Rep. Mike Rogers on Energy Independence

Posted by GOP Leader Press Office on June 3rd, 2008

As House Democrats stand by and watch gasoline prices soar, Republicans continue to advance a comprehensive energy reform policy that will boost supplies of American-made energy and reduce our dependence on foreign oil.

Rep. Mike Rogers (R-MI) is the latest House Republican to not only offer solutions, but present them in an innovative fashion with an interactive presentation on his website and web video (below).

American families and businesses, already struggling to cope with the increasing cost of living and a slowing economy, don’t deserve the Pelosi Premium. House Republicans have a plan to deliver real change by increasing American energy production, promoting new sources of reliable energy, and encouraging greater energy efficiency.

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3 Responses to “Rep. Mike Rogers on Energy Independence”

  1. Russ Eggen Says:

    I’m going to scream if I hear anyone start a sentence with “We need to…” Enough! I know “we need to”.

    How about “These are the steps to fix…”? Solutions man!

    BTW - getting off of foreign (Middle East is what you really mean) oil is nice, but until domestic oil is cheap enough and made available, it won’t happen. “Getting off foreign oil” is just a catch phrase.

    Make building refineries, improving distribution, stop the seasonal variations on the national level (if states want seasonal gasoline, then they have to build their own refineries), and why do we need 3 grades of gasoline anyway?

    What about the useless “environmental” laws? If a law or regulation does not actually reduce pollutions, then KILL the regulation!

    Also tax only at the pump.

    Now how’s THAT for a proposal? I don’t see anything that says the GOP is not going to lose big this year. You brought it on yourselves by thinking you were Democrats.

    Where are the conservatives that are not afraid to tell the truth? Were they buried at Reagan’s funeral?

  2. Snooper Says:

    We have been blog-bursting the below since Friday last (6/6/08)

    The issue of skyrocketing oil prices can no longer be dismissed as the natural tugging of market forces. In the last 24 hours of the workweek ending on Friday, June 6th, flimsy speculation drove the price of a barrel of crude oil up approximately $16 a barrel, to a record high of nearly $140.

    It is way past time for President Bush, and our leaders in Washington, to recognize that speculators in the world oil market have declared economic war on the United States,and take immediate action to defend this country. This is now nothing short of an economic and National Security Emergency that is a clear and present danger to the United States.

    We are calling on President Bush to - without delay - declare a NATIONAL EMERGENCY and:

    1: Suspend all Summer Blends of gasoline and all Federal Gas taxes.

    2: Release at least 2 million barrels of oil per day from the Strategic Petroleum reserve from now until Labor day.

    3: By Executive order, open ANWR and other areas currently closed to immediate oil exploration.

    4: By Executive order, Construction to dramatically increase our refining capacity should start immediately.

    American anger must now reach the point of rage and American inaction must cease now. We are asking you to bomb the White House with phone calls, e-mails, faxes and post cards, stressing these 4 points and do it now.

    Further, we are asking all of our friends, subscribers and readers to blogburst this EVERYWHERE! Don’t wait another minute, this is a GENUINE crisis.

  3. Mike Netherland Says:

    This is rich. The Hill on June 8th featured remarks by our Dear Leader on the House floor following the latest record price per gallon:

    “Boehner touted the GOP’s plan to reduce the burden at the pump and blasted House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) for not bringing it to a vote.”

    But Boehner himself campaigned for an incumbent Republican who would vote AGAINST drilling for oil anywhere. He and Newt Gringrich came to MD’s District 1 to campaign for Wayne Gilchrest, whose record on drilling and other attempts to increase the supply of energy to Americans is clear.

    Thank God, his and Newt’s attempts were unsuccessful. No thanks to them, Dear Leader Boehner now has another vote he can count on (assuming, of course, that Andy Harris wins in November).

    By the way, I am going to lead a fund raising campaign to have Andy Harris visit Ohio’s 8th District and campaign for the GOP Primary challenger.

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