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Federal Geographic Data Committee

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December 6, 2005 FGDC Coordination Meeting Summary

Fish and Wildlife Service
4501 North Fairfax Drive
Arlington, VA 22203


Anne Morkill and Vandegraft, FWS - Hosts

Dave Roberts, USGS
Julie Maitra, FGDC
John Kochanowski, OSD/DISDI
Joe Evjen, NOAA
Dennis Crow, USDA
Donald Draper Campbell, FCC
Anne Morkill, FWS
Bill Burgess, NSGIC
Monica DeAngelo, FERC
Brett Abrams, NARA
Billy Tolar, FGDC
Tricia Gibbons, FGDC
Alan Stevens, FGDC
Vaishal Sheth, FGDC
Ivan Cheung, AAG
Carol Brandt, DOT
Anne O’Connor, Census
Bob Harding, GSA
Patricia Weir, NASA
Randy Fusaro, Census
Colleen Cahill, LOC
Ivan DeLoatch, FGDC
Kathy Covert, FGDC
Doug Nebert, FGDC
Chris Clarke, USDA
Bonnie Gallahan, FGDC
Betty O'Connor, GSA
Viv Hutchison, USGS
Barb White, FWS

Today’s Action Items

Action: Please complete the FY05 Annual Report Agency Survey by December 16, 2005. Responses should be sent to Kathy Covert (klcovert [at]

Action: Please provide feedback on FGDC Website Revision to Vaishal P. Sheth by December 31, 2005. Send comments to vsheth [at]

Previous Actions

- Open Action: Ballot concerning Steering Committee and Coordination Group Charters are out until December 16, 2005. Three yes ballots have been received. E-ballot (Word)

- Open Action: FGDC Steering Committee Representatives; please identify committee primary and alternate representatives. Please provide information to Alison Dishman (adishman [at] Steering Committee Membership (Word)

- Open Action: If you are interested in exploring the establishment of a communication and outreach working group contact Tricia Gibbons (tgibbons [at]

- Completed Action: Steering Committee Ballot concerning acceptance of the policy for Recognition of Non-Federally Authored Standards voting closed November 15. 8 votes yes, 1 no. Standard is adopted with changes recommended by DOT. Policy maybe found at: (pdf)

Agenda Discussion

Introductions and Announcements – Ivan DeLoatch

Ivan thanked the Coordination Group for the work of the past year and for its support of the FGDC Secretariat and the Steering Committee. Many significant decisions have been made this year for the future of the NSDI effort.

- The Association of American Geographers was accepted as a FGDC Steering Committee collaborating partner. Their website can be found at:

- Draft Street Address Standard: The coordination group was invited to review and comment on the working draft 2.0 that will be posted at the URISA website (

- Guidelines for Specific NSDI Standards in Acquisitions for implementing interoperability is now available at the FGDC website. Prepared by Elliot Christian (echristi [at] Guidelines (Word)

- The next Coordination Group meeting will be held on January 10, 2006. Meeting site is needed for meeting. Please contact David Painter (dpainter [at] for volunteering to host, and submission of agenda topics.
Agenda Items:
- Mike Lee will present at the next meeting on the Homeland Security Working Group activities.
- Lynda Wayne will present on the FGDC Agency Metadata Profiles Summary Report which is currently posted at the FGDC website.
- Planning for upcoming Steering Committee Meeting

- The next Steering Committee Meeting will be held January 30, 2006 from 2:00-4:00pm at the AIA auditorium. Topics: Imagery for the Nation, Governance…

OMB Annual Report: Reminder and Call for Questions – Kathy Covert
Status Report (Word), New OMB Annual Report Draft (Word), FY 2005 Annual Report Agency Survey (Word)
Kathy updated activities so far. The FY05 Annual Report format and Agency Survey have been revised and presented at previous Coordination Group meetings.
Annual reports have been received from the Bureau of Reclamation, BLM, FWS, USGS (Elevation, DOQ, Office of Surface Mining), GSA and DOC. In addition, annual reports have been received from NACo, NSGIC and URISA collaborating partners.

Action: Please complete the FY05 Annual Report Agency Survey by December 16, 2005. Responses should be sent to Kathy Covert (klcovert [at]

Update on Federal Enterprise Architecture (FEA) Geospatial Profile – Doug Nebert
Presentation (Powerpoint), Factsheet (Word)
The FEA is a business-based framework for government-wide improvement that is being developed by OMB to transform the Federal government to being citizen-centered, results-oriented and market-based. The FEA includes reference models focusing on business processes, performance, technology, services and components, and data as key areas of interest. In his presentation Doug described the profile scope and the performance reference model guidance that seeks to answer what geospatial contributes to performance, how information and technology relate geospatially, and outlines measures value of interoperability planning and interoperability maturity.

-Pilot kickoff meeting December 8th.
- Comments on Version 3 being processed.
- Draft technical editing will be produced December 15th.
- Draft Version 1.0 will be submitted to OMB and agencies in early January.

Subcommittee (SubC) and Working Group (WG) Process for Reporting and Accountability – Tricia Gibbons
Reporting Outline (Word)
SubC and WG report format established that is simple, bulleted items, with a 2 page limit, that can link to information on the Internet. This information will be folded into the Annual Report.

Mike Lee, DHS will present at the January 10th Coordination Meeting on the Homeland Security Working Group.

Annual Timeline:
- October 1, integrate SubC & WG information in OMB Annual Report
- November 1, submit updated Workplans for next fiscal year
- December, Annual briefings to Coordination Group
- September, team leads sign up
- April 1, Semi-Annual Report

Action: Please signup to present on your Subcommittee and Working Group at future Coordination Group meetings.

Update on Imagery for the Nation – Dave Roberts
Presentation (Powerpoint)
Dave discussed the National Imagery Acquisition, Management and Distribution Coordination Meeting held November 22nd. This is an outcome of a FGDC Steering Committee request to create a limited task force to review the proposal, and develop a business plan and budget strategy. Task force will consist of the National Digital Orthophotography Program (NDOP), other Federal agencies not currently part of NDOP, and representatives from NSGIC, NACo and the FGDC. The NSGIC Imagery for the Nation proposal will be modified to include Federal requirements and be published as a brochure. Imagery for the Nation will have two parts; one meter program managed by the Farm Service Agency, and high-resolution program managed by USGS. Initiative was described as being on firm ground to move forward.

- December 12 - meeting with completed actions and draft work plan
- January 10 - update FGDC Coordination Group, present brochure and outline of business plan and budget.
- January 30 - present business outline to Steering Committee
- Early March - executive summary of business plan ready for FY08 Initiative

For more information contact Dave Roberts (drobert1 [at]

Update on Framework Standards Review – Billy Tolar
Presentation (Powerpoint)
Billy thanked theme leads for the efforts in carrying the standards process forward.
The FGDC process progression was described: registered public review, targeted review and lastly delivery to ANSI/INCITS/L1. Targeted review is limited to those who commented during the public phase. The Base Standard, Digital Ortho, Governmental Unit Boundaries, Cadastral and Hydrography has completed targeted review. The remaining standards to begin this process are Elevation, Geodetic Control and Transportation (a-e). For more information contact Billy Tolar (btolar [at]

FGDC Website Revision – Vaishal Sheth
Presentation (Powerpoint), Website Prototype (Link)
Vaishal presented the new comprehensive design and functionally of the FGDC beta website for consistent navigation and style. Website will provide more tools and features to promote community involvement as well as for easy content creation and maintenance. The redesign targets the general public, NSDI stakeholders and FGDC committees and working groups. Working Groups and Subcommittees will need to designate a content manager who can provide basic information and if possible maintain the content. Website rollout is planned for January 31, 2006.

Action: Please review website and provide feedback to Vaishal P. Sheth (vsheth [at] by December 31, 2005.

2006 NSDI CAP – David Painter
Presentation (Powerpoint), Factsheet (Word)
The 2006 NSDI Cooperative Agreements Program will be announced this week. Up to $1,150,000 is available to fund up to 25 projects. Funding categories are (1) Metadata Training and Outreach, (2) Framework Client Development, (3) Fifty-States Initiative, (4) Canadian-US Spatial Data Infrastructure Project, and (5) Geographic Information Integration and Analysis. Program closes February 1, 2006. Awards to begin in early March. Category 3 and 5 projects will attend the NSGIC Mid-year Meeting in Annapolis, MD, March 19, 2006 for strategic planning discussions and to meet USGS Geospatial Liaisons. To download the announcement visit the FGDC website or and search on CDFA number 15.809.