Democrats Concede On American Energy Production

Posted by GOP Leader Press Office on September 24th, 2008

Last night House Republicans scored a major victory for American families and small businesses as the Democratic leadership bowed to pressure from months of protests by their Republican colleagues and agreed to lift the outdated ban on American offshore and oil shale production.  Increasing American energy production is one component of House Repbublicans’ comprehensive energy plan, the American Energy Act (HR 6566), that includes increased conservation and the further development of alternative and renewable fuels.

Media outlets across the nation are covering the landmark event:

Drill, baby, drill (Atlanta Journal Constitution)

But it is a great day for those who believe…that oil and gas exploration should be allowed in promising areas along the Outer Continental Shelf. It’s a great day, too, for Westmoreland and Price. Their speeches to an empty chamber were heard across America — then in Congress.

Era of offshore oil drilling ban draws to a close (LA Times)

Rep. Adam H. Putnam of Florida, chairman of the House Republican Conference, said, “After a long summer of $4 gas, with winter home heating bills on the way, this good news could not have come too soon.”

Democrats concede, will end offshore drilling ban (AP)

For the time being at least, congressional Democrats appear to be conceding in the standoff with Republicans over more offshore oil drilling as they prepare to let a quarter-century ban on oil and natural gas drilling off the Atlantic and Pacific coasts fall by the wayside.

House Democrats to Let Ban on Drilling Expire (Washington Post)

Congressional Democrats bowed to political pressure yesterday and agreed to let the ban on offshore oil drilling expire, a decision that would allow exploration just three miles off the Atlantic and Pacific coastlines

Bill Would End Coastal Oil Drilling Ban (New York Times)

Republicans have challenged Democrats for months over their opposition to opening up more of the coastline to drilling given rising gasoline prices, and the decision to drop the drilling ban represents a Republican victory.

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House Republicans continue to call for “All of the Above”

Posted by Nick on September 12th, 2008

Yesterday another week passed and with it another opportunity for Speaker Pelosi and the House Democratic leadership to offer any meaningful solutions to America’s continuing energy crisis.  Although the House stands in recess, two dozen Republicans gathered on the House floor—as they did through the month of August—to demand a vote on H.R. 6566, the American Energy Act.  Using an “all of the above” approach, the American Energy Act is a comprehensive bill to lower gas prices, encourage conservation, promote alternative fuels, and increase American energy production.  House Republicans made the point loud and clear that when the House returns following Hurricane Ike, Speaker Pelosi owes the American people the vote she’s denied them on comprehensive energy reform.

Heard on the House Floor today:

Rep. Ed Royce (R-CA):

“There is both a long-term and short-term approach to energy independence. Long-term we can expect greater use of new technology such as lithium ion batteries and hybrid cars, but we also have to realize that the technology isn’t there yet. We need more domestic energy production.”

Rep. Tim Walberg (R-MI):

“While back in my district, I met a woman who works as a nurse in an Ann Arbor Hospital and has to make a 100 mile round trip to work each day. She asked her supervisor if there was an alternative to having to make that expensive trip each day. She now works two days a week for 16 hours each day, so that she can reduce the cost of her expensive commute. When I asked her what she would tell Speaker Pelosi, she said that she wanted all of the above.”

Rather than offering solutions supported by a wide majority of Americans, it now appears that House Democrats will offer a hastily-crafted “no-energy” energy bill written in secret by Democratic leaders and their special interest allies.  A “greatest hits” of previously-failed policies and new bad ideas, this latest scheme manages to further lock away American energy, discourage the use of nuclear, clean coal, and alternative fuels, while raising taxes and increasing electricity costs.

While Speaker Pelosi works to provide political cover for a divided Democratic caucus, House Republicans will continue working to provide relief to families struggling with high energy costs by promoting an “all of the above” strategy:

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Video: Republicans Work Through Demcorats’ Five-Week Break

Posted by GOP Leader Press Office on September 9th, 2008

New from the House Republican Conference:

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Boehner to Dem Leaders: Welcome Back … Now Give the American People their Energy Vote

Posted by Nick on September 8th, 2008

House Republicans today welcomed their well-rested Democratic colleagues back to work after their five week break.  Gathering on the steps of the Capitol, Leader Boehner and House Republicans continued to demand, as they did through the month of August, that Speaker Pelosi schedule a vote on the American Energy Act (H.R. 6566), an “all of the above” plan to lower gas prices by increasing American energy production, encouraging conservation, and promoting development of alternative fuels.

Photos from the event can be seen below or on Leader Boehner’s Flickr photostream. More information on the event here.

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The GOP Uprising Continues

Posted by GOP Leader Press Office on September 2nd, 2008

House Republicans will be meeting everyday this week on the House Floor to continue our discussion of real energy solutions and to protest Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s decision to recess the House for the month of August without consideration of the American Energy Act.  The act would free up more energy resources by implementing an “all of the above” energy strategy which emphasizes conservation, alternatives, and more production of American energy, and is supported by a majority of House members.  Democratic leaders are blocking consideration of the American Energy Act and have even shut down the annual appropriations process to avoid floor votes. For the remainder of this week, live updates of the House floor protest can be found on the House Republican Policy Committee’s blog.

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8-29 GOP Uprising Live Blog [1:10]

Posted by GOP Leader Press Office on August 29th, 2008

House Republicans have wrapped up Day 21 of the GOP’s historic protest of the decision by Speaker Pelosi and House Democrats to adjourn the House without a vote to lower gasoline prices.  Following are a couple more excerpts from GOP members today:

Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA): 

“How much is solar and wind power?  They say its 1 percent.  But really they rounded it up.  It’s really .5 percent.” “I hope, as we do, you support the all of the above energy strategy.  But we have been denied a vote.  We have not been able to even debate it.  We have been shut out.”

Rep. Tom Cole (R-OK):

“I’m from Oklahoma where we have oil.  What I want to see is other States have the ability to develop their resources.  But we haven’t had that opportunity.  We’re asking for a vote on the American Energy Act.  Just bring it up….bring it up under an open rule.  Let’s debate and see where we end up.  A majority of Members believe we should be exploring all kinds of energy.  But the Speaker has blocked us.”

Rep. Mike Pence (R-IN):

“Something happened with gas hit $4 a gallon.  If we had a vote today on a bill that says yes to more American energy production and also yes to solar, and wind, and conservation, and efficiency, it would pass with 250 votes.” “We need to unleash entrepreneurial innovation.  We need to conserve.  We need to allow more production.  I also believe the investment we’re making now will, in the long run, will help us achieve energy independence.” 

Rep. Thad McCotter (R-MI):

“We have a bill, the American Energy Act, and it does four thing: it maximizes development of American energy; it calls for commonsense conservation; it calls for free market innovation; and it a responsibly transitions us to America’s energy future.  We need to avoid a situation a situation where we deny Americans the ability to develop our own resources.”

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8-29 GOP Uprising Live Blog [12:15]

Posted by GOP Leader Press Office on August 29th, 2008

Rep. Mike Pence (R-IN):

“Congress has an obligation to come back to this chamber…to come back and debate and to compromise and to develop a long term strategy to achieve independence for future generations.”

Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN):

“When gas was $4.14 a gallon this body was debating the Monkey Safety Act.  You are sitting in the People’s House and this Congress needs to be considering your priorities.”

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8-29 GOP Uprising Live Blog [11:30]

Posted by GOP Leader Press Office on August 29th, 2008

Today is Day 21 of House Republicans’ historic energy protest in the U.S. Capitol.  The American people strongly support our “all of the above” plan to lower prices at the pump.  But Speaker Pelosi still refuses to allow a straight up-or-down vote on the American Energy Act (H.R. 6566) to lower gas prices.  GOP members participating in Day 21 of the protest include:

Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN)
Rep. Tom Cole (R-OK)
Rep. Thad McCotter (R-MI)
Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA)
Rep. Mike Pence (R-IN)

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8-28 GOP Uprising Live Blog [1:05]

Posted by GOP Leader Press Office on August 28th, 2008

House Republicans have wrapped up Day 20 of the GOP’s historic protest of the decision by Speaker Pelosi and House Democrats to adjourn Congress without action to lower gasoline prices.  Following are a couple more excerpts from GOP members today:

Rep. Paul Broun (R-GA):

“America is drilling for ice on Mars, but we can’t drill for our own oil.  It’s insane.”

Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX):

“Fact is, the leaders on the other side truly believe, in order to save the planet, they’re OK with allowing gas prices to skyrocket.  They want to quit using fossil fuels to save the planet.  No nation with a struggling economy ever cleans up the environment.  I don’t know why you’d risk job loss to save the planet.  Long ago, America did have a lot of pollution.  But in the last 40 years we have made tremendous strides.  We can do both…we can have energy independence and a clean environment.”

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8-28 GOP Uprising Live Blog [12:30]

Posted by GOP Leader Press Office on August 28th, 2008

Rep. Mike Ferguson (R-NJ):

“Republicans believe in an ‘all of the above’ strategy on energy.  We believe we should look at every possible form of energy to meet our energy challenges.” “If you look strictly at the statistics, this Congress has been the least productive Congress in history.  We have been busy, though.  We did vote to name the Year of Astronomy.  We did name Frank Sinatra Day.  We did name National Passport Month.  We’ve named 49 months, 27 more months than in the calendar.”

Rep. Lamar Smith (R-TX):

“We are not asking for an outcome.  All we’re asking for is a vote.  To deny us a vote is undemocratic.  We were promised the most open Congress…we have not seen it.”

Rep. George Radanovich (R-CA):

“We have not seen the federal government allow development of resources in 30 or 40 years.  We’ve said no to ANWR, no to OCS.  On oil, we’ve gone from 20 percent imported 30 years to 70 percent today.” “The current situation is not like the oil shock in the 1970s when OPEC simply said we’re cutting supply.  This time we have skyrocketing demand for oil all over the world.”

Rep. Paul Broun (R-GA):

“Yesterday I was in Columbus, Georgia and gas was $3.49 a gallon … about 50 cent less than a month ago.  Why?  Because President Bush lifted the executive order on off shore drilling.  There’s also a congressional ban.  It expires at the end September.  Liberal Democrats want to extend it that ban.  They don’t want us to drill our own resources.”

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