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Signals Intelligence

Flag The National Security Agency is responsible for providing foreign Signals Intelligence, or SIGINT, to our nation's political policy-makers and military forces. SIGINT plays a vital role in our national security by providing America's leaders with the critical information they need to save lives and advance U.S. goals and alliances globally.

SIGINT is a category of intelligence that includes transmissions associated with communications, radars, and weapons systems used by our adversaries. It complements other forms of intelligence that are the responsibility of other U.S. agencies in the Intelligence Community. For example, Human Intelligence (HUMINT) is primarily the responsibility of the Central Intelligence Agency and Defense Intelligence Agency, and Imagery Intelligence (IMINT) belongs to the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency. Together, all of these different - yet complementary - disciplines give our Nation's leaders a greater understanding of the intentions of our enemies.

NSA's SIGINT mission is specifically limited to gathering information about international terrorists, as well as about foreign powers, organizations, or persons. (For information on how NSA protects Americans' right to privacy, see the FAQs section.) NSA responds to requirements levied by intelligence customers, which include all departments and levels of the United States Executive Branch.

A Career in SIGINT

The SIGINT mission must keep pace with advances in the high speed, multi-functional technologies of today's information age. The ever-increasing volume, velocity and variety of today's signals make the production of relevant and timely intelligence for military commanders and national policy-makers more challenging and exciting than ever. While modern telecommunications technology poses significant challenges to SIGINT, the many languages used in the nations and regions of the world that are of interest to our military and national leaders require NSA to maintain a wide variety of language capabilities as well. Indeed, successful SIGINT depends on the skills of language professionals, mathematicians, analysts, and engineers, to name just a few.

NSA has a strong tradition of employing dedicated, highly qualified people deeply committed to maintaining the Nation's security. While technology will obviously continue to be a key element of our future, NSA recognizes that technology is only as good as the people creating it and the people using it.

"Each and every day we are privileged to see the impact that SIGINT has on real-world events, and not a day goes by without our hearing about some positive result that is directly attributable to SIGINT. SIGINT contributes to the greater security of our Nation and that of our allies, and the well-being of our fellow citizens."

William Crumm
SIGINT Director,
National Security Agency


Date Posted: Jan 15, 2009 | Last Modified: Jan 15, 2009 | Last Reviewed: Jan 15 2009


National Security Agency / Central Security Service