congressional pensions.



05.29.07 Protecting Hoosiers at the Pump
Congressman Ellsworth discusses skyrocketing prices at the pump and the steps he is taking in Washington to bring Hoosiers relief and kick our foreign oil habit.listenhere 

05.23.07 No Amnesty!
Congressman Ellsworth discusses his opposition to amnesty provisions in an immigration bill currently under consideration by the Senate and promises to vote against any legislation containing similar provisions in the House.listenhere 

05.17.07  Protecting Indiana Communities
Congressman Ellsworth voices his support for the COPS Improvement Act which could provide local law enforcement in the 8th District with up to $1.9 million in funding to hire new officers, upgrade technology, and fight methamphetamines in our communities.listenhere 

05.11.07 Protecting U.S. Troops
Congressman Ellsworth discusses provisions in the 2008 Defense Authorization bill to provide U.S. troops with weapons, equipment and training they need to complete their missions. The bill was passed unanimously by the House Armed Services Committee, and received overwhelming bipartisan support by the House of Representatives.listenhere 

05.03.07 Giving Hoosier Children a Head Start
Congressman Ellsworth voices his support for Head Start reauthorization. The Congressman offered an amendment to recognize the contributions of faith-based and community organizations providing these services to their communities.listenhere


04.26.07 Cracking Down on Tax Cheat Contractors

Congressman Ellsworth describes legislation he introduced to ensure companies that receive federal contracts are not delinquent in paying their federal taxes.

04.20.07 Fighting Illegal Immigration
- Protecting American Workers
Congressman Ellsworth discusses legislation he introduced to hold employers accountable for hiring illegal immigrants. The bill establishes a mandatory employment verification system so that employers can ensure their workforces are legal.



03.28.07 Fighting for Our National Guard Troops
Congressman Ellsworth describes a House Armed Services Committee to investigate readiness levels of National Guard troops.listenhere 

03.22.07 Supporting Troops, Getting Tougher on Terrorism, Holding Iraqis Accountable

Congressman Ellsworth discusses his support for an emergency funding measure to support U.S. troops, get tough on terrorism, and hold Iraqis accountable for their own destiny.

03.15.07 Cracking Down on No-Bid Contracts

Congressman Ellsworth discusses legislation to crack down on no-bid contracts and protect taxpayers' dollars.

03.08.07 Easing Tax Burdens on Hoosier Parents

Congressman Ellsworth discusses the first bill he introduced in Congress: the Child Tax Relief Act. The bill doubles the child tax credit from $1,000 to $2,000 in the first year of the child's life.


02.27.07 Indiana National Guard Readiness
Congressman Ellsworth discusses the possible early redeployment of Indiana National Guard troops to Iraq and raises concerns about reports of weapons and equipment shortages.

WAMW Interview - Open Door Listening Tour
Congressman Ellsworth sits down with DeWayne Shake of WAMW to discuss his Open Door Listening Tour. The tour included 26 stops in 18 counties in just over 4 days.


02.07.07 Increase Fiscal Accountability in Iraq

Congressman Ellsworth discusses a Blue Dog Coalition resolution to provide increased oversight and accountability of Iraq funding.



01.23.07 State of the Union - Moving Forward Together
Congressman Ellsworth responds to President Bush's State of the Union address.listenhere 

01.18.07 Putting Hoosiers First
- College Affordability & Home-Grown Energy
Congressman Ellsworth discusses legislation passed in the first 100 hours of the legislative session including cutting interest rates for student loans and investing in home-grown energy sources.

Providing for Americans' Security
Congressman Ellsworth discusses legislation passed in the first 100 hours of the legislative session including implementing 9/11 Commission recommendations, giving Hoosier families a raise, and lowering the prices of prescription drugs.

Open Door Policy
Congressman Ellsworth discusses his open door policy for the people of the 8th District after he is sworn in as a member of the 110th Congress.

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