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DeskSaver TC

TEMPEST product descriptions are provided by the vendor without modification by the U.S. Government. NSA is not responsible for the accuracy or content of the product descriptions.

Last Revised: 07/28/2006

Title: TEMPEST Level I
Status: Certified
Category: KVM Switch
Manufacturer: EMCON Emanation Control Ltd.
Model: DeskSaver TC
Description: EMCON's DeskSaver is a secure TEMPEST desktop KVM switching device that eliminates equipment duplication. The user is able to switch between an EMCON TEMPEST workstation and a commercial CPU processing different levels of information while sharing a single TEMPEST monitor, keyboard and mouse. DeskSaver has been designed and evaluated for trustworthiness to ensure classified information from the secure system will not inadvertently be transmitted to the CPU processing unclassified material. DeskSaver complies with port-to-port isolation characteristics for switches defined in NSTISSAM TEMPEST/2-95, RED/BLACK INSTALLATION GUIDANCE, paragraph 4.3. Interfaces: Rear Video: HD-15 Connector Keyboard: D9 connector for TEMPEST keyboard with adapter for PS/2 keyboard Mouse: D9 connector for TEMPEST mouse with adapter for PS/2 mouse Power: 110VAC to 6VDC Power Adapter Optional 220VAC foreign power supplies with European pins style Interfaces: Front Port selection buttons Port ready LED Port active LED System Compatibility: DeskSaver TC is suitable for use with Microsoft(R) Windows(R) 2000/XP compatible PCs with VGA or higher resolution graphics and PS/2(R) keyboard and mouse. DeskSaver TC was designed and tested with EMCON's TEMPEST computers. An EMCON TEMPEST CPU video monitor, keyboard and mouse are required to act as the shared components. Any other configuration cannot be designated a TEMPEST certified system without further testing.

Date Posted: Jan 15, 2009 | Last Modified: Jan 15, 2009 | Last Reviewed: Jan 15, 2009


National Security Agency / Central Security Service