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You are here: Home Standards Process FGDC Standards Directives Directive #1, FGDC Standards Approval Process
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Directive #1, FGDC Standards Approval Process


Step 1.
Develop Proposal - A new National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI) standards project proposal is submitted.
Step 2.
Review Proposal - The Standards Working Group reviews and evaluates the standard proposal. The proposal goes out for public comment.


Step 3.
Set Up Project - The FGDC Subcommittee or Working Group establishes the project and activates standards development.


Step 4.
Produce Working Draft - The Standards Development Group proceeds with standard development.
Step 5.
Review Working Draft - The Standards Development Group submits a working draft for pre-public review and then prepares a committee draft for public review.


Step 6.
Review and Evaluate Committee Draft - The standards Working Group evaluates the Committee Draft of the standard and makes a recommendation for public review to the Coordination Group.
Step 7.
Approve Standard for Public Review - The Coordination Group reviews the recommendation of the SWG and approves standard for public review.
Step 8.
Coordinate Public Review - The FGDC Secretariat announces and coordinates a public review of the proposed standard. Testing and validation of the standard take place at this time.
Step 9.
Respond to Public Comments - The Standards Development Group reviews all comments and produces a revised standard and a comment response document. Results from testing and validation of the standard are documented.
Step 10.
Evaluate Responsiveness to Public Comments - The proposed standard and a public response document are reviewed by the Standards Working Group.
Step 11.
Approve Standard for Endorsement - The Coordination Group reviews the recommendation of the SWG and approves the proposed standard for FGDC endorsement.


Step 12.
Endorsement - The FGDC Steering Committee reviews the recommendation of the FGDC Coordination Group and endorses the standard.