National Institute for Literacy

[FamilyLiteracy] Reminder: Online Professional Development Opportunity

jhamlett at jhamlett at
Tue Dec 13 08:04:11 EST 2005

Will there be any family literacy professional development courses in the near
future. I will be teaching a family lit/basic ed class in the summer and would
like a refresher course.


Jackie Hamlett

> Subject: Online Professional Development


> The registration deadline is creeping up on us.


> The Center for Literacy Studies at the University of Tennessee, and the Ohio

> Literacy Resource Center at Kent State University are proud to announce the

> opening of registration for our winter distance learning courses. Overviews

> of each course, as well as the start dates, are outlined below.


> Each course is a carefully-paced, facilitated training opportunity for adult

> education professionals. Each one has been piloted, reviewed, and offered

> previously to excellent reviews.


> More information and registration can be found at:



> __________________________________________________


> Integration of Technology into the Adult Education Classroom Course begins

> January 9, 2006

> Cost - $149/person

> Facilitator: Linda Eckert, AE Pro Developer


> Have you ever tried to blindly put a puzzle together without knowing what

> the final picture will look like? This may be what is happening to you when

> you are trying to integrate computer technology into your classroom. This

> course will provide quick access to educational resources, lesson plans,

> activities, tools for evaluating educational software, information about

> purchasing educational software, and knowledge to help you utilize a variety

> of software applications and web-based activities in the classroom. Online

> activities, discussion boards and assessments will keep you engaged.

> __________________________________________________


> ESOL Basics

> January 9, 2006

> Cost - $149/person

> Facilitator: Claire Valier, ESOL Coordinator and Certified CASAS Trainer


> Do you need to know the basics of ESOL instruction? Through this online

> course, you will learn how to identify characteristics of adult ESOL

> learners, effective methods of teaching languages, the four language skills,

> and how adults learn another language. Online activities, discussion boards

> and assessments will keep you engaged.

> ___________________________________________________


> Adult Education Teacher and Student

> Course begins January 9, 2006

> Cost - $149/person

> Facilitator: Debra L. Hargrove, AE Pro Developer


> How Do We Teach Adults? Research investigating adults as learners concludes

> that adults learn differently than children. If that premise is true, then

> why do we so often teach them both in the same way? In truth, many

> practitioners come to adult education with little or no background in

> "adults as learners."

> Through this online course, you will look at "who is the adult learner" by

> looking at background statistics on "who takes the GED", learning

> disabilities in adults, and what brain research says about how adult

> learners learn best. Online activities, discussion boards and assessments

> will keep you engaged.


> Bill McNutt

> Technology Coordinator, AEProfessional Project

> University of Tennessee, Center for Literacy Studies






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