DeFazio Comments on Bush's FY2008 Budget | Print |

February 5, 2007
Press Release | Contact: Danielle Langone (202) 225-6416 

WASHINGTON, DC—U.S. Congressman Peter DeFazio issued the following statement on President Bush's fiscal year 2008 budget, which was released this morning.

"Overall, the president's budget is a major disappointment. He failed to meet his stated goal of balancing the budget in five years, even when he borrows nearly every penny of the Social Security surplus -- which totals $1.2 trillion. The president also makes $29 billion in cuts to Medicaid and $252 billion in cuts to Medicare over 10 years. He continues to prioritize tax cuts for the wealthiest among us over the priorities of American families, like stabilizing the future of Social Security and providing health care for seniors and disabled Americans.

"The president's budget also includes a half-hearted attempt to provide half the money the county payments program needs. His proposal to sell federal lands to pay for the program is a rehash of last year's failed proposal, which failed even to get out of the starting gate because of the massive amount of bipartisan opposition it faced. We must reauthorize and fully fund the Secure Rural Schools and Community Self-Determination Act. Congressman Greg Walden and I will continue to work to pass a one-year reauthorization of the program, as well as to find a workable offset for a seven-year reauthorization.

"The president's proposal for the Bonneville Power Administration is slightly better than past proposals. It would not trigger an immediate rate increase, but it could still lead to a rate increase in the future. I will continue to fight any proposals that would mandate a rate increase.

"There was one bright spot in the budget -- funding for veterans. For the first time in his presidency, President Bush proposed a major increase in veterans' funding to meet commitments to our vets. This increase in funding was long overdue and sorely needed, but may not be enough."