The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching
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Custom Listings

With this tool, users can aggregate categories within a given classification (OR logic within classifications), identify institutions that are similarly classified on two or more classifications (AND logic between classifications), or do both to create a customized list of institutions. Select the desired classifications and categories, then click the CREATE LIST button.

Also see: Institution Lookup | Standard Listings

All-Inclusive Classifications

Elective Classifications

Future Update
Carnegie Foundation to update all-inclusive Classifications in 2010.
Classifications Tutorial
A one-page description of the information and tools on the Classifications section of this Web site.
Please Note
All-inclusive classifications are time-specific snapshots of institutional attributes and behavior based on data from 2003 and 2004. Institutions might be classified differently using a different timeframe.
Classifications FAQs
Answers to questions you may have about the Carnegie Classifications.
Trademark notice
Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Higher Education and Carnegie Classification are registered trademarks of The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching.
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