The GOP Uprising Continues

Posted by GOP Leader Press Office on September 2nd, 2008

House Republicans will be meeting everyday this week on the House Floor to continue our discussion of real energy solutions and to protest Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s decision to recess the House for the month of August without consideration of the American Energy Act.  The act would free up more energy resources by implementing an “all of the above” energy strategy which emphasizes conservation, alternatives, and more production of American energy, and is supported by a majority of House members.  Democratic leaders are blocking consideration of the American Energy Act and have even shut down the annual appropriations process to avoid floor votes. For the remainder of this week, live updates of the House floor protest can be found on the House Republican Policy Committee’s blog.

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This entry was posted on Tuesday, September 2nd, 2008 at 1:23 pm and is filed under Energy, gas, uprising. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

4 Responses to “The GOP Uprising Continues”

  1. ZULU Says:

    The Majority Party is stonewalling so we Americans do not have the best poll of our day “The Member’s Votes Recorded on the House Floor!!”

    Democrats think Americans will not notice what is going on with regard to;

    “OUR ENRGY FUTURE” they are dead wrong!

    House Republicans…..”STAND OUR GROUND”


  2. gregor Says:

    I think she is doing the right thing. The American Energy Act (drafted only by Republicans, how is that bi-partisan, and therefore worthy of bi-partisian vote?) doesn’t take the concern of environmental depletion far enough. I am against drilling for oil in the Arctic coastal plain. The infrastructure needed to put in place for the delivery of that oil is ridiculous for that environment to assume. I would not be opposed to deep ocean drilling for the sake of lowering our dependence on foreign oil. Yes, the habitat is delicate, but is more feasible.
    What about mandating cleaner manufacturing processes for corporations? It’s all about “Leaving the country better than you found it”, as Palin says. We need to do more.

  3. darwin Says:

    Hang in there, your stand has given millions of us encouragement.

    Whatever you do … don’t give in. Anything with “gang” in it’s name should be avoided like the plague.

    No compromise.

    I dunno … between you guys standing tall and Senator McCain’s pick of Governor Palin, many people are suddenly feeling like the government is working for the people again.

    Please keep it up.

  4. darwin Says:

    One more thing … it’s obvious the media is giving little coverage to your efforts, anything you can do to spread the word would only work to your favor. Television, radio ads?

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