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Women in American Cryptology Creating the Legacy

Dorothy Blum

Dorothy Blum

Dorothy Blum began her cryptologic career with the Army Security Agency in 1944. During thirty-six years of distinguished service at NSA, Mrs. Blum significantly changed the way NSA did cryptanalysis.

As a technical expert, she was a pioneer in the use of computers to manipulate and automatically process data. She spent much of her career in the computer science field and in 1972 was appointed chief of the Computer Operations Organization, C7. At that time, she was the only woman in the C7 management chain. Later, as a manager, she showed a great deal of empathy for her subordinates and became known for working to enhance the careers of everyone in her organization.

Mrs. Blum was elected as one of the 100 most outstanding women in the federal government.


Historical Document | Date Posted: Jan 15, 2009


National Security Agency / Central Security Service