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Federal Geographic Data Committee

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July 11 FGDC Coordination Group Meeting



ACTION 1:    Rob/Mark Eustis - Share restriction guidelines with the CG

ACTION 2:    Rob - get familiar with PIXIA and report back to CG 9 - maintains image service products but express it as a web map service using ESRI plug in tools. 

ACTION 3:    Leslie - Schedule a meeting to allow presenters to share information via face to face or WEBEx.

Welcome and Introductions                                             Ivan DeLoatch

Action Items from last meeting                                       Leslie Armstrong

May 2 CG Meeting Actions:

  • Action 1:  Vaishal Sheth will provide directions to the Subcommittee and Working Groups to maintain their FGDC web pages. 
    Status:  Complete 
  • Action 2:  SC and WG chairs will designate someone to maintain their web pages on the FGDC site.  Please send the webmaster’s contact info to (adishman [at]
    Status:  Contacts received for Historical Records WG; Geodetic Control SC; Homeland Security WG; Standards WG; Clearinghouse WG 
  • Action 3:  Action:  Mike Lee will provide the Coordination Group with a one pager on the Homeland Security Data Model
    Status:  complete

Business Update                                                               Leslie Armstrong

June 19 Steering Committee Action:

  • Action:  Karen Evans will determine if non-Feds can view the nonproprietary information received during the LoB data call.
    Status:  Inquiry is at OMB General Council’s office. 
  • The FY05 report will be available in hard and soft copy by mid August through the FGDC
  • The FY06 report is scheduled to begin within the next 30-days.  All are asked to provide information and graphics according the format requested on the template which will be included in the request for information.  (Graphics should be acceptable for both print and web)
  • A memo has been prepared to requesting the SAOGIS to update their hurricane preparedness information.
  • The Geospatial Line of Business Task Force has distributed the Joint Business Case (JBC) to the Federal CIO Council, Federal CFO Council, and FGDC Steering Committee for review through July 14th.  All comments are to be coordinated through the agencies CIO office.  The OMB data has been completed and analysis of the information will occur during a meeting on July 12th.

Q:        Does the funding strategy for Imagery for the Nation and the LoB compliment or conflict with each other?
A:        The funding strategies have strengths and weaknesses.  Imagery for the Nation is one of many proposals for the LoB.  There are some challenges requiring more discussion on how agencies invest in Imagery for the Nation.

DHS Geospatial Data Model Development                       Mark Eustis


  • NIEM language is used for the SOA so the ETL fits well with the proposed JBC/CSTA solutions
  • Paul Daisy is a good POC for the GML/XML/UML developed in the data model
  • Data model is on the FGDC website.  Feedback on the model is welcomed 

Q:        How is the geo-enabled information being incorporated into the model process (contact with locals)?
A:        Geo-enabled data is welcomed for the model but not incorporated at this point in time. 

Q:        Structures are not currently a part of A16 but is a critical data layer.  Is it possible to include in the next revision of A16?
A:        Many issues on how structures are classified which makes it difficult to manage.  Mile Lee and Billy Tolar are working on developing a solution for dealing with structures as a potential A16 data layer.  A proposal is due in the fall. 

Q:        What is Project Homeland?
A:        A collaboration with the USGS, DHS, and NGS to develop and implement and automated process for geospatial information exchange, analysis, and emergency preparedness and response on the west coast (Bay Area).

Vote on Geologic Map Symbolization Standard               Julie Maitra    

Geologic Map Symbolization Standard


  •  Review of how the standard was developed
  • Vote results
    Acceptance (Yes) = 19
    Oppose  (No) = 0

GIS for the Gulf                                                                 Rob Dollison


  • The GOS Hurricane Community has been revised and updated for the 2006 season
  • Working with Partnership Consortium to obtain imagery from 2005 hurricane season for GOS.
  • Licensing restriction issues requires viewable but not downloadable imagery except when dealing with emergency response as it relates to Federal Civil and State organizations for homeland security.
  • Next phase of GOS is dealing with managing how people access information in GOS.  E-Authentication is a consideration. 

ACTION 1:    Rob/Mark Eustis - Share restriction guidelines with the CG

ACTION 2:    Rob - get familiar with PIXIA and report back to CG 9 - maintains image service products but express it as a web map service using ESRI plug in tools. 

Q:        Is it possible to point to people who need data pre emergency and do the verification process ahead of time instead of waiting until a crisis?
A:        This is a possible solution but needs to be explored more before a decision is final.


DHS Hurricane Preparedness                                         Mark Eustis

USDA has planned to collect county and disaster information that will include the type of assistance available which could/should be incorporated into hurricane preparedness data.


Agency Data for Hurricane Preparedness                      Coordination Group

ACTION 3:    Leslie - Schedule a meeting to allow presenters to share information via face to face or WEBEx.

Vegetation Subcommittee Update                                  Ralph Crawford


·        Update on the status of the vegetation classification standard
·        Final standard will be submitted to the Standards Working Group in November 2006.

Q:        Have them been considerations for alternate funding sources to support “VegBank” such as agency hosting?
A:        That alternative has not been considered but will be further explored as an option.

Wetlands Subcommittee Update                                     Bill Wilen

[Presentation] [sidebar]

·        Update on the status of the Wetlands subcommittee
·        Suggested the committee identify key priorities, those returning the biggest bang for the buck, for developing a strategy on what its focus will be 

Q:        Is there a web based process for adding data to a map?
A:        Not at this time

Discussion/Wrap Up                                                        Ivan DeLoatch

·        Next Coordination Group meeting – August 1, 2006

·        Next Steering Committee meeting date not finalized, aiming for September 18, 2006