Boehner on GOP Effort to Restrain Spending - 6/27/07

Posted by GOP Leader Press Office on June 27th, 2007

House Republican Leader John Boehner (R-OH) delivered a speech on the House floor today in support of a GOP effort to restrain federal spending.

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Wash Times Editorial: Jack Murtha, Venture Capitalist

Posted by GOP Leader Press Office on June 26th, 2007

“Funny how attempts at congressional ethics reform keep running into roadblocks like Rep. Jack Murtha. … At this rate, Mr. Murtha just about torpedoes whatever chance House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has to deliver on her campaign promises.”

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Democrats promised way more than they’ve delivered so far

Posted by GOP Leader Press Office on June 25th, 2007

“Like the victim of a slick used car salesman tricked into buying a lemon, Americans wish they could return the Democratic Congress their votes bought: Confidence in Congress has hit an all-time low of 14%.”

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House Republicans Target Democrats’ $6 Billion Slush Fund for “Green Pork”

Posted by GOP Leader Press Office on June 21st, 2007

House Republicans are taking aim at the Democrats
’ latest “non-energy” bill from the Ways & Means Committee, targeting their latest invention – a $6 billion slush fund for “green pork” projects.

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The Hill: Groups balk at disclosure

Posted by GOP Leader Press Office on June 21st, 2007

A central plank of congressional ethics reform appeared in danger of collapse yesterday when government watchdog groups balked at disclosing their donors
…Complicating matters, rank-and-file lawmakers have also voiced opposition to an independent panel investigating ethics complaints. “That’s what the ethics committee is for,” said Rep. John Murtha

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One Minute Speech - 6/20/07 - Rep. Todd Akin (R-MO)

Posted by GOP Leader Press Office on June 20th, 2007

Rep. Todd Akin (R-MO) gives the One Minute Speech of the Day on the Democrats’ “reserve” slush funds and plans for massive tax hikes.

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House Republicans claim victory in earmark reform showdown

Posted by GOP Leader Press Office on June 15th, 2007

“Faced with a united Republican Conference, the Democratic leadership backed down on their plan to hide earmarks in a series of multi-billion dollar slush funds and, effective immediately, agreed to allow Republicans to challenge wasteful spending in appropriations bills….”

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Boehner: House GOP Wins Victory on Earmark Reforms

Posted by GOP Leader Press Office on June 14th, 2007

House Republican Leader John Boehner (R-OH) declared victory today as Democrats were forced to surrender to GOP demands to bring greater transparency and accountability to the earmark rules governing the appropriations process.

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House Republicans Are Fighting For the Taxpayer

Posted by GOP Leader Press Office on June 14th, 2007

For the first time in the entire history of the United States, Democrats are shutting down debate on a spending bill. This is a terrible development for the taxpayers. House Republicans stand united and are fighting back.

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Claim on Lack of Time to Review Earmarks Doesn’t Pass Straight-Face Test

Posted by GOP Leader Press Office on June 13th, 2007

Democratic Appropriations Committee Chairman David Obey (D-WI) wants to keep all earmarks secret until AFTER the House has voted on appropriations bills so he and his staff can privately review them all. Why? Obey claims he did not have enough time to review more than 30,000 requests. Not enough time?

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