On the Fifth Anniversary of Operation Iraqi Freedom

Posted by Nick on March 19th, 2008

From the House Armed Services Committee Republicans:

Rep. John McHugh (R-NY), Military Personnel Subcommittee Ranking Republican:

“It is clear today that we have moved toward a better situation in Iraq, and that is principally because of the work of our men and women in uniform. Their dedication, commitment and sacrifice over the past five years have been a model to the nation, and we owe an enormous debt of gratitude to our service personnel and their families. I am looking forward to General Petraeus’ testimony before the House in early April. I am hopeful we can continue to safely and responsibly bring our troops home without negatively impacting the security of the region.”

Rep. Howard P. “Buck” McKeon (R-CA):

“Today marks the fifth anniversary of Operation Iraqi Freedom, and while we are reminded of the trials so many have endured to reach this point, we are also provided an opportunity to reflect on the strong gains made over the past year. Because of the U.S. troop ‘surge,’ we now find decreased levels of violence, decreased numbers of civilian deaths, increased security and stability in Baghdad, significant economic progress, and improved infrastructure planning and development.

“Just last week, I joined my colleagues in signing the Iraq Victory Resolution to highlight this progress and to send a clear message to our troops, despite the lack of media coverage of their successes, that Congress supports them and will help them ensure victory.”

Rep. Todd Akin (R-MO), Oversight & Investigations Subcommittee Ranking Republican:

“As we mark the fifth anniversary of the beginning of the war against terror in Iraq, we recognize the great sacrifice of our men and women in uniform as well as their tremendous achievements in recent months. As father of a U.S. Marine who has served in Iraq, I understand on a fundamental level the sacrifices that our service men and women have made.

“Throughout history our nation has called her sons and daughters to sacrifice for freedom. That type of sacrifice has always been costly and sometimes unpopular. Yet history records the tenacious courage of visionary leaders who have understood the incalculable value of freedom. While many Americans were ready to announce defeat and were planning retreat, more dedicated souls have won a spectacular turnaround in Iraq.

“As a nation we are heavily invested in Iraq, in both lives and treasure, but we should never forget that it is an investment in representative government and freedom. We also cannot afford the trivialization of that sacrifice by recklessly abandoning our hard fought successes for short term political gain.

“As stability and security grow in Iraq we need to fully support not detract from the success of our military.”

Rep. Joe Wilson (R-SC):

“In the five years since the beginning of Operation Iraqi Freedom and in the over six years since the terrible attacks of September 11th, the brave men and women of the United States military have served with unmatched courage and distinction. They have done all that we have asked in defending American families by defeating terrorist threats around the world. Today in Iraq, the security successes of the Surge are undeniable. The 60 to 70 percent across-the-board reduction in violence is a testament to the courageous work of our military and the Iraqi security forces. But it is also a reflection of a change in the Iraqi population. The Iraqi people are rejecting the violent extremism of Al Qaeda and other terrorist groups. They are working through their differences in the political arena rather than on the battlefield.”

Rep. Phil Gingrey, M.D. (R-GA):

“There is no question that today’s Iraq is a drastically different place than it was five years ago. Thanks to the sacrifices of our brave men and women in uniform, not only has a violent dictator been ousted but the seeds of Democracy have been sewn in an area that has long been a breeding ground for terrorism. While there is still much to be accomplished, the surge is undeniably working and we must continue to provide our troops with all of the tools they need to eliminate the terrorist threat in Iraq and come home safely – and victorious.”

Rep. Bill Shuster (R-PA):

“On this fifth anniversary of the war in Iraq, I believe we must look at the important gains we have made in quelling insurgent and sectarian violence. We must continue to capitalize on the positive trends we are seeing. Our focus should remain denying al-Qaeda a base of operations and preparing the Iraqi government to stand up as we stand down.”

Rep. Thelma Drake (R-VA):

“Today we honor the sacrifice of the troops who have served in Iraq and the families who support them. Our thoughts and prayers are with all of our military families, especially those who have been wounded or made the ultimate sacrifice in service of our Nation. Our service members have done a remarkable job securing and stabilizing Iraq and I am hopeful that the day when we can turn the mission over to the Iraqis and bring our brave men and women home is near.”

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