April 30, 2007

CONTACT: Kevin Lawlor (202) 225-1880

Rep. Tauscher Statement on I – 580 Collapse

Washington , DC – Rep.Ellen Tauscher, the senior bay area member of the House of Representatives Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, issued the following statement today in regard to the collapse of a portion of I-580.

“When a catastrophe like this happens, we need all hands on deck.  I’ve spoken with Transportation Secretary Mary Peters to impress upon her how important federal funds will be as we attempt to rebuild and get back to normal after the freeway collapse, and she will be joining both the Chairman of the House Transportation Committee, Jim Oberstar, and me at the site on Friday.   

“We need emergency relief now, we need federal assistance in the future, and we are going to need all these costs reimbursed – like free BART and ferry rides and all the police officers working overtime to divert traffic and keep people moving. 

“In coming days and weeks I will continue working with all concerned federal agencies, as well as my Bay Area colleagues, to ensure that every penny available is used to expedite this process so that we can all get back to our normal lives and commutes.”

