• Foxx appointed to House Rules Committee

    Washington, DC–House Republican Leader John Boehner appointed Congresswoman Virginia Foxx to serve on the House Committee on Rules today. The Rules Committee is the powerful House committee that determines what legislation comes to the House floor for a vote and under what circumstances that legislation is considered.
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  • Virginia Foxx sworn into office for third term

    Washington, DC–As the 111th Congress began today Congresswoman Virginia Foxx was sworn into her third term as Representative of North Carolina's Fifth Congressional District. In taking the Oath of Office, Foxx swore to "support and defend" the Constitution of the United States.
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  • Foxx re-introduces measure to cut bailout funds by half

    Washington, DC–Congresswoman Virginia Foxx (NC-05) today re-introduced bipartisan legislation for the 111th Congress to deny authorization of the second half of the 2008 $700 billion federal government bailout. The legislation is designed to take advantage of a provision in the 2008 bailout law that allows Congress to "disapprove" of the second half of the bailout.
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  • Foxx completes distribution of Inauguration tickets

    WASHINGTON, DC–Congresswoman Virginia Foxx (NC-05) has allocated all of the tickets that her office will receive from the official Inaugural Committee. Those who are receiving tickets must pick them up in Foxx's Washington, DC office in Room 1230 of the Longworth House Office Building on Monday, January 19th between 9am and 5pm.
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  • Foxx demands accountability for Freddie/Fannie failures

    WASHINGTON – Congresswoman Virginia Foxx today grilled former Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac executives at a Congressional hearing in Washington. Foxx asked them to account for the failures of the organizations they led and the costs borne by average Americans as a result of the government takeover of Fannie and Freddie.
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  • Foxx honored with manufacturers award

    WASHINGTON – Congresswoman Virginia Foxx (NC-05) received the National Association of Manufactures' Award for Manufacturing Legislative Excellence on Friday, December 5 at an event hosted by Meadows Mills Incorporated in North Wilkesboro.
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  • Foxx introduces measure to cut bailout funds by half

    Washington, DC–Congresswoman Virginia Foxx has introduced legislation that denies authorization of the second half of the $700 billion federal government bailout.
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  • Foxx accepting Inaugural Ticket requests until November 21

    WASHINGTON, D.C.–For more than two hundred years America's citizens have participated in the Inauguration ceremonies of the President and Vice President of the United States–from the first Inauguration of George Washington, in New York City, in 1789, to today, as Washington, DC prepares for the 56th quadrennial Presidential Inauguration. The Presidential swearing-in ceremony is a distinctive celebration of America's strong tradition of democracy and the peaceful transfer of power.
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