Pioneer Parkway Emx Extension Will Take First Step Toward Funding, Construction | Print |

DeFazio helped created program, Small Starts, which will fund EmX

December 8, 2006
Press Release | Contact: Danielle Langone (202) 225-6416

WASHINGTON, DC—U.S. Congressman Peter DeFazio is pleased to announce today that Lane Transit District's Pioneer Parkway EmX extension will take the first step toward getting federal funding and beginning construction. The Federal Transit Administration today approved the project to enter the Project Development phase, which is the first step toward becoming eligible to receive a federal grant for construction.

The project will be funded through the Small Starts program, a new transit program created in last year's highway and transit reauthorization bill, SAFETEA-LU. DeFazio and several other representatives worked to establish the Small Starts Program, and the Pioneer Parkway EmX extension is expected to be the first project funded through the program.

"The Pioneer Parkway EmX extension, which will link downtown Springfield with the RiverBend Hospital and the Gateway area, will be a great addition to the newly opened Franklin line connecting downtown Eugene and Springfield," DeFazio said. "I am proud that it's the first project approved for the Small Starts program, which I helped create. EmX represents the type of project Small Starts was created to fund—a meaningful, yet affordable transit project that works for a smaller community."

The project is expected to cost $36.99 million, which includes a proposed federal grant of $26.59 million. FTA will make a decision on funding for construction of the project once the Project Development phase has been completed.