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Federal Geographic Data Committee

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February 6 FGDC Coordination Group Meeting



Action 1:  Please review this matrix of reports received.  If you find an error, please notify adishman [at], as this document will be provided to the Steering Cmte on February 15.  [matrix

Action 2 :  Please contact Julie Maitra (jmaitra [at] to attend the next Standards Working Group meeting to be held Feb 20. 

Action 3:  Please contact Billy Tolar (btolar [at] if you would like to be added to the standards email list. 

Action 4:  Alison will post to the FGDC calendar info re: the March 21 OGC Emerging Technology Summit. 

Action 5:  Julie Maitra will provide Colin the vegetation classification standard review material after she receives his contact information from Wendy Blake-Coleman. 

Action 6: Alison will invite Ed Wells to provide an update on the Street Address Standard at the March 6 CG meeting. 

Action 7:  Please send Alison (adishman [at] your high resolution photos or status graphics to showcase your activities.

Action 8:  Please send all annual report comments to Alison (adishman [at] no later than Feb 16, COB. 

Action 9:  It was suggested that we pull together the NSDI success stories in section 4 to produce a general information product that will be printed separately or posted online as a marketing tool for the use of all FGDC members.  No plans to do so have yet been made.

Action 10:  Vaishal will post examples and specs for photos and status graphics on the FGDC home page.

Action 11:  Please let Tricia (tgibbons [at] know if anything is missing from Part 5 of the annual report, which contains new information about next year’s goals and this year’s highlights.  

Action 12:  Mike Lee (DHS) will work with Bill Ryder to coordinate a meeting between the SDSFIE and DHS modeling teams.  

Action 13:  Vaishal Sheth will speak with Bill Ryder regarding website training modules for that are shareable across different management systems (SCORM).   

Action 14:  The CG will work to share agency logical data modeling needs effectively – make the information available to take advantage of prior investments. 

Action 15:  Nancy Blyler will provide the CG regular updates on the SDSFIE progress.  

Action 16: Sandra will speak to Shane Dettman about the NCPC efforts to create a Federal Facilities Database. 

Action 17:  Roxanne will send Nancy Blyler information on the LoB funding algorithm – it is also available to those with access to 

Action 18:  Ivan will send his revised LoB presentation to the CG by COB tomorrow. 

Action 19:  Please send John any suggestions on FACA materials by COB tomorrow (2/7). 

Action 20:  John will add a slide on FACA operations/funding to presentation. 

Action 21:  John Mahoney will follow up with Bob Pierce regarding other FACA committee models. 

Action 22:  John Mahoney will provide Alison with a list of State Geospatial Liaisons to be posted with the meeting minutes. [USGS State Liaison List]

Action 23:  Alison will attempt to locate the old FGDC liaison working group’s list of contacts. 

Action 24 :  Please contact Nancy Doyle (nancy.doyle [at] to attend the next Federal Geodetic Control Subcommittee meeting to be held Feb 13-14 in Silver Spring, Maryland (

Action Items from Last Meeting – Alison Dishman, FGDC 

[presentation]  [matrix

Action 1:  Please review this matrix of reports received.  If you find an error, please notify adishman [at], as this document will be provided to the Steering Cmte on February 15.  [matrix]


Standards Update – Billy Tolar, FGDC 


Action 2 :  Please contact Julie Maitra (jmaitra [at] to attend the next Standards Working Group meeting to be held Feb 20 

Action 3:  Please contact Billy Tolar (btolar [at] if you would like to be added to the standards email list. 

A standards implementation workshop will be held March 21 at an OGC Emerging Technology Summit – an introductory workshop for managers.  (There will be future workshops aimed for the more technical folks.) 

Action 4:  Alison will post to the FGDC calendar info re: the March 21 OGC Emerging Technology Summit. 

Action 5:  Julie Maitra will provide Colin the vegetation classification standard review material after she receives his contact information from Wendy Blake-Coleman. 

Q:  How are we coming with the street addressing standard?
A:  Ed Wells will provide an update at the February 20 Standards Working Group meeting.  They have been working on the UML model and are on schedule.  It has taken more time than expected to involve the stakeholders. 

Action 6:  Alison will invite Ed Wells to provide an update on the Street Address Standard at the March 6 CG meeting.

Annual Report Update – Tricia Gibbons, LEAD Alliance 

Action 7:  Please send Alison (adishman [at] your high resolution photos or status graphics to showcase your activities [specs]. 

The report needs eye candy – photographs of work on the ground that we can showcase in the annual report.  You can still follow the same requirements as the tech specs that are listed in the data call – prints at 300 dpi or higher. 

The review draft was posted on Friday Feb 2 – review period through cob Feb 16.  No exceptions. 

Action 8:  Please send all annual report comments to Alison (adishman [at] no later than Feb 16, COB. 

Requested changes:
Shorten the length of the document–
-         Cut lead story
-         Will cut 20% for printed version
-         make more succinct; combine sections 2 and 3 to reduce duplication; move charts to the exhibits section; combine success story info in section 4
-         The full report with all information will be posted online 

Action 9:  It was suggested that we pull together the NSDI success stories in section 4 to produce a general information product that will be printed separately or posted online as a marketing tool for the use of all FGDC members.  No plans to do so have yet been made.

-         Will meet with design and layout people next week 
-         Should be laid out and ready to be published and distributed by end of March
-         Were considering printing 2000 copies, but may do less as suggested by CG members
-         Audience is fed members and stakeholders
-         We need to strategize the distribution process 

The annual report is a useful tool with a number of purposes. 

-         The original intent was an annual report from FGDC as required by OMB 
-         The intended audience now includes stakeholders, SAOGIs, geospatial community of practice and interest
-         Not too technical for folks without geospatial background   

Action 10:  Vaishal will post examples and specs for photos and status graphics on the FGDC home page. 

Suggestion:  A strategic planning session is a more logical way to help the group focus on planning the goals and objectives for the year.  This would be valuable for the  standards and significant activities coming with LoB. 

Action 11:  Please let Tricia (tgibbons [at] know if anything is missing from Part 5 of the annual report, which contains new information about next year’s goals and this year’s highlights.   


SDSFIE Update – Nancy Blyler and Bill Ryder, USACE


5 Year Vision Statement: The Single DoD spatial standard that supports common implementation for Installations, Environmental, and Civil Works Missions. – forums, chats, info on conferences, training, training, help desk, and web tools to check compliance [planned] 

SDSFIE team will create a logical data model.  The team will look at existing data models – such as the DHS logical model created under HSWG.  It would be helpful for one model to reference another – harmonization – may need to do an extract transfer and load between the data models. 

The DHS data model is not setting out to create an uber model for all of the Federal government – the focus is on homeland security, sometimes for official use only -- they are trying not to reinvent the wheel.  It has derived some content from the HIFIELD effort.   

Action 12:  Mike Lee (DHS) will work with Bill Ryder to coordinate a meeting between the SDSFIE and DHS modeling teams.  

The SDSFIE has a huge user base community.  It supports other missions, such as navigation, that we need to take into consideration – we need to move slowly to communicate this.  We will translate and harmonize as they are implemented in the user communities. 

USDA and EPA are interested in the SDSFIE for their many facilities.   

Suggestion:  With the LoB – we should ID where we should do joint requirements analysis. 

Action 13:  Vaishal Sheth will speak with Bill Ryder regarding website training modules for that are shareable across different management systems (SCORM).   

Action 14:  The CG will work to share agency logical data modeling needs effectively – make the information available to take advantage of prior investments. 

Critical need for the Steering Committee to consider:  The logical data model gives guidance to software companies regarding what we need in their packages.  We must integrate our needs into one logical data models so that we can get the software vendors on board, get the private sector on board to incorporate our needs into their standards.   

Action 15:  Nancy Blyler will provide the CG regular updates on the SDSFIE progress.  


CAD/GIS/BIM – Sandra Downie, GSA


Sandra recommended visiting the Federal Facilities Council website (National Academy of Science) to view the October meeting notes and presentations.  

Federal Facilities Council is charged with the Federal Real Property Profile (database of 23 elements describing building performance - a third of the elements are location related.)  

Building Information Model (BIM) is a tool that facilitates the flow of information – a lifecycle process that delivers common ideals to people in the construction process from a building’s birth to destruction 

The middle zone of the BIM is evolving.  It is a geodatabase for buildings – common ideas about space and how to use the geometry layers to translate.  GSA’s public building service is concerned with the interior of a building.   

GSA is required to use the BIM for all building projects; it is reducing costs of construction process.  It identifies security problems and is a great communication tool 

BIM will have a data model like the SDSFIE. 

A courthouse in Oregon is the first GSA BIM project ever – only 3% change requests, very positive! 

It’s important to see that BIM is an enabler – people are pushing this – it is the wave of the future – pushing through the roadblocks of change – it will be a long while. 

Comment – NCPC has worked hard to create a geocoded federal facilities data base for Washington, D.C.  The NCPC database could use the FGDC address model as well as the vegetation and soil models for the surrounding area.   

Action 16: Sandra will speak to Shane Dettman about the NCPC efforts to create a Federal Facilities Database. 

Q:  Do building permits fit into this effort?
A:  Smart building info model – permits were a part of that – proved they could put something through the permitting process with great speed – there was a learning curve 


Steering Committee Meeting Preparation – Ivan DeLoatch, FGDC 

[Steering agenda


The Steering Committee prebriefs will be next week.  The release of the President’s budget yesterday may lead to changes in the LoB dates, but not the substance. 

The CG walked through Ivan’s Geospatial Line of Business presentation in preparation for the February 15 FGDC Steering Committee meeting. 

Action: Please send Ivan any comments on his LoB slides by COB Wednesday, February 07. 

Suggestion:  The vision statement should be altered to read “support” the missions of Federal agencies….  Because it won’t really support every mission for every agency. 

Action 17:  Roxanne will send Nancy Blyler information on the LoB funding algorithm – it is also available to those with access to 

The LoB workgroups are focused on activities that were called out in the milestones listed in the OMB 2007 Passback.  

Ivan hasn’t gotten feedback to investment definitions sent on Dec 30.

All the MOUs were sent out on Jan 19 

Please see Ivan’s presentation for LoB milesones.   

BDR – want to build on lessons learned from 06 data call – qualitative component – will provide more succinct guidance.  Did not receive all info requested during last BDR.  Want to bring this up to a higher level to find commonalities.  Need to defining the middle ground.  Will not use the 06 data. 

Q:  If there is only one agency that contributes to a particular data theme, we won’t ask for info this year?
A:  We do not have a general strategy – we might look at each to drill down to a more specific component of the data theme.  This might build a case for a more sustainable budget for agencies solely responsible for a single dataset. 

Comment:  If the former BDR’s information will be used for A-16 analysis NOAA would like to revisit and possibly revise its response. 

Response:  The qualitative component is focused on future 09 business requirements, priorities and business functions and how people are planning to collect that info. 

Quantitative – the FY 06 BDR had consistency between some data themes – there wasn’t a lot of missing or unspecified info.  We will use that information to revise the excel spreadsheet. 

Comment:  Need clear guidance on the BDR.  NOAA had simplistic questions like do you count FTE?   

Q: A-16 piece – will we use lifecycle approach to begin to come to agreement of common phases, elements and associated costs?
A: This is baseline info – but lifecycle management is part of the subsequent step. 

It is anticipated that a Continuing Resolution will be issued on February 15 and continue for the rest of the year.  There is a possibility that the E-Gov initiatives can begin on February 28, but that is not yet official.   

The PMO will be supporting the agencies doing the work for the LoB. 

Suggestion – Don’t use the slides because they have outyears - take out all FY numbers after 07 and 08  

Suggestion – Don’t use the swimlane slide – transition timeline – just do it in one slide – couple of bullets – focus on the outputs. 

Q:  How will the new workgroups be implemented and will they fit in with existing FGDC working groups?  Are we starting from scratch or adding on?
A:  Adding on – most are planning and investment strategies – new workgroups – additional FTE effort.

Q:  Date of completion for the 34 LoB layers?
A:  Everything is on the table for business model going forward.  Might prioritize and consolidate funds – this is the new FGDC.   

Q:  Revisiting algorithm funding options?  Will this be point of contention?
A:  This is part of the 08 business case for 09 and out.  This will be revisited. 

Action:  Ivan will send his revised LoB presentation to the CG by COB tomorrow. 

Q:  Data calls – when will they be coming back in? 
A:  March 30 but subject to change and then series of analysis. 

Suggestion:  NDOP discussed the talk about joint cooperative budgets.  There are imagery products that exist but there wouldn’t be any effort to ID to bring them into the IFTN.  Might want agencies to ID their products to show why they are unique in the BDR – better compliance with reporting you are looking for. 

Response:  Yes, they can’t just say “other” if they are outside of the 34 data layers, they would need to characterize that info. 

FACA Update – John Mahoney, FGDC

[presentation] [draft charter] [draft call for nominations 

We have developed supporting documentation and material to brief your SAOGI prior to the Steering Committee meeting.  We would like your feedback if there is additional information to provide to the steering committee. 

Clarified with DOI solicitor’s office the recurring themes in the comments – questions about balanced membership, ethics language, and federal members have voting membership on the committee.   

The response was that it would be best to have at least one federal member on the FACA – real value of having some level of having some level of federal membership on the committee – to provide information on federal policies, etc.  The federal membership would likely be at the SAOGI level. 

John has received comments requested more description of the meeting frequency and also for more members and words about geographical representation. 

Please see John’s slides for more information and the FACA timeline.   

We have not yet discussed the level of State participation; it will be a challenge to get the right mix.  That is why we will need assistance and feedback from you in this review panel.  Ideally we would like an individual who understands both the business process of the state and GIS technology.  Maybe state GIS coordinator 

It will be impossible to represent every interest group – can have more at the subcommittee level. 

Suggestions:  You might want to leave a few seats empty until you determine the right nonprofits.  

Q:  What is the mix of members you expect to have – private and nonprofit?
A:  Need to get word out broadly as we can and see what comes in.  Most are probably private sector and then maybe 2 non profits.  Want to ensure those outside government and academia will be balanced in this effort.   

Comment:  Other FACA committees are very effective with as many as 35 members and surprisingly the League of Women voters have been very active on a FACA dealing with hydrographic issues. 

Action 18:  Ivan will send his revised LoB presentation to the CG by COB tomorrow. 

Action 19:  Please send John any suggestions on FACA materials by COB tomorrow (2/7). 

Action 20:  John will add a slide on FACA operations/funding to presentation. 

Action 21:  John Mahoney will follow up with Bob Pierce regarding other FACA committee models. 

Action 22:  John Mahoney will provide Alison with a list of State Geospatial Liaisons to be posted with the meeting minutes. [USGS Sate Liaison list]

There was a mailing list created by FGDC at least 10 years ago for a liaison working group – an exhaustive list of associations and not for profits.   

Action 23:  Alison will attempt to locate the old FGDC liaison working group’s list of contacts.   

Action 24 :  Please contact Nancy Doyle (nancy.doyle [at] to attend the next Federal Geodetic Control Subcommittee meeting to be held Feb 13-14 in Silver Spring, Maryland (

Announcement:  CAP Category 4 has been extended through Feb 24.

Q:  Grants guidance documentation we were supposed to work on – did it die on the vine?
A:  It is on hiatus, it was in the middle of discussions and negotiations.  We are back to square one since Stacie moved on.  We will work with OMB and Stacie’s successors – it is still out there as a “to do” item. 

Announcement:  National Research Council (NRC) releases new study report "Successful Response Starts with a Map" - The recently completed report of the NRC's Committee on Planning for Catastrophe: A Blueprint for Improving Geospatial Data, Tools, and Infrastructure is now available.  The report assesses the status of the use of geospatial data and tools and infrastructure in disaster management and recommends ways to increase and improve their use.  For more information contact NRC at (202) 334-2744 or see the NRC Mapping Science Committee webpage at  Successful Response Starts with a Map is also available from the National Academies Press at (800) 624-6242 or online at <> . 

Announcement:  John Mahoney announced that job announcements have been posted for USGS State Geospatial Liaison positions in  ME, GA, WV, NE, AK, OR, WA, and CA.  The positions are open to all sources.  The announcements, which are available on USAJOBS, close on 2-20-07.