Volume 2 - Issue 5

In This Issue:

ILL Advised's "Topical" Paradise
 -- Away from All Those Winter Advisories!

  2. EFTS Highlights
  3. NLM Sends Billing to EFTS
  4. DOCLINE Reports
  5. Future Look
  6. News Flash!

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! BIENVENIDOS Nuestros Colegas Mexicanos!
-- DOCLINE 1.5� Introduces Region Code 21 For Mexico

DOCLINE 1.5 is expected to be released into production in late February. Among the enhancements included in this release is the introduction of libraries in Mexico to become full DOCLINE participants under the new Region code 21. As full participants, they will be able to report holdings data, create routing tables, and use the DOCLINE system to request and lend documents.

Two additional areas of enhancement in the new release includes:

  1. Serial information will include display of the ISSN along with a description of the physical format. If multiple ISSN's exist for a single bibliographic record, all ISSN's will display. The phrases '(Print)' or '(Electronic)' will display following the corresponding ISSN. The following DOCLINE functions are affected by this change:
    -- Borrow
    -- Receipt
    -- Resubmit
    -- SERHOLD Record Display
    -- SERHOLD Add
    -- SERHOLD Update
    -- SERHOLD Reports

  2. Under the Requests module, the Receipt function was heavily modified:

    a.) The ISSN field was moved to its own line -- under the PubMed UI field -- to accommodate the longer display of ISSN information.

    b.) The Verify field was moved to the previous location of the ISSN-- sharing the line with the NLM Unique ID.

    c.) Receipts were modified to accommodate long citations.Pagination field length was expandedto 255 characters and the citation length to 100 characters.

    d.) The Receipts process was modified to suppress the display of the Print Receipts button until all request data has been transferred to the user's browser.

    e.) The secondary window for printing and downloading of receipts has been eliminated, except for Netscape 4.x which continues to require the new window to properly print receipts. Netscape 7 will be supported beginning with DOCLINE 1.5.

    IMPORTANT NOTENetscape 6 continues to be unsupported due to multiple issues with this browser release.

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You Submit Interlibrary Loan Requests Via Computer 
-- Why Not Pay for Them That Way?

By Ralph D. Arcari, Ph.D., Edward Donnald, M.L.S., and Colleen Giblin

Welcome to the Electronic Fund Transfer System - or - more commonly referred to as EFTS. If you're not a member, then we invite you to take a closer look and see how EFTS can benefit your library. If you are a member, there are some exciting new changes to be looking for this year.

EFTS, its popularity and its use, is expanding across the country. The University of Connecticut Health Center in Farmington, CT, is home to one of the largest electronic billing systems used by members of the NN/LM. Established in 1996 by the New England Regional Medical Library, the system now has over 700 participants from 39 states and the District of Columbia. Within the last 6 months, there has been a 14% increase in growth as more libraries are choosing to participate.

The concept is simple: the lending library submits a file to the system administrator detailing which loans it wishes to bill for. The file contains the basic information outlined in a DOCLINE request, in addition to the amount it is billing for that loan. The files are processed: that is, the system credits the lending library account, less a 3% surcharge and then debits the borrowing library account. A detailed monthly statement shows each library exactly what it collected, what it paid for, and the other library in each transaction, in addition to request number and citation data. While third party front-end software, such as QuickDOC, Clio and ILLiad, make quick work of creating a data file, they are not needed in order to participate in EFTS.

2002 saw a number of highlights in EFTS:

  1. In May of 2002, the National Library of Medicine announced its support of EFTS as a national initiative, as well as its own anticipated participation in 2003.
  2. A 3-year contract was signed between EFTS and NLM in the fall of 2002.
  3. The NN/LM DOCLINE Coordinators were involved in a review of the new EFTS website and NLM assisted in implementing many of the suggestions. (Take a moment to glance over the website at http://efts.uchc.edu. The revised pages should debut by March of 2003.)
  4. The EFTS-L listserv was created. (Both current and interested parties should subscribe. Announcements of new members are routinely posted, as well as developments in the EFTS office.) The listserv is open to comment by those who are using EFTS and inquires by those who are thinking of using EFTS. Please feel free to make comments/inquiries as needed to assist in your decision-making process. As always, your general comments are also welcome. To sign on, go to http://library.uchc.edu/efts/listserv.html
  5. EFTS was given the ability to make note in the DOCUSER record, as well as the library group EFTS, as new libraries establish participation. Libraries can now use this information to assist with routing table decisions.

2003 is also beginning with a bang!!

  • The RFP to have EFTS upgraded to a web-based product was approved by NLM in January and sent out in early February. We are very excited about the potential for our participants. With this upgrade you will see many improvements:

    -- Secure online accounts.
    -- The ability to view account information in real time.
    -- Access statements from your PC whenever you choose.
    -- Improved decision-making tools are also anticipated among the changes.
    -- A vendor should be selected by the spring with development to commence shortly thereafter.
    -- The EFTS office has been running test files submitted by the NLM.
    -- Look for announcements from NLM, as they move forward with preparation for migration to     EFTS for their DOCLINE billing.
  • Invitations to nominate members for the EFTS Advisory Committee were sent out in February 2003. This group will assist with insuring that regional perspectives will be represented.

  • On a final note, if you are planning on attending MLA in San Diegothis year, take an opportunity to look us up. We will be holding an informal meeting, available at the NLM exhibit booth and will have a Chapter Sharing Roundtable. We look forward to seeing you in San Diego!

    If you are a current participant, please review the EFTS Policies and Procedures available on the website, if you haven't done so recently. Also, make it a point to join EFTS-L, in order to stay current with ongoing developments.

    If your library is considering, or is planning to join EFTS, take a look at the FAQ's on the website. Our office is fully staffed and we look forward working with you and answering your questions. As always, you can give us a call toll free at 1-866-561-5045, drop us an e-mail at efts@uchc.edu or visit the website at http://efts.uchc.edu. We look forward to hearing from you!

    The EFTS Staff, Ralph, Colleen & Ed

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    In May 2002, at the Medical Library Association Conference in Dallas, Texas, NLM announced that it would participate in the Electronic Funds Transfer System (EFTS) managed by the University of Connecticut Health Center (UCHC, Farmington). Information about the Electronic Funds Transfer System is available at http://efts.uchc.edu.

    During the past few months NLM has been working closely with EFTS staff to ensure that EFTS can process NLM's billing transactions for its document delivery services. EFTS has successfully processed files sent by NLM.

    NLM will begin sending the quarterly billing transactions for April-June 2003 to EFTS in July 2003. In order for NLM to send billing transactions to EFTS, your library's DOCUSER record must indicate that you participate in EFTS.

    NLM will continue to offer billing to its customers through the National Technical Information Service (NTIS). Billing transactions will be sent to either NTIS or EFTS depending on information in each library's DOCUSER record on the day that NLM creates its billing transactions. If a library's DOCUSER record has "Participates in EFTS" marked YES, then the library's billing transactions will be sent to EFTS. If a library's DOCUSER record has "Participates in EFTS" marked NO, then the library's billing transactions will be sent to NTIS. Once NLM prepares its billing files, it cannot be changed. Therefore, it's important that your library's DOCUSER record has the correct information regarding participation in EFTS. We encourage all DOCLINE participants to review their DOCUSER record to ensure that NLM will send your billing information to the correct organization.

    The EFTS fields cannot be edited by Network Libraries. The EFTS fields can only be updated by your RML or the EFTS office. To review your DOCUSER record, select DOCUSER from the DOCLINE main menu, and then select Update. Click on the Interlibrary Loan Tab. Under the "Select ILL Information Category" drop-down menu, select ILL Services. Use the Contact RML link on the ILL Services page in DOCUSER to notify your regional DOCLINE coordinator of any changes that you wish to make or contact the EFTS office at 1-866-561-5045.

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    There's a Whole Range of DOCLINE Delectables to Download
     -- What Are You Waiting For?

    DOCLINE statistical reports are maintained on the server at NLM for up to two quarters and then they are permanently removed. Unfortunately, the Apr-Jun 2002 quarterly reports are no longer available, nor are they recoverable by NLM. Both in the DOCLINE classes and in the DOCLINE Overview manual, we've tried to stress the importance of making a physical copies of quarterly reports as soon as they are made available. Right now, those would be for Jul-Sep 2002 and Sep-Dec 2002. They include:

    • 1-1A, 1-11A, 1-1AT - Summary DOCLINE Borrower Statistics
    • 1-1B - Summary DOCLINE Lender Statistics
    • 1-2A, 1-22A - Detailed DOCLINE Borrower Statistics
    • 1-2B - Detailed DOCLINE Lender Statistics
    • 2-14 - Resource Library Quarterly Report - Fill Rate
    • 5-1A - Loansome Doc Detailed Lender Statistics
    • 5-1B - Loansome Doc Throughput Report

    **Please note that reports 1-11A, 1-1AT and 1-22A are only distributed to libraries that have entered requests in DOCLINE for other libraries. Report 2-14 is only distributed to resource libraries.

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    A Look to the Future!

    Would You Like to Host a DOCLINE -- or -- LinkOut Presentation?

    If you would like to host DOCLINE training or a LinkOut presentation in your local area, please contact Mark Goldstein at 508-856-5964.

    Presentations thus far:
    • October 25th, 2002 Bangor, ME
    • January 10th, 2003 Boston, MA
    • January 17th, 2003 Springfield, MA
    • January 21st, 2003 Wallingford, CT
    • February 10th, 2003 Providence, RI
    • February 13th, 2003 Concord, NH

    • NER's Annual ILL Meeting

      Hold that date! -- Friday, April 4, 2003, at the UMass Hoagland-Pincus Center in Shrewsbury, MA, from 8:30 A.M. - 3:30 P.M. The keynote speaker will be Mary Jackson from the Association of Research Libraries (ARL) in Washington, D.C.

      MLA '03 In San Diego

      The Medical Library Association's Annual Meeting will take place this year in San Diego, CA, from May 2-7, 2003.

      NAHSL '03 IN Olde Sturbridge

      The 2003 NAHSL Conference Planning Committee looks forward to your participation at their next annual conference "Lighting the Future," October 26-28, 2003, to be held at the Sturbridge Host Hotel and Conference Center on Cedar Lake, Sturbridge, MA.

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      Congratulations Are in Order

      In honor of their work on EFTS, Ralph Arcari and Ed Donnald are the recipients of the 2003 ISI/Frank Bradway Rogers Information Advancement Award, which will be presented to them at the MLA Annual Meeting in SanDiego this coming May

      On behalf of the entire NER Regional office, we wish Ralph and Ed a hearty congratulations on their award. We appreciate their extensive efforts in elevating the EFTS program to national prominence.

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      Mark Goldstein, DOCLINE Coordinator

      NLM | NN/LM | NER

      Comments to:
      University of Massachusetts Medical School
      222 Maple Avenue Shrewsbury, MA 01545
      Phone:  800-338-7657
      Fax:  508-856-5977