
Our nation was founded on superior agricultural production, providing the products and food that sustain our country and feed people throughout the world. I'm proud that Indiana is an important contributor to this tradition. Our farmers and ranchers are among the nation's leaders in producing corn, soybeans, fruits and vegetables, along with a host of other products. They are also at the forefront in developing the home-grown energy sources that will help us kick America's addiction to oil. Read more about kicking our oil habit

Congress recently finished work on a new Farm Bill designed to keep America's agricultural industry strong. I was pleased to join my colleagues on the House Agriculture Committee to help draft this important legislation that fosters new agricultural opportunities, maintains responsible land stewardship practices, and supports emerging energy technologies. I was also proud to support a comprehensive energy bill that includes a Renewable Fuels Standard (RFS) calling for the production of 36 billion gallons of traditional and advanced bio-fuels by 2022. Together, these measures will benefit the American people while strengthening family farms and rural communities in Indiana.

Learn more about the 2007 Farm, Nutrition, and Bioenergy Act here 
Learn more about the House Agriculture Committee
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