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Rep. Ellen Tauscher to President Bush: No Troop Surge – America Needs a New Direction in Iraq PDF Print
January 10, 2007

CONTACT: Kevin Lawlor (202) 225-1880


Rep. Ellen Tauscher to President Bush:

“No Troop Surge – America Needs a New Direction in Iraq, Not More of the Same”

Washington, DC – This evening President Bush addressed the nation regarding his plan to escalate the number of troops currently serving in Iraq.  Below is the official statement of Rep. Ellen Tauscher, Chairman-designate of the House Armed Services Subcommittee on Strategic Forces.

Rep. Tauscher is an original co-sponsor of legislation that calls for the President to ask Congress for an up or down vote if he plans to raise troop levels above the current level. 

“After meeting with the President Tuesday afternoon and listening to him plead his case to the American people tonight, I am more convinced than ever that this new plan would only lead to further chaos in Iraq.

“I believe that as commander in chief the President has the responsibility to define a well-articulated mission which has the support of the American people, and an exit strategy to bring our troops home sooner and safer.  He has neither. 

“Adding troops is not a change of direction, simply more of the President’s same failed strategy.  I cannot and will not support putting any more American troops on the ground in Iraq to further what I, and the majority of Americans as well as the Joint Chiefs of Staff, clearly see as a failed policy.”   

-Rep. Ellen Tauscher


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