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Children's Bureau Safety, Permanency, Well-being  Advanced

Appendix B
Index of Outcomes and Systemic Factors, and Associated Items and Data Indicators

During a Child and Family Services Review (CFSR), the review team assesses the State's substantial conformity with the following:

To measure a State's substantial achievement of the outcomes, the review team assesses items (onsite review) or items and data indicators (onsite review and Statewide Assessment). To measure substantial achievement of the systemic factors, the review team assesses items to determine whether the systemic factors are in place and functioning satisfactorily.

The items and/or data indicators associated with the outcomes and systemic factors are listed below.


Safety Outcome 1: Children are, first and foremost, protected from abuse and neglect.

Safety Outcome 2: Children are safely maintained in their homes whenever possible and appropriate.


Permanency Outcome 1: Children have permanency and stability in their living situations.

Permanency Outcome 2: The continuity of family relationships and connections is preserved for children.

Child and Family Well-Being

Child and Family Well-Being Outcome 1: Families have enhanced capacity to provide for their children's needs.

Child and Family Well-Being Outcome 2: Children receive appropriate services to meet their educational needs.

Child and Family Well-Being Outcome 3: Children receive adequate services to meet their physical and mental health needs.

Systemic Factors
Statewide Information System
Case Review System
Quality Assurance System
Staff and Provider Training
Service Array and Resource Development
Agency Responsiveness to the Community
Foster and Adoptive Parent Licensing, Recruitment, and Retention

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