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2008 NSDI Cooperative Agreements Program

2008 CAP projects listed by category with category descriptions.

The 2008 CAP announcement is available here. Over $1.1 millon was granted under this year's program.

Go to Category: 1 2 3 4 5 6

Category 1: Metadata Trainer and Outreach Assistance provides assistance to organizations with NSDI expertise knowledge and experience in assisting other organizations with the training and implementation of metadata, clearinghouse or web mapping services.
Up to $25,000 per project, 4 projects.

George Mason University
Joint Center for Intelligent Spatial Computing (CISC)
Fairfax, Virginia
Phil Yang

Sonoma Ecology Center
Sonoma, California
Deanne DiPietro

Innovate!, Inc.
Alexandria, Virginia
Jessica Zichichi

Northern Arizona University
Merriam-Powell Center for Environmental Research

Flagstaff, Arizona
Neil Cobb

Category 2: Best Practices in Geospatial Service Oriented Architecture (SOA)
In support of the goals of the Geospatial Line of Business (LoB), the effective design and deployment of Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) using Web Services will determine the success of shared access to geospatial data and applications. This category seeks joint proposals from federal government and industry leaders to design, deploy, and document reusable geospatial services and applications using SOA. Solutions are sought that satisfy multi-agency requirements through the modeling and deployment of business processes through related data and service components. Documentation of implemented best practices is required to identify and educate federal agencies on the issues of design, implementation, and application for use in future government-wide services associated with the Geospatial LoB.
Up to $100,000 per project, 3 projects.

CubeWerx USA
Alexandria, Virginia
Jeff Harrison

Indiana University
The Polis Center-IUPUI (Polis)
Community Grids Lab

Indianapolis, Indiana
David Bodenhamer

Image Matters, LLC
Leesburg, Virginia
John Davidson

Category 3: Fifty States Initiative
Projects will develop and implement statewide strategic and business plans that will facilitate the coordination of programs, policies, technologies, and resources that enable the coordination, collection, documentation, discovery, distribution, exchange and maintenance of geospatial information in support of the NSDI and the objectives of the Fifty States Initiative Action Plan.
Up to $50,000 per project, 8 projects. Go here for more information about this initiative.

Jon Gottsegen

Danielle Ayan

Ron Salz

Gail Ewart

Larry Zink

Melissia Hinton

South Carolina
Timothy De Troy

Virgin Islands
Theresa Anduze-Parris

Category 4: Joint Canadian and United States Spatial Data Infrastructure Project will stimulate cross-border cooperation over a geographic area through the use of connected, distributed data and services. The themes of interest are Public safety and security (situational awareness, management of consequence, and critical infrastructure identification) and Aboriginal and Native American peoples (land and resource management or community planning).
Up to $75,000 per project, 1 award.

Carbon Project
Burlington, Massachusetts
Jeff Harrison

Category 5: Building data stewardship for The National Map and the NSDI will focus on fostering stewardships for either structures data or for transportation data through best business practices. Primary needs for structures data are the geospatial location, classification, and other characteristics of manmade facilities, based on homeland security requirements. Primary needs for transportation data are updates for features, attributes, and geometry to the baseline roads data developed through Census MAF/TIGER Accuracy Improvement Project (MTAIP) sources. The data will be part of a national data inventory of consistent, seamless, integrated data that is continuously improved through the incorporation of data updates from the data community.
Up to $50,000 per project, 4 awards.

Iowa Geographic Information Council (IGIC)
Ames, Iowa
Jim Giglierano

West Virginia University
West Virginia GIS Technical Center

Morgantown, West Virginia
Kurt Donaldson

Minnesota Land Management Information Center (LMIC)
St. Paul, Minnesota
John Hoshal

Towson University
Center for GIS (CGIS)
Towson, Maryland
Ardys Russakis

Category 6: FGDC-Endorsed Standards Implementation Assistance and Outreach (excluding Metadata Standards) will provide funding to organizations to assist in the implementation of FGDC- endorsed standards (excluding metadata standards, see category 1 above). For many FGDC-endorsed standards, there are few, if any, resources that guide organizations in implementing standards. Without resources that document best practices, provide experienced advice, and new techniques, the implementing organization has a steep learning curve.
Up to $50,000 per project, 4 awards.

Coordinate Solutions
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Todd Fagin

Delta State University
Center for Interdisciplinary Geospatial Information Technologies
Cleveland, Mississippi
Talbot Brooks

North Carolina Center for Geographic Information & Analysis (CGIA)
Raleigh, North Carolina
Zsolt Nagy

University of Montana
Montana Natural Heritage Program

Missoula, Montana
Linda Vance

• See the CAP Project Administrative Guidance for information about correspondence, reimbursement, modifications, and reporting for CAP projects.