Reports and Publications

Division of Materials Sciences and Engineering

The Division of Materials Sciences and Engineering (DMS&E) sponsors workshops and studies to assist the identification of future research directions and/or to shape future research initiatives.  The workshop reports have mostly been published in archival journals.  Based on the sponsorship, the workshop reports fall into the following three categories:

I.  DMS&E Sponsored: 

  •  High Temperature Superconductivity [pdf2.9 MB]

  •  Multiphase Flow [pdf1.6 MB]

  •  Grain Boundary and Interface Phenomena in High Temperature 
      Plasticity of Solids [
    pdf1.5 MB]

  •  Current Issues in Recrystallization:  A Review [pdf9 MB]     

  •  Elevated Temperature Plasticity [Indexed]

  •  New Directions in Mechanics [1.25MB]

  • Research Opportunities in Corrosion Science for Long-Term Prediction of Materials Performance [ pdf1.6MB]

  • Design, Discovery and Growth of Novel Materials For Basic Research: An Urgent U.S. Need [pdf0.13 MB]

  • Fundamental Research Needs in Organic Electronic Materials  • 
    Synthetic Metals, Volume 148, Issue 1, 3 January 2005, Pages 1-3:
    Summary Plus | Full Text + Links | PDF (49 K)]


II.   Council for Materials Science Sponsored:

  • Molecular Monolayers and Films, J.D. Swallen, D.L. Allera, J.D. Andrade, E.A. Chandross, S. Garoff, J. Israelachvili, T.J. McCarthy, R. Murray, R.F. Pease, J.F. Rabolt, K.J. Wynne, H. Yu, Langmuir 3:932-950 (1987)

  • Enzymatic Synthesis of Materials (Workshop held March, 1988)

  • Ion Beams in Silican Processing and Characterization, E.Chason, S.T. Picraux, J.M. Poate, J.O. Borland, M.I. Current, T. Diaz de la Rubia, D.J. Eaglesham, O.W. Holland, M.E. Law, C.W. Magee, J.W. Mayer, J. Melngailis, A.F. Tasch, Journal of Applied Physics 81(10), May 1997

  • Macromolecules at Surfaces: Research Challenges and Opportunities from Tribology to Biology, S. Granick, S.K. Kumar, E.J. Amis, M. Antonietti, A.C. Balazs, A.K. Chakraborty, G.S. Grest, C. Hawker, P. Janmey, E.J. Kramer, R. Nuzzo, T.P. Russell, C.R. Safinya, Journal of Polymer Science: Part B: Polymer Physics 41:2755-2793(2003)  

  •  Nanoscale Thermal Transport [pdf0.8 MB]

  • Electrostatic Modification of Novel Materials [in Reviews of Modern Physics - link will permit you to see reference and abstract but you must have a subscription to see full article] 

  • “Ion Beams in Silicon Processing and Characterization,” E. Chason, S. T. Picraux, J. M. Poate, J. O. Borland, M. I. Current, T. Diaz de la Rubia, D. J. Eaglesham, O. W. Holland, M. E. Law, C. W. Magee, J. W. Mayer, J. Melngailis, A. F. Tasch, Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 81, No. 10, 15 May 1997

  • “Radiation Effects in Glasses Used for Immobilization of High-Level Waste and Plutonium Disposition,” W. J. Weber, R. C. Ewing, C. Austen Angell, G. W. Arnold, A. N. Cormack, J. M. Delaye, D. L. Griscom, L. W. Hobbs, A. Navrotsky, D. L. Price, A. M. Stoneham, M. C. Weinberg, J. Mater. Res., Vol. 12, No. 8, August 1997

  • “Tailored Porous Materials,”  T. J. Barton, L. M. Bull, W. G. Klemperer, D. A. Loy, B. McEnaney, M. Misono, P. A. Monson, G. Pez, G. W. Scherer, J. C. Vartuli, O. M. Yaghi, Chemistry of Materials, Vol. 11, No. 10, October 1999, pp. 2633-2656

  • “Radiation Effects in Crystalline Ceramics for the Immobilization of High-Level Nuclear Waste and Plutonium,” W. J. Weber, R. C. Ewing, C. R. A. Catlow, T. Diaz de la Rubia, L. W. Hobbs, C. Kinoshita, H. Matzke, A. T. Motta, M. A. Nastasi, E. H. K. Salje, E. R. Vance, S. J. Zinkle, J. Mater. Res., Vol. 13 No. 6, June 1998, pp. 1434-1484

  • DOE Panel on Time-Dependent Interfacial Decohesion, C. J. McMahon, J. A. Pfaendtner, R. C. Muthiah, C. T. Liu, D. A. Muller, R. F. Cook, P. Sofronis, J. Lufrano, Y. Xu, J. L. Bassani, Y. Mishin, C. Herzig, P. Gumbsch, O. N. Mryasov, and A. J. Freeman, Materials Science and Engineering, A260, 199, pp. 1-99.

  • “Modeling Plasticity and Fracture in Metals,” W. D. Nix, D. J. Srolovitz, December 14-15, 2000 (Report exists but was never submitted for publication)

  • “Relaxation in Glassforming Liquids and Amorphous Solids,” C. A. Angell, K. L. Ngai, G. B. McKenna, P. F. McMillan, S. W. Martin, Journal of Applied Physics, Volume 88, Number 6, 15 September 2000, pp. 3113-3157

  • “Report on UC Berkeley Nanoengineering Workshop, August 4-5, 2000, A. Majumdar, J. Hickman, K. Likharev, A. Shakouri, Microscale Thermophysical Engineering, 4:131-134-154, 2001

  • Macromolecules at Surfaces: Research Challenges and Opportunities from Tribology to Biology", S. Granick, S.K. Kumar, E.J. Amis, M. Antonietti, A.C. Balazs, A.K. Chakraborty, G.S. Grest, C. Hawker, P. Janmey, E.J. Kramer, R. Nuzzo, T.P. Russell, C.R. Safinya, Journal of Polymer Science - Physics, in press

  • “Nanoscale Thermal Transport,” D.G. Cahill, W.K. Ford, K.E. Goodson, G.D. Mahan, A. Majumdar, H. J. Maris, R. Merlin and S.R. Phillpot, Journal of Applied Physics, 93:793-818 (2003)

  • “Research Needs and Opportunities in Nanomechanics,” (Panel held 2003) to be submitted for publication.

  • “Biological Information Processing and Systems.”  J.J. Hickman et al., January 19-20, 2001 .  Co-Sponsored by the National Science Foundation.  The workshop report was posted at the NSF CISE web site during 2001 and 2002 at:

  • “Research Directions in Mechanics,” (Workshop held September 8-10, 2003 , publication now being prepared for submission)

  • “Bulk Metallic Glasses and Nanophase Materials Formed from the Liquid State ,” Applied Physics Reviews, 1999.

III. Contractor Meetings:

  • Biomolecular Materials [pdf11 MB]

  • Mechanical Behavior [pdf13.5 MB]

  • Hydrogen Storage [pdf9 MB]  (Held in conjunction with the EERE Contractors' Review to promote information exchange and promote possible collaborations.  Also held was a forward-looking Theory Focus Session.)

  • Solid State Lighting [pdf23 MB]

IV. Other DOE/BES Reports:

  •  Basic Research Needs to Assure a Secure Energy Future [pdf12.9MB]

  •  Theory and Modeling of Nanoscience [pdf2.2 MB]

  •  Biomolecular Materials [pdf8.9 MB]

  •  Review of Electron Beam Microcharacterization Centers [pdf14.2MB]  

  • International Workshop on Computational Materials Science: Application to Fusion and Generation IV Fission Reactors [Workshop Web Page | Workshop Report pdf 0.431MB ]

Information about other BESAC-sponsored workshops and reports is available at the BESAC website


DMS&E participates in the  Energy Materials Coordinating Committee (EMaCC), which produces reports annually concerning materials research throughout the department.  The most recent reports are available here.

  •  EMaCC Fiscal Year 2005 [pdf0.9  MB]

  •  EMaCC Fiscal Year 2004 [pdf1.  MB]

  •  EMaCC Fiscal Year 2003 [pdf1.3 MB]

  •  EMaCC Fiscal Year 2002 [pdf0.8 MB]

  •  EMaCC Fiscal Year 2001 [pdf15 MB]

  •  EMaCC Fiscal Year 2000 [pdf14 MB]

  •  EMaCC Fiscal Year 1999 [pdf15 MB]

  •  EMaCC Fiscal Year 1998 [pdf16 MB

  •  EMaCC Fiscal Year 1997 [pdf16 MB

  •  EMaCC Fiscal Year 1996 [pdf18 MB



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Last Modified January 19, 2007

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