Welcome to College of Technology and Computer Science


You'll learn through a project-based collaborative approach to solve real-world practical problems as a part of your education. Your ECU learning experience goes far beyond the classroom to address 21st century global demands so you are prepared to enter the working world ready to make a difference.


From day one, you will work with active, experienced faculty to engage in community service projects as well as build vital business and industry partnerships. Locally, regionally and nationally, TECS students are in high demand upon graduation due to their vast industrial experience.


The 21st century is being led by a technological and industrial workforce that must stay ahead of a very competitive global marketplace. At ECU's College of Technology and Computer Science, we empower students with the strengths and skills to meet this growing demand.

TECS Spotlight

Lindsey Crisp (ECU Alum '94)
CEO, Carver Machine Works
ECU Engineering Advisory Board Member More »