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Retail Sales of Electricity to Ultimate Customers: Total by End-Use Sector
Table 5.1.    xls   format     Electric Power Monthly

Table 5.1. Retail Sales of Electricity to Ultimate Customers: Total by End-Use Sector, 1994 through September 2008
(Million Kilowatthours)
All Sectors
1994 1,008,482 820,269 1,007,981 NA 97,830 2,934,563
1995 1,042,501 862,685 1,012,693 NA 95,407 3,013,287
1996 1,082,512 887,445 1,033,631 NA 97,539 3,101,127
1997 1,075,880 928,633 1,038,197 NA 102,901 3,145,610
1998 1,130,109 979,401 1,051,203 NA 103,518 3,264,231
1999 1,144,923 1,001,996 1,058,217 NA 106,952 3,312,087
2000 1,192,446 1,055,232 1,064,239 NA 109,496 3,421,414
2001 1,201,607 1,083,069 996,609 NA 113,174 3,394,458
2002 1,265,180 1,104,497 990,238 NA 105,552 3,465,466
2003 1,275,824 1,198,728 1,012,373 6,810 -- 3,493,734
2004 1,291,982 1,230,425 1,017,850 7,224 -- 3,547,479
2005 1,359,227 1,275,079 1,019,156 7,506 -- 3,660,969
January 120,419 101,933 81,865 649 -- 304,866
February 104,511 95,713 80,207 615 -- 281,046
March 104,955 101,115 83,264 636 -- 289,970
April 89,374 96,551 81,696 587 -- 268,208
May 94,000 106,442 86,179 577 -- 287,198
June 118,815 115,785 86,630 609 -- 321,840
July 147,338 125,541 88,880 627 -- 362,387
August 150,064 127,655 90,285 630 -- 368,634
September 116,072 114,231 86,364 615 -- 317,282
October 96,246 109,000 85,337 602 -- 291,186
November 94,843 101,104 80,653 582 -- 277,182
December 114,882 104,673 79,937 627 -- 300,119
Total 1,351,520 1,299,744 1,011,298 7,358 -- 3,669,919
January 125,172 107,699 80,139 724 -- 313,735
February 121,440 101,435 77,001 663 -- 300,539
March 105,785 103,342 81,385 717 -- 291,229
April 90,362 101,429 81,283 602 -- 273,677
May 96,368 108,873 85,280 597 -- 291,118
June 117,340 117,878 85,514 631 -- 321,363
July 138,960 124,611 86,870 638 -- 351,079
August 149,978 130,920 90,145 643 -- 371,686
September 129,475 120,415 85,675 648 -- 336,214
October 103,770 115,095 87,330 617 -- 306,812
November 95,892 104,651 83,188 637 -- 284,368
December 117,367 106,325 82,019 619 -- 306,330
Total 1,391,911 1,342,673 1,005,828 7,738 -- 3,748,149
January 133,623 109,646 83,368 693 -- 327,330
February 119,138 105,045 81,678 668 -- 306,528
March 107,602 103,826 83,585 634 -- 295,647
April 92,513 103,506 82,281 614 -- 278,913
May 92,559 108,472 89,497 596 -- 291,124
June 121,758 121,321 85,618 622 -- 329,319
July 144,003 130,907 87,370 644 -- 362,925
August 139,511 127,484 87,189 640 -- 354,824
September 118,343 121,521 84,899 625 -- 325,388
Total 1,069,051 1,031,729 765,484 5,734 -- 2,871,998
Year to Date
2006 1,045,549 984,967 765,370 5,545 -- 2,801,432
2007 1,074,882 1,016,602 753,291 5,865 -- 2,850,639
2008 1,069,051 1,031,729 765,484 5,734 -- 2,871,998
Rolling 12 Months Ending in September
2007 1,380,852 1,331,379 999,219 7,677 -- 3,719,126
2008 1,386,080 1,357,800 1,018,022 7,607 -- 3,769,508
  [1] See Technical notes for additional information on the Commercial, Industrial, and Transportation sectors.
  NA = Not available.  
  Notes: See Glossary for definitions. Geographic coverage is the 50 States and the District of Columbia. Sales values for 1996-2007 include energy service provider (power marketer) data. Values for 2006 and prior years are final. Values for 2007 and 2008 are preliminary estimates based on a cutoff model sample.  See Technical Notes for a discussion of the sample design for the Form EIA-826. Utilities and energy service providers may classify commercial and industrial customers based on either NAICS codes or demands or usage falling within specified limits by rate schedule. Changes from year to year in consumer counts, sales and revenues, particularly involving the commercial and industrial consumer sectors, may result from respondent implementation of changes in the definitions of consumers, and reclassifications. Retail sales and net generation may not correspond exactly for a particular month for a variety of reasons (i.e., sales data may include purchases of electricity from nonutilities or imported electricity). Net generation is for the calendar month while retail sales and associated revenue accumulate from bills collected for periods of time (28 to 35 days) that vary dependent upon customer class and consumption occurring in and outside the calendar month.
  Sources: 2006-2008:  Energy Information Administration, Form EIA-826, "Monthly Electric Sales and Revenue Report with State Distributions Report;" 1992-2005:  Form EIA-861, "Annual Electric Power Industry Report."

see also:
Electric Power Monthly
Electric Power Annual
annual electricity statistics back to 1949
projected electricity capacity to 2030
international electricity statistics