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Adaptive nuller

Full spectral, quasi-static control of intensity and phase for deep, broadband nulling


Figure 1.  Schematic of the adaptive nuller.  Light in one arm of a nulling interferometer is balanced by splitting it into component polarizations and wavelength channels, then individually adjusting the phases in each channel with a deformable mirror prior to recombining both polarizations.  Further details of the design are described by Peters et al. (2004).
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Figure 1. Schematic of the adaptive nuller.
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The variations in amplitude and phase that may be present across a broad wavelength band make nulling extremely challenging. The Adaptive Nuller is designed to correct these variations, matching the intensity and phase between the two arms of the interferometer, as a function of wavelength, for each linear polarization. This allows high performance nulling interferometry, while at the same time substantially relaxing the requirements on the nulling interferometer's optical components. The goal is to correct the intensity difference across the band of 8-12 microns to less than 0.2% rms (1 σ) between the interferometer's arms. The phase difference across the same band is to be corrected to < 5nm rms (1 σ). This overall correction is consistent with a null depth of 1 part in 100,000.

Testbed Description

The adaptive nuller uses a deformable mirror to adjust amplitude and phase independently in each of about 12 spectral channels. A schematic of the adaptive nuller is shown in Fig. 1, as it would be used to adjust the intensity and phase of one beam in a two-beam nuller. The incident beam is first split into its two linear polarization components, and is also divided into roughly a dozen spectral channels. These beams are then directed onto a deformable mirror, where the piston of each pixel independently adjusts the phase of each channel. Tilt in the orthogonal direction may also be independently adjusted, and, by means of controlled vignetting at a subsequent aperture, provides an independent adjustment of the intensity in each channel. The various component beams are recombined to yield an output beam that has been carefully tuned for intensity and phase in each polarization as a function of wavelength. If the adaptive nuller is used to balance beams entering a nulling interferometer, matching tolerances on optical components in that interferometer are substantially relaxed. The ultimate null depth and stability are now determined by the performance of the adaptive nuller, under active control, that can be monitored and readily characterized, and optical components need only be of sufficient quality that the two arms of the interferometer are matched in intensity and phase to within the capture range of the Adaptive Nuller.

It is important to note that all designs under consideration for TFP-I include a single-mode spatial filter through which the combined light is passed before being detected. The wavefront from the star is incident on the collecting apertures of the instrument and delivered by the respective beam trains to a central beam combiner that couples the combined light into a single-mode filter. With just a single mode for each polarization state, the problem of nulling the on-axis light is simplified. Higher order wavefront aberrations that would reduce the visibility of the fringes (depth of the null) are rejected by the spatial filter. Small errors in tilt in each arm of the interferometer thus translate into small errors in received intensity. The adaptive nuller is not designed to adjust wavefront errors across each pupil, as these are rejected independently by the spatial filter. The adaptive nuller technology demonstration only addresses wavelength and polarization dependent amplitude and phase errors.

Figure 2.  Experimental Layout for a Mid-Infrared Adaptive Nuller showing the source, reference arm, and adaptive nuller arm of the interferometer.
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Figure 2. Experimental Layout for a Mid-Infrared Adaptive Nuller.
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The adaptive nuller uses a broadband thermal source to generate light with a spectral width > 3 µm in the 7-12 µm wavelength band. This light is sent through a simple interferometer with one arm holding the adaptive nuller components, and the other serving as a reference arm. There are intensity and phase dispersion in this interferometer due to normal manufacturing tolerances as well as intentionally added optical material in one arm.

A near-IR Adaptive Nuller had been built to demonstrate the control of two polarizations independently using quartz Wollaston prisms (Peters et al. 2005). This demonstrated that the concept would also work at mid-IR wavelengths. A Zemax model was developed and tested to predict the performance of a mid-infrared CdSe Wollaston prism.

However, the actual mid-infrared experiments are performed without independent control of each polarization. Although Wollaston prisms are included in the design, there are no Wollaston prisms in the mid-infrared testbed. This testbed was intended for one polarization only, because mid-IR Wollaston prisms are expensive to manufacture, and if one polarization could be compensated, then it should be straightforward to compensate both using the same overall approach. In practice, all experiments have used an unpolarized thermal source without any polarizers in the beam train.

The principal investigator of the Adaptive Nuller is Dr. Robert Peters at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory.

State of the Art

As noted below, the Adaptive Nuller has completed its primary goal and represents the state of the art in this field. It is also worth noting that a visible/near-infrared proof-of-concept experiment was completed as the first stage of this development effort. The proof-of-concept was done with null depth requirements that were relaxed due to the lab conditions, and the amplitude control was scaled to the wavelength and beam size used. This visible/near-infrared test exceeded its performance target of 5% and 15 nm, achieving intensity control to 2% and phase control to 2 nm. There had been no previous capability demonstrated in this area.

Figure 3.  Null measurement showing 93,000:1 rejection ratio.
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Figure 3. Null measurement showing 93,000:1 rejection ratio. (Click here to view PPT)
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Progress to Date

The mid-infrared Adaptive Nuller has demonstrated a null depth of 1.1 x 10-5, over a bandwidth of 32%. This is the deepest broadband null ever achieved by a mid-infrared nulling interferometer, and almost attains the TPF-I flight requirement. In March/April 2007, the testbed achieved its primary goal of demonstrating phase compensation to better than 5 nm rms across the 8-12 micron band and intensity compensation to better than 0.2%. Long term plans now include improving the attainable null depth and the possible design of a cryogenic version of this testbed.

Table 1. Adaptive Nuller Schedule
Planned Activities Performance Targets
Visible/near-infrared adaptive nuller validation Control intensity to 5%, phase to 15 nm across a bandwidth greater than 100 nm
Mid-IR adaptive nuller validation Control intensity to 0.2%, phase to 5 nm (equivalent to 10-5 null depth), over a wavelength range of 8-12 µm
Cryogenic mid-IR adaptive nuller validation Control intensity to 0.2%, phase to 5 nm (equivalent to 10-5 null depth) at a temperature of 40 K, over a wavelength range of
8-12 µm

"TPF-I Milestone #1 Whitepaper: Amplitude and Phase Control Demonstration," Edited by R.D. Peters, P.R. Lawson, and O.P. Lay (Jet Propulsion Laboratory, December 2006).

"TPF-I Milestone #1 Report: Amplitude and Phase Control Demonstration," Edited by R.D. Peters, P.R. Lawson, and O.P. Lay (Jet Propulsion Laboratory, July 2007).

"TPF-I Milestone #3 Whitepaper: Broadband Startlight Suppression Demonstration," Edited by P.R. Lawson, R.O. Gappinger, R.D. Peters, and O.P. Lay (Jet Propulsion Laboratory, October 2007).


Robert D. Peters, Oliver. P. Lay, and Muthu Jeganathan, "Broadband phase and intensity compensation with a deformable mirror for an interferometric nuller," Appl. Opt. 47, 3920-3926 (2008).

R. D. Peters, O. P. Lay, M. Jeganathan, "Progress in deep broadband interferometric nulling with the adaptive nuller," SPIE Conf. 7013, Marseille, June 2008. (Powerpoint).

Robert D. Peters, Oliver P. Lay, Akiko Hirai, and Muthu Jeganathan "Adaptive nulling in the mid-IR for the terrestrial planet finder interferometer," in Techniques and Instrumentation for Exoplanets III, edited by D. R. Coulter, Proc. SPIE Vol. 6693, 669315 (SPIE, Bellingham, WA, 2007).

Robert D. Peters, Oliver P. Lay, Akiko Hirai, Muthu Jeganathan, "Adaptive nulling for the Terrestrial Planet Finder Interferometer," in Advances in Stellar Interferometry, edited by J. D. Monnier, M. Schöller, W. C. Danchi, Proc. SPIE 6268, 62681C (SPIE, Bellingham, WA, 2006).

R. D. Peters, A. Hirai, M. Jeganathan, and O. P. Lay, "Adaptive nulling with a deformable mirror in the near-IR," in Techniques and Instrumentation for Detection of Exoplanets II, edited by D. R. Coulter, Proc. SPIE 5905, 62-69 (SPIE, Bellingham, WA, 2005).

Robert D. Peters, Akiko Hirai, Muthu Jeganathan, Oliver P. Lay, "Near-IR demonstration of adaptive nuller based on deformable mirror," in New Frontiers in Stellar Interferometry, edited by W. A. Traub, Proc. SPIE 5491, 1630-1638 (SPIE, Bellingham, WA, 2004).

Oliver P. Lay, Muthu Jeganathan, Robert Peters, "Adaptive nulling: a new enabling technology for interferometric exo-planet detection," in Techniques and Instrumentation for Detection of Exoplanets, edited by D. R. Coulter, Proc. SPIE 5170, 103-112 (SPIE, Bellingham, WA, 2003).

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