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September 12 FGDC Coordination Group Meeting



Action 1:  Please contact Bonnie Gallahan (bgallahan [at] if you would like to contribute an article or idea for the fall FGDC newsletter. 

Action 2:  If you would like to receive a printed copy of the 2005 Annual Report, please send Alison (adishman [at] your mailing address. 

Action 3:  In preparation for the 06 Annual Report we are requesting your feedback - what did you like about the last year's report, what do you think should be changed or added?   Please send your comments and suggestions to Alison by September 22 (adishman [at] 

Action 4:  Please send Alison (adishman [at] the name of your agency contact who should receive the 06 Annual Report RFI. 

Action 5:  John Crowe will ensure that someone delivers a presentation on the PIXIA prototype at the upcoming NDOP meeting. 

Action 6: Alison will send out an announcement when the PIXIA Prototype Server URL is available. 

Action 7:  Tony LaVoi will provide Alison the contact information for the person responsible for distributing the Best Practices in Marine Boundary Making Report.   

Action 8:  Alison will contact Ash Roach, the Department of State representative on the Baseline Committee, regarding an authoritative source of international boundaries. 

Action 9:  Alison will invite Rob Dollison to update the Coordination Group on GOS and the ESRI contract.


Action Items from last meeting – Leslie Armstrong, FGDC


John Crowe will present today on and their image service. 

A hurricane preparedness WebEx was held July 25 with 64 participants.  The results are posted at 

Alan Voss (TVA) is retiring.  We wish him the best, we will miss him.  He will make one more trip to D.C. in October.  Charlie Smart will take on his duties on the Coordination Group and Roy Teal will likely become the TVA Steering Committee member. 

From now on, the Coordination Group meetings will be hosted on WebEx for those who call in. 

The date of the next Steering Committee meeting has not yet been finalized but will likely be in late October at the AIA Boardroom.  A notice of the meeting date will be sent out as soon as possible. 

The latest newsletter is available in hardcopy and online at   

Action 1:  Please contact Bonnie Gallahan (bgallahan [at] if you would like to contribute an article or idea for the fall FGDC newsletter. 

2006 Annual Report – Tricia Gibbons, LEAD Alliance

[Presentation] [06 Status Graphics Specs] [Status Graphic Example]

The 2005 Annual Report has been printed and is available at 

Action 2:  If you would like to receive a printed copy of the 2005 Annual Report, please send Alison (adishman [at] your mailing address. 

Action 3:  In preparation for the 06 Annual Report we are requesting your feedback - what did you like about the last year's report, what do you think should be changed or added?   Please send your comments and suggestions to Alison by September 22 (adishman [at] 

We would like the 06 report to include more status graphics and stories from the member agencies, stakeholders and academic community.   

The timeline for crafting the 06 Report will be more aggressive than last year.  We would like the report to go to the printer by January 31, 2007. 

The RFI for information and status graphics will go out on October 1 and close on October 31.  You will have 4 weeks to get in the request.  If you can’t meet that deadline please let Tricia know ASAP (tgibbons [at]  

Volunteers will be needed to participate on the review team (it would require about 6 hours of your time).  Alan Voss and Bill Burgess volunteered to serve on the review team. 

You will be informed of our progress through the Coordination Group meetings as well as online.   

Action 4:  Please send Alison (adishman [at] the name of your agency contact who should receive the 06 Annual Report RFI. 

Status Graphics Format for the 06 Report: [Technical Specs] [example]

  • Title
  • Group responsible for managing data theme
  • Purpose of the data theme
  • Status
  • Progress - show change from 2005 to 2006
  • Future progress - goals and objectives for 07
  • Show all 50 States 

OMB wants to see change, growth -- statistics showing how much more acreage or States covered to help quantify your accomplishments for 06. 

Q:   Scope.  What data themes are you interested in? 
A:  All 33 themes from the A-16 

Q:  How will you handle for the themes with co-leads and non-Fed contributors? 
A:  We will have to work this out.  If they are non-Fed it should be noted in the description – we would want to highlight the shared effort.  But it might be easier for the themes to limit it to the Federal contributions rather than show all the data pulled in from non-Feds. 

Suggestion: Maybe each agency should submit shapefiles so that FGDC can create standardized maps. 

Response:  In that scenario we would need to work with someone from the agency to make the map tell your story.  We need that knowledge from the agency so it makes more sense to receive the completed map from the agency.   

Tricia Gibbons led a session requesting feedback and suggestions. [notes


Line of Business Update – Leslie Armstrong, FGDC 

The Joint Business Case (JBC) will be submitted to OMB today.  We have concurrence from all agencies except NASA.  We will get feedback from OMB in the next week. 

The next LoB Task force meeting meets same time, same place.  We will continue to work on LoB.  Subcommittees will be getting started – there will be discussions at this level next month about transitioning responsibilities to the Coordination Group.   

Q:  When will LoB materials be made public? 
A:  OMB is gradually allowing some materials to be released.  The Common Solutions Target Architecture Document (CSTA) describes the goals of the JBC and will be released in slightly different versions for other efforts such as the geospatial profile.  It will definitely happen by February when the President’s budget is released. 

A subcommittee will be formed to focus on geospatially enabling administrative data.  A subcommittee will be formed to create a survey of common services (web services or geocoding services) that exist or could exist soon.  

Emergency Response Imagery Dissemination – John Crowe, USGS

[PIXIA Presentation

The USGS is evaluating a prototype server using PIXIA to support the dissemination of large data sets for hurricane response for NRP/DHS.   

PIXIA ( nui is a file format that enables the rapid retrieval of raster information.  (It doesn’t work with vectors)  It stores imagery in a flat file approach that reduces the time of retrieval – even when it’s terabytes in size.  PIXIA’s business formula involves selling software that enables you to encode your data into the nui file format.  Once you have created the files, you own them and the tools to use them are freely available.   

PIXIA allows you to move quickly from one location to another at the same scale – it doesn’t need to go back to a data base, it maneuvers within the dataset instantaneously.  This is not forward caching like Google Earth, instead it retrieves data from the server itself with great efficiency and doesn’t degrade when being accessed by hundreds of users concurrently.  It will allow streaming JPEG to go to a handheld wireless receiver.  For now there will be limited functionality. 

Q: Does this work with JPEG 2000. 
A: Yes. 

Q:  Has there been consideration to talk with NDOP committee about this?  We should look at this as a way to future archive the data from the IFTN.
A: Yes, have thought about that.  IFTN has funding for the dissemination of data.  We would like to make a connection with NDOP and IFTN.   

Request:  The NDOP meeting will be in Tucson, AZ from Oct 24.  We would like to get this on the agenda. 

Action 5:  John Crowe will ensure that someone delivers a presentation on the PIXIA prototype at the upcoming NDOP meeting. 

Action 6: Alison will send out an announcement when the PIXIA Prototype Server URL is available. 

Q:  Is this a lossless compression? 
A:  The nui files are not compressed at all.  The JPEG interactive connection is compressed.  The WMS at the full scale data is uncompressed but it is when you are zoomed out.  The clip and chip will have uncompressed data. 

Q:  Any interesting on the fly metadata tools? 
A:  This doesn’t address metadata in a forward looking fashion.  Metadata needs to be addressed separately from the nui files.  We will be delivering metadata using a database approach, as opposed to the nui form that doesn’t use a database approach.

Other News: 

The Geodetic Control Subcommittee is chaired by the National Geodetic Survey.  Although their last meeting was in 2002, they are planning to meet in October to revitalize the group.  Topics for discussion will include GPS and satellite systems issues, standards and specifications for vertical data. 

The Marine Boundary Working Group published Best Practices in Marine Boundary Making.  This document offers guidance to the legal person responsible for managing marine areas on mapping, preparing metadata, and writing descriptions of marine managed areas.  3000 copies went to all members of team.  To order a hard copy or download a PDF please visit (  [news article]

Action 7:  Tony LaVoi will provide Alison the contact information for the person responsible for distributing the Best Practices in Marine Boundary Making Report.   

Q:  Boundaries – do we have an authoritative source of international boundaries? 

Action 8:  Alison will contact Ash Roach, the Department of State representative on the Baseline Committee, regarding an authoritative source of international boundaries. 

Action 9:  Alison will invite Rob Dollison to update the Coordination Group on GOS and the ESRI contract. 

An MOU was signed between FWS and USGS regarding cooperation on The National Map (TNM) – a direct link to the refuge boundary website is now available on the TNM website.

The next Coordination Group meeting will be held on October 11.