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Sun-Earth Connection Education Forum



Email Karen Meyer to be added to this map

To add your profile to this map, email Karen Meyer

To navigate around the map, click next to the point you want to see. Note the zoom tool in the upper left. Also, you can click, hold, and drag the mouse to view areas. (We have placed the institution icons approximately where they should go and will put in the exact coordinates later, so click near your institution to see if we placed you someplace interesting!) Click on the map points to see a list of E/PO profiles from that location. You can then view each profile to get more information.

This is cool! How can I get my profile on this map?

It's very easy for our E/PO community to participate with this map. It's as simple as going to a web page and submitting your profile. To recieve the URL for that web page please email Karen Meyer and ask how to add your profile to the Google Map. Once you submit your profile, you will be given the link from which you can edit your profile at any time. (You can change the picture to one of you on some beautiful tropical island.)

And it's that simple!

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