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Diabetes Type 1

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Also called: Also called: Insulin-dependent diabetes, Juvenile diabetes

Diabetes means your blood glucose, or blood sugar, is too high. With Type 1 diabetes, your pancreas does not make insulin. Insulin is a hormone that helps glucose get into your cells to give them energy. Without insulin, too much glucose stays in your blood. Over time, high blood glucose can lead to serious problems with your heart, eyes, kidneys, nerves, and gums and teeth.

Type 1 diabetes happens most often in children and young adults but can appear at any age. Symptoms may include

A blood test can show if you have diabetes. If you do, you will need to take insulin for the rest of your life.

National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases

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The primary NIH organization for research on Diabetes Type 1 is the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases -

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Date last updated: April 29 2009
Topic last reviewed: February 27 2009