Rep. Bachmann: Democrat AMT Bill “Will Hurt the Middle Class Exactly When We Shouldn’t”

Posted by GOP Leader Press Office on June 25th, 2008

Originally posted on

This morning, Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) debated Ways and Means Chairman Charlie Rangel (D-NY) on CNBC’s “Squawk Box.” Their topic: the Democrat AMT bill on the House floor today.  

Rep. Bachmann on the Democrat AMT Bill: “This bill is a permanent tax increase to give a one-year tax cut. That’s a really a bad deal for the American people.”  

“This is super-sizing American government growth. That’s not the direction the American people want us to go. They want us to cut taxes, not increase taxes.”

Rep. Bachmann on How The Democrat AMT Bill Will Raise Gas Prices:
“The bill we are going to see today from Chairman Rangel will hurt the middle class exactly when we shouldn’t. … It has a tax increase on American energy production. That’s the last thing we should do right now when Americans are paying over $4 a gallon.”

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Links for May 6, 2008: Democrats’ Broken Promises

Posted by Nick on May 6th, 2008

Democrats Plan Breaking Deficit Discipline Promise Again (AP)

Democrats are finding more excuses to ignore the promise they made when they took over Congress that they wouldn’t pass laws increasing the budget deficit…They’ve already swelled the deficit by $200 billion since December

War funding would break Dem promises (Politico)

In her campaign pamphlet in 2006, which is still posted on the speaker’s website, Pelosi declared that “bills should be developed following full hearings and open subcommittee and committee markups, with appropriate referrals to other committees.”

Democratic leadership aides don’t dispute the fact that the majority has been unable to keep this promise of open committee debate…

Members outraged over flexibility of pay-go rules (The Hill)

“We’re completely overacting,” said Rep. Jim Cooper, a Blue Dog from Tennessee and a senior Democrat on the Budget Committee. “Everything’s an emergency. And an emergency’s a perfect lobbying excuse to get your bill passed that you couldn’t get through in regular order.


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Podcast Update

Posted by Nick on April 9th, 2008


Audio from the April 9th Republican Leadership Stakeout can now be found on the House Republican Leader Podcast. If iTunes is installed on your computer, you can click here to subscribe.

MORE: Past episodes and more information on Podcasts

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Podcast Update

Posted by Nick on March 11th, 2008

Podcast_iconAudio from today’s Republican Leadership stakeout can now be found on the House Republican Leader Podcast. If iTunes is installed on your computer, you can click here to subscribe.

MORE: Past episodes and more information on Podcasts

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Tax Hikes and Irresponsibility in Democrats’ Budget

Posted by GOP Leader Press Office on March 10th, 2008

Today in The Hill Blog, Republican Leader Boehner previews the budget debate on the House floor this week:

This week will be an important one in Congress for America’s middle class families facing rising costs for gasoline and energy, health care, and housing. With the House expected to debate the Democrats’ budget, members will have to decide whether to vote for largest tax increase in American history, designed to finance bigger government and more pork-barrel spending, or support the Republican approach of new middle class tax cuts, fiscal responsibility, and meaningful entitlement reform.

Read the rest of this entry »

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How Much Will the Democrats’ Budget Raise Your Taxes?

Posted by Nick on March 7th, 2008

From the Office of the Budget Committee Republicans:

The House Democrats’ Budget, expected to be on the floor next week, will impose on American workers and businesses a $683 billion tax hike – the largest in history. The table below illustrates how much more the average taxpayer will be paying on an annual basis under this budget:

Tax Table

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Budget Buzz Wrap Up

Posted by Nick on March 6th, 2008

We would like to thank everyone that joined us yesterday as we live-blogged the Budget Committee debate over the Democrats’ FY 2009 budget. Their budget will now move to the floor of the U.S. House next week for a vote. Moving forward, it is our goal to use this and other innovative tools to provide the American people with a more transparent and accountable Congress.

If the 300 percent increase in visits to the site that we received yesterday is any indication, this is a feature many of you found interesting. Please check back regularly for updates and future special events.

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