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Historical Versions of SELinux

This page contains links to historical versions of Security-enhanced Linux. These versions are no longer supported or maintained, but are provided here for historical reference. If you want to actually use SELinux, please download a maintained version from the Download page.

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Original SELinux implementation (pre-LSM)

Below are links to the last released set of kernel patches from the original SELinux implementation for the 2.2.19 and 2.4.3 kernels and the corresponding SELinux userland archive. This implementation preceded the creation of the Linux Security Modules (LSM) kernel patch and the adaptation of SELinux to LSM.

Old LSM-based SELinux implementation

Below are links to the last released set of kernel patches from the old LSM-based SELinux implementation for the 2.4.21 and 2.5.66 kernels and the corresponding SELinux userland archive. This implementation preceded the overhaul of the SELinux API, the migration to using extended attributes for file security labels, and various other changes to SELinux that were made as part of preparing SELinux for integration into mainline Linux.

2.4-based SELinux (back port of 2.6-based SELinux)

Below is a link to the last released kernel patch from the 2.4-based SELinux for the 2.4.26 kernel. This code was a back port of the 2.6-based SELinux to Linux 2.4, so it provides the same API and uses extended attributes like the 2.6-based SELinux and should support the same userland. However, it lacks recent enhancements made to the 2.6-based SELinux, and is no longer supported or maintained.

SELinux NFSv3 implementation

Below are links to the last released kernel patch and userland archive for the experimental SELinux NFS support. The kernel patch supported fine-grained labeling of NFS filesystems and enforcement of SELinux policy when both the client and server are running SELinux. The userland archive contains source code for patched mount and exportfs programs that have been modified for the SELinux NFS enhancements, and a README describing how to use this code.

SELinux example policy

Below is a link to a final archived snapshot of the NSA example policy configuration for SELinux. Further work on this example policy has been superseded by the SELinux reference policy project.

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Date Posted: Jan 15, 2009 | Last Modified: Jan 15, 2009 | Last Reviewed: Jan 15, 2009


National Security Agency / Central Security Service