House Republican Crime Fighting Agenda

Posted by GOP Leader Policy Office on June 11th, 2008

House Republicans are concerned about safe neighborhoods—and understand the need for tough legislation to fight child predators, identity theft, gang violence, and other crimes. According to the Department of Justice, one person is assaulted in the U.S. every 7.2 seconds, raped every 2.7 minutes, and murdered every 31 minutes. That means in the last hour, 500 Americans will have been assaulted, 22 raped, and 2 murdered.

Congress should do more to protect American families and to keep our communities safe. In the 110th Congress, Republicans have introduced more than 103 pieces of legislation to help fight crime, but Democrats have considered only 6 of these—and three of those are resolutions- worthy, but very minor and non-controversial measures . Responding to the anxieties of American parents and families, House Republicans have also devoted a significant section of their upcoming Security Agenda to bolstering neighborhood security.

Curiously, Congressional Democrats also ignored the recent National Police Week (May 12-16th), a time when thousands of law enforcement officers are in Washington to remember those who have paid the ultimate sacrifice in protecting our nation from criminals. Democrats only belatedly scheduled the bipartisan bill authored by Rep. Poe to honor law enforcement officers during the week after National Police Week.

House Republicans honor our nation’s law enforcement officers. As Rep. Dave Reichert, whose 33-year career in law enforcement included catching the Green River Killer, recently said:

“We’re free and safe because of the men and women in our local law enforcement and their daily sacrifices.

Rep. Reichert and House Judiciary Committee Ranking Member Rep. Lamar Smith recently took to the House Floor to highlight Republicans’ commitment to fighting crime:

Part one (Part two and three of Rep. Reichert’s remarks)

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This entry was posted on Wednesday, June 11th, 2008 at 6:33 am and is filed under Families, General, crime, police. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

One Response to “House Republican Crime Fighting Agenda”

  1. Ryan Says:

    Thanks for the links to the videos. Interesting watch.

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