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Movie ID Title
Close-up view of the solar granulation. 3412 Hinode's High-resolution view of solar granulation
A full-resolution image from STEREO-A/EUVI in 171 Ångstrom ultraviolet light. 3407 STEREO's Extreme UltraViolet Imager (EUVI)
Opening with a view of the aurora borealis, we zoom out to reveal the proposed orbital configuration of the five THEMIS satellites and fade in a GGCM magnetosphere model. 3356 THEMIS Mission and Substorm Simulation
Opening with a view of the Sun visible from SOHO, we move around to the eastern limb (as seen from Earth) where we see the farside data constructed by helioseismology studies.   During the movie, several sunspot groups move from the farside to the Earthside of the Sun. 3336 The Visible Sun Revisited
The PFSS model is a poor match for the TRACE coronal loops. 3212 Space Weather Forecasting: Active Times Ahead
In this case, we see the PFSS model matches the TRACE coronal loops very well. 3211 Space Weather Forecasting: Quiet Times Ahead
Closeup of AR 10720.  Blue high-energy emission marks the footpoints of the coronal loops.  The lower-energy red emission is from the
loop structure.  See note below under ImageMods. 3162 RHESSI and TRACE View of January 20, 2005 Solar Flare
TRACE ultraviolet view of AR 10720 3161 TRACE Ultraviolet View of January 20, 2005 Solar Flare
AR 10720 launches a flare. 3160 January 2005 Solar Flares from SOHO/EIT
The CME in question is so fast, it appears in only one LASCO/C2 camera frame. 3159 SOHO/LASCO View of January 2005 Solar Events
More energetic electrons are cleared out, created a more well-defined gap between the belts. 3115 Gaps in the Earth's Radiation Belts
Four months of TGFs as seen by RHESSI. 3111 Connections: Terrestrial Gamma Flashes and Lightning?
As the belts return to their quiescent state, radiation levels at the satellite decrease. 3052 Earth's Radiation Belts with Safe Zone Orbit
A portion of the plasmasphere convects out to the magnetopause where it terminates. 3051 Plasmapause Convects to the Magnetopause During Halloween Solar Storm
A view of the plasmasphere above the north geographic pole. 3050 Tour of the Plasmasphere and Plasmapause
As particle-induced electric fields increase, the low-energy electrons of the plasmasphere are convected towards the magnetopause, depleting the region near the Earth and enabling the hotter particles from the radiation belts to move closer to the Earth. 3049 Radiation Belts and Plasmapause Fluctuate Under Solar Storm
During the pre-storm time, the inner region of the belts has a relatively low particle flux and for this scaling of the data, a distinct inner belt is not visible as a separate structure. 3048 Earth's Radiation Belts Tremble Under Impact of Solar Storm
A rendering of the model of the Earths magnetosphere.  The flat ribbons represent charged particles entering the influence of the magnetosphere and being deflected.  The curved lines visible to the right represent the magnetic field lines extending out from the Earth.  The force from the sun pushes these lines into a distinctive tail-like shape.  Finally, the green surface represents a constant value for the magnetic field strength. 3028 A 3-Dimensional Model of the Magnetosphere (WMS)
Venus is visible against the solar disk (the dark spot at about the 7:30 position). 2966 Venus Transit from GOES/SXI
A snapshot of a high-intensity time in the storm.  The bright linear structure in the upper left is an artifact created by the edge of the instrument field-of-view. 2964 IMAGE Views of the Aurora from Space
The particle flux increases dramatically over the polar cap, as they are carried Earthward along the magetic field lines. 2963 The NOAA POES Satellite Detects Record Particle Flows into the Earth's Upper Atmosphere
In the case of low solar wind pressure, the sunward side of the ionosphere is thick (the red region) and some of the atmosphere can be seen trailing off behind the planet. 2962 Computer Simulations of the Martian Atmosphere Interacting with the Solar Wind
The last big X-class flare as the active region rotates back to the far side of the Sun. 2961 Halloween Solar Storms from SOHO/EIT and SOHO/LASCO
A solar prominence appears clearly in this band, yet has no obvious counterpart visible in the 195 Angstrom band. 2960 Halloween Solar Storms from SOHO/EIT, 304 Ångstroms
The X17 event shown here launched a CME at the Earth whose <a href=''>impact was observed the next day by Earth-orbiting satellites</a>. 2959 Halloween Solar Storms from SOHO/EIT, 195 Ångstroms
View of the CME from the side. 2958 Building a 3-D Coronal Mass Ejection from 2-D Data
View of the CME from the side. 2950 Building a 3-D Coronal Mass Ejection from 2-D Data
As the fast CME engulfs the slower one, another burst of radio emission is detected. 2936 The fastest CME of Cycle 23 overtakes another fast CME
Movie of spacecraft on an Earth-to-Mars trajectory. 2924 Sun vs. Mission to Mars
Frontside view of Sun, opening up to reveal farside imaging possible with MDI 2923 SOHO/MDI's 'Window' Through the Sun
Closeup view of the tsunami (with rotation) 2922 Solar Tsunamis - View with a Spin
Closeup view of the tsunami 2921 Solar Tsunamis
The X17 solar flare on October 28, 2003 2918 SORCE Monitors Solar Variability during Record Solar Flares - Video version
The MONSTER: X28 solar flare on November 4, 2003 2917 SORCE Monitors Solar Variability during Record Solar Flares
This animation shows the aurora over the Northern Hemisphere as recorded by the Polar satellite on April 17, 1999. 2891 Aurora over the North Pole on April 17, 1999 (WMS)
This is a zoom down to the Gale Crater on MARS as seen by Viking and the Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC).  These images show a very large area of sedimentation inside the Gale Crater. 2882 Zoom down to the Gale Crater on Mars
Projecting spacecraft field measurements along the solar wind reveals structure in the flow. 2863 ViSBARD: The Wind from the Sun
We see the Earth to get a sense of the scale in this region. 2862 ViSBARD: Insights into the Sun-Earth Connection
A bright moment for the proton aurora - the bright spot near the center. 2861 Reconnection: Solar Wind Breaches the Earth's Magnetic Shield
A maximal time for the aurora (08:09:08 UT). 2857 Geomagnetic Storm: November 2003
When the solar wind speed is low, the heliosphere is small. 2856 Model of the Heliosphere Over the Solar Cycle
An accretion disk is formed around the hot star as it captures the mass being lost by the giant. The accretion disk beams matter away from the system in the form of a symmetrical jet. 2796 Hubble Space Telescope: Image Deblurring with a Parallel Comptuer
Blue colors show the water ice that is revealed during the martian summer. 2780 Mars Odyssey: Water Ice/Summer Observations
Blue colors indicate water ice observed by Odyssey during the northern winter months, when carbon-dioxide covers the surface. 2779 Mars Odyssey: Water Ice/Winter Observations
This is a mosaic of the northern hemisphere of Mars as seen through Viking data.
2778 Mars Odyssey: Mars' Northern Hemisphere
Closeup view of an active region. 2771 Hi-resolution Solar Views from VAULT: Selected Still Images
The first image from VAULT overlaying space-based solar imagery. 2766 Hi-resolution Solar Views from VAULT: Quiet Region
The first image from VAULT overlaying space-based solar imagery. 2765 Hi-resolution Solar Views from VAULT: Active Region
The first image from VAULT overlaying space-based solar imagery. 2764 High Resolution Solar Views From VAULT
The 2.2MeV gamma-ray emission is prominent. 2750 RHESSI Observes 2.2 MeV Line Emission from a Solar Flare
The dark spot is Mercury, just as it passes over the solar disk. 2735 Mercury transit of the Sun
Two tadpoles move downward. 2718 Closeup of Solar 'Tadpoles' without time tags
Two tadpoles move downward. 2717 Closeup of Solar 'Tadpoles' with time tags
Still image from movie. 2690 GOES/SXI views the Sun in X-rays (3 Channels)
X-ray image of the Sun taken on October 22, 2001, at 12:50:43. 2689 GOES/SXI views the Sun in X-rays
A brief flight through the magnetotail 2676 Tour of the Magnetosphere
Close-up on the sunspot group. 2656 Zoom-out from the Sun
Red continuum image composited with SOHO-EIT 2655 Solar Eclipse: December 4, 2002
High solar activity - March 28, 2001 2644 The Solar 'Constant' - Faculae vs. Sunspots
TRACE and two RHESSI channels 2553 A Multi-Mission View of the AR9906 Solar Flare with Alternate Instrument Labels
The expanding bubble of hot plasma expands into SOHO-LASCO C3 field of view just before bursting 2511 A Multi-Mission View of the AR9906 Solar Flare without Instrument Labels
Mars Odyssey epithermal neutron data overlayed on MGS-MOLA topography 2510 Mars Odyssey Science Cover Image
The expanding bubble of hot plasma expands into SOHO-LASCO C3 field of view just before bursting 2509 A Multi-Mission View of the AR9906 Solar Flare with Instrument Labels
View of smoke plume with fire pixels. 2508 Fires Near Sequoia National Forest
The X4.8 flare at AR 10039 2496 SOHO/EIT Views Solar 'Grand Slam' with Zoom
The X3.0 flare at AR 10030 2495 SOHO/EIT views solar 'Grand Slam'
Time 01:54:58 UT 2464 Another View of AR9906 from TRACE
Initial appearance of emission in 12-25 keV. 2463 RHESSI Observes the Flare over AR9906 - rotate view without times
Last gasps of x-ray emission from this flare. 2462 RHESSI Observes the Flare over AR9906 - rotate view with times
RHESSI emission expands to an arc, apparently around the limb of the Sun. 2461 RHESSI Observes the Flare over AR9906 - zoom without times
Upflow viewed in TRACE appears at the center of the RHESSI emission. 2460 RHESSI Observes the Flare over AR9906 - zoom with times
Initial appearance of emission in 12-25 keV. 2459 RHESSI Observes the Flare over AR9906 - No time tags
TRACE emission brightens in RHESSI 12-25keV contours and new RHESSI emission at 50-100keV appears on the solar surface. 2458 RHESSI Observes the Flare over AR9906 - Time Tagged
True color view of Mars at the equator 2455 Mars Odyssey Epithermal Neutron Data overlayed on MGS/MOLA Topography Data (Full Globe, Viking True Color)
False color (epithermal neutron) view of Mars at the equator 2454 Mars Odyssey Epithermal Neutron Data overlayed on MGS/MOLA Topography Data (Full Globe, Unsmoothed)
False color (epithermal neutron) view of Mars at the equator 2453 Mars Odyssey Epithermal Neutron Data overlayed on MGS/MOLA Topography Data (Full Globe, Smoothed)
True color view of Mars at the equator 2452 Mars Odyssey Epithermal Neutron Data overlayed on MGS/MOLA Topography Data (Flyover, Viking True Color)
False color (epithermal neutron) view of Mars at the equator 2451 Mars Odyssey Epithermal Neutron Data overlayed on MGS/MOLA Topography Data (Flyover, Unsmoothed)
False color (epithermal neutron) view of Mars at the equator 2450 Mars Odyssey Epithermal Neutron Data overlayed on MGS/MOLA Topography Data (Flyover, Smoothed)
True color view of Mars on a flat map 2449 Mars Odyssey Epithermal Neutron Data overlayed on MGS/MOLA Topography Data (Flat, Viking True Color)
False color (epithermal neutron) view of Mars on a flat map 2448 Mars Odyssey Epithermal Neutron Data overlayed on MGS/MOLA Topography Data (Flat, Unsmoothed)
False color (epithermal neutron) view of Mars on a flat map 2447 Mars Odyssey Epithermal Neutron Data overlayed on MGS/MOLA Topography Data (Flat, Smoothed)
Other field lines popping through the solar surface 2446 TRACE observes the X-ray flare over AR9906
The polar regions begin to brighten due to increased influx of oxygen atoms onto the upper atmosphere. 2445 IMAGE/HENA views Oxygen in the Magnetosphere (blue version)
A view of the oxygen atom flux near the Earths poles at low intensity. 2444 IMAGE/HENA views Oxygen in the Magnetosphere (rainbow version)
Oxygen atoms (green) blowing off from the Earths atmosphere. 2435 IMAGE/LENA Observes Oxygen Atoms in the near-Earth Environment
Flyover of Korolev Crater 2430 MOLA-based Flyover of Korolev Crater
Flyover of Gusev Crater 2429 MOLA-based Flyover of Gusev Crater
Flyover of Tharsis Volcanos 2428 MOLA-based Flyover of Tharsis Volcanos
Flyover of Hellas Basin 2427 MOLA-based Flyover of Hellas Transitioning to Utopia Planitia
Close-up view of the outflow region with TRACE. 2426 TRACE Observes Flows over Active Regions (Fast play)
Close-up view of the outflow region with TRACE. 2425 TRACE Observes Flows over Active Regions (Slow play)
X-rays from the second portion of this flare event. 2404 First Flare movie for the RHESSI instrument (speed 26x normal)
First flare location fades as second flash is on the rise. 2403 First Flare movie for the RHESSI instrument (speed 52x normal)
Full Sun at 195 Angstroms from SOHO-EIT. 2402 First Flare movie for the RHESSI instrument (speed 105x normal)
A profile view of the magnetosphere.  The Sun would be located to the left.  Lines from the Earths magnetic field are stretched out behind the Earth to form the magnetotail. 2391 Magnetosphere II: The Solar Wind Strikes Back!
A profile view of the magnetosphere.  The Sun would be located to the left.  Lines from the Earth's magnetic field are stretched out behind the Earth to form the magnetotail. 2387 The Magnetosphere - Earth Raises its Shields
Mars MOLA false color image of the north pole (30x exagerration 2327 MOLA Stills for possible cover of 'Science'
Mars MOLA false color image of Kasei Valles looking west to east 2326 MOLA Stills for possible cover of 'Nature'
The north pole of Mars shown colored by elevation 2324 MOLA: Seasonal Snow Variations on Mars: Polar Images
Layer 5000 kilometers below the solar surface. 2314 Temperature and Flows under a Sunspot (Layers 0, 2, 4)
Animation showing seasonal Mars cloud variations (with contours) 2313 MOLA: Seasonal Snow Variations on Mars, clouds at north pole, with dates, with contours
Animation showing seasonal Mars cloud variations (with contours and dates) 2312 MOLA: Seasonal Snow Variations on Mars, clouds at north pole, with dates, without contours
Maritan clouds with a countour at mamimum north pole extent 2311 MOLA: Seasonal Snow Variations on Mars, clouds at both poles, with dates, with contours
Animation of seasonal Mars cloud variations (without contours and with dates) showing both poles 2310 MOLA: Seasonal Snow Variations on Mars, clouds at both poles, with dates, without contours
Seasonal Mars snow variations graph (without dates) showing north pole 2309 MOLA: Seasonal Snow Variations on Mars, graph showing snow variations at north pole, without dates
Seasonal Mars snow variations graph (with dates) showing north pole 2308 MOLA: Seasonal Snow Variations on Mars, graph showing snow variations at north pole, with dates
 Seasonal Mars snow variations graph (without dates) showing both poles 2307 MOLA: Seasonal Snow Variations on Mars, graph showing snow variations at both poles, without dates
Graph showing peak snow depth at Martian north pole 2306 MOLA: Seasonal Snow Variations on Mars, graph showing snow variations at both poles, with dates
Mars without ocean - looking at Hellas Basin 2305 FUSE/MOLA: Mars Once Had Oceans - match render w/o oceans
Temperature anomalies (color) and flow directions at the solar surface.  The darker blue region corresponds to the sunspot itself. 2304 Under the Rotating Sunspot (Layers 0, 1, 2)
An overhead view of the south pole of Mars shown in true color 2303 MOLA: Seasonal Snow Variations on Mars: Flyover and Slow Zoom out from Martian S. Pole: True Color
An overhead view of the North Pole of Mars shown in true color 2302 MOLA: Seasonal Snow Variations on Mars: Slow Zoom Out from the Martian North Pole: True Color
The surface of the north pole of Mars shown in true color 2301 MOLA: Seasonal Snow Variations on Mars: Slow Zoom to the Martian North Pole: True Color
An approach to the south pole of Mars shown in true color 2300 MOLA: Seasonal Snow Variations on Mars: Slow Zoom to the Martian South Pole: True Color
A close view of the topography of the south pole of Mars shown colored by elevation 2299 MOLA: Seasonal Snow Variations on Mars: Slow Flyover of the Martian South Pole: False Color
An overhead view of the north pole of Mars shown in true color 2298 MOLA: Seasonal Snow Variations on Mars: Slow Zoom out from the Martian North Pole: True Color
The surface of the north pole of Mars shown colored by elevation 2297 MOLA: Seasonal Snow Variations on Mars: Slow Flyover of the Martian North Pole: False Color
Topography of the south pole of Mars shown colored by elevation 2296 MOLA: Seasonal Snow Variations on Mars, Medium Zoom out from Martian South Pole: False Color
Topography of the north pole of Mars shown colored by elevation 2295 MOLA: Seasonal Snow Variations on Mars: Medium Zoom to Martian North Pole: False Color
Topography of the south pole of Mars shown colored by elevation 2294 MOLA: Seasonal Snow Variations on Mars, Fast Zoom out from Martian South Pole: False Color
Topography of the north pole of Mars shown colored by elevation 2293 MOLA: Seasonal Snow Variations on Mars: Fast Zoom to Martian North Pole: False Color
True color image of the north pole of Mars 2292 MOLA: Seasonal Snow Variations on Mars, Zoom to Martian North Pole: True Color
Mars with ocean - looking at Hellas Basin 2291 FUSE/MOLA: Mars Once had Oceans
Close-up on the sunspot group 2287 The Spinning Sunspot
SOHO-MDI views a large sunspot group in 2001. 2269 SOHO/MDI Views the Sun - 2001
A few sunspots visible to SOHO-MDI. 2268 SOHO/MDI Views the Sun - 1998
SOHO-MDI views a large sunspot group in 2001. 2244 SOHO/MDI Views the Sun - 2001
Sunspots on the solar disk. 2243 SOHO/MDI Views the Sun - 1998
A view of the subsurface sunspot structure from another angle. 2232 SOHO/MDI Investigates Solar Flows Under Sunspots
A View of the Tharsis volcanoes from above Solis Planum 2089 Views of Mars with MOLA+Viking data
NEAR views the Asteroid Eros in True Color. 2061 NEAR views the Asteroid Eros ('true' color)
A rotating view of the asteroid Eros, where the colors represent the gravity slope measured by NEAR.  This version has grid lines every 15 degrees. 2060 NEAR Views the Asteroid Eros (Gravity Slope)
Polar Visible Aurora from July 16, 2000 2043 Stills of the Polar Visible Aurora from July 16, 2000
Polar Visible Aurora from October 22, 1999 2040 Stills of the Polar Visible Aurora from October 22, 1999
Polar Visible Aurora from January 10, 1997 2038 Stills of the Polar Visible Aurora from January 10, 1997
An animation of the visible aurora in the northern hemisphere on July 16, 2000 as measured by Polar 2037 Polar Visible Aurora Animation: July 16, 2000
How the spacecraft made the gravity map.  Animation by Studio 13. 1601 Supporting Media for MOLA release
Density and magnetic flux surfaces from a simulation of magnetic flux in the solar atmosphere undergoing velocity perturbations.  This run has a vertical scale height of 6.8 million meters. 1418 High Resolution 2-D Numerical Simulation of Emergence of Magnetic Flux Through the Solar Atmosphere
Various quantities from a simulation of magnetic flux in the solar atmosphere undergoing velocity perturbations.  This run has a vertical scale height of 6.8 million meters. 1417 High Resolution 2-D Numerical Simulation of Emergence of Magnetic Flux Through the Solar Atmosphere
Various quantities from a simulation of magnetic flux in the solar atmosphere undergoing velocity perturbations.  This run has a vertical scale height of 4.8 million meters. 1416 High Resolution 2-D Numerical Simulation of Emergence of Magnetic Flux Through the Solar Atmosphere
Our Solar System 1402 Earth Today 1998
Earth Today Logo 1401 Earth Today 1998 Introduction
Magnetic field lines superimposed over density are compared for a 2D global hybrid simulation and a magnetohydrodynamic model of the solar wind-magnetosphere interaction 1393 Global Hybrid Versus MHD Modeling of the Magnetosphere: Density and Magnetic Field
A protoype animation of the collison between two astrophysical objects, where one object is much larger than the other, as seen from several angles 1392 Two-Body Collision
Motion of the R Aquarii jet from 1991 to 1993, where the deconvolved Hubble images are shown in 3D from four directions 1389 Motion in the R-Aquarii Jet 1991, 1992, 1993: 3-D Perspective
Motion of the R Aquarii jet from 1991 to 1993, where the maximum entropy method with convolutional constraint was used to deconvolve the Hubble images 1388 Motion in the R-Aquarii Jet 1991, 1992, 1993: 2-D Motion
Energetic electron fluxes (&gt; 0.4 MeV) over the South Pole from the PET P1 solid state detector during the period 7-6-1992 through 9-8-1993 1387 SAMPEX - A Synoptic View of Earth's Electron Radiation Belts: South Pole Energetic Fluxes from PET
Energetic electron fluxes (&gt; 0.4 MeV) over the North Pole from the PET P1 solid state detector during the period 7-6-1992 through 7-29-1993 1386 SAMPEX - A Synoptic View of Earth's Electron Radiation Belts: North Pole Energetic Fluxes from PET
Energetic electron fluxes (&gt; 1 MeV) over the South Pole from the HILT solid state detector array during the period 7-6-1992 through 7-9-1993 1385 SAMPEX - A Synoptic View of Earth's Electron Radiation Belts: South Pole Energetic Fluxes from HILT
Evolution of the electron fraction during the first 20 milliseconds in the life of a neutron star formed from a Type II supernova 1383 Instabilities in Very Young Neutron Stars: Electron Fraction
Evolution of the temperature during the first 20 milliseconds in the life of a neutron star formed from a Type II supernova 1382 Instabilities in Very Young Neutron Stars: Temperature
Evolution of the density during the first 20 milliseconds in the life of a neutron star formed from a Type II supernova 1381 Instabilities in Very Young Neutron Stars: Density
Flyover of Mars MOLA topography with false color texure 1335 Mars Flyover Based on MOLA Data for the Carl Sagan Lecture
An animation of the visible aurora in the northern hemisphere on July 13, 2000 as measured by Polar 1211 Polar Visible Aurora Animation: July 13, 2000
An animation of the visible aurora in the northern hemisphere on July 15, 2000 as measured by Polar 1210 Polar Visible Aurora Animation: July 15, 2000
An animation of the visible aurora in the northern hemisphere from July 15, 2000 to July 16, 2000 as measured by Polar 1206 Polar Visible Aurora Animation: July 15, 2000 to July 16, 2000
Plasmasphere movie, as seen by IMAGE-EUV 1177 Plasmasphere without Earth Inset
Plasmasphere movie, as seen by IMAGE-EUV 1176 Plasmasphere with Earth Inset
A movie of the Earths aurora, as seen by IMAGE. 1175 Aurora w/o Earth Inset
The Earths plasmasphere, as seen by IMAGE-EUV. 1174 IMAGE views the Plasmasphere in EUV
Earths aurora, as seen by IMAGE. 1173 Aurora Close-up w/Earth inset
The Earths plasmasphere, as seen by IMAGE-EUV. 1172 Plasmasphere close-up w/Earth Inset
Earths aurora, as seen by IMAGE. 1171 Aurora with Earth inset
The Earths plasmasphere, as seen by IMAGE-EUV. 1170 Plasmasphere with Earth inset in EUV
Zoom in to the Bastille Day flare (1998) and fade to a model of the magnetic field lines in the region. 1169 Bastille Day Flare without Matter Motion
Zoom in on the Sun to show the flare region. 1168 'Bastille Day' Flare Animation
Mars Crustal Thickness 1105 Mars Crust Thickness
Initially looking at the MOLA false color surface of Mars, we zoom in and see gravity data.  The blue line indicates an area where water possibly flowed. 1104 MOLA Texture Zoom Down to Gravity Map Revealing Hidden Channel
Viking Texture zoom down to gravity map revealing hidden channel 1103 Viking Texture Zoom Down to Gravity Map Revealing Hidden Channel
Layers of Mars composition: surface through core 1102 Mars Cutaway
Valles Marineris Flyover 1101 Valles Marineris Flyover (Long Version)
This image is a possible hidden water channel. 1100 Gravity Flat Image Showing Hidden Channel (still)
This animation is a set up visualization. Using the
Viking data, the camera zooms down slowly towards the area where there
might be hidden water channels. 1099 Viking Texture Zoom Down (slow)
This animation is a set up visualization. Using the
Viking data, the camera zooms down towards the area where there
might be hidden water channels.
1098 Viking Texture Zooming Down to Reveal a Hidden Channel (fast)
In this image, using MOLA data, we display where
the hidden channel of water is located. 1097 MOLA Zooming Down to Reveal a Hidden Channel (slow)
In this visualization, using MOLA data, we take a closer
look at where the hidden channel of water is located. 1096 MOLA Zooming Down to Reveal a Hidden Channel (fast version)
Mars North Pole top-down view 1095 Mars North Pole flyover
A view of Olympus Mons, approaching the base of the volcano. 1094 Olympus Mons Flyover.
Valles Marineris Flyover 1093 Valles Marineris Flyover (short version)
Rotating Mars mantle colored to indicate mantle elevation. 1092 Mars Mantle (MOHO) Topography with Mantle Elevation Texture Map
Viking image of Mars applied to MOLA topography. 1091 MOLA Surface Topography with Viking Texture Map
Rotating Mars with colors indicating surface elevation. 1090 MOLA Surface Topography with Surface Elevation Texture Map
Image of Mars with colors indicating the strength of the gravitational field. 1089 MOLA Surface Topography with Gravity Texture Map
Valles Marineris Flyover 1088 Valles Marineris Flyover (long version)
Sun spot number compared with changes in solar UV irradiance as measured by SUSIM (1991-1997) 833 Sun Spot Number Compared with Solar UV from SUSIM (1991-1997)
From a large-scale view of Earths magnetic field and plasma pressure, the view is zoomed down to a view of the northern hemisphere, where time-varying images of the auroral oval are shown. 806 Digital Earth Workbench: Aurora
Starting with a view of the magnetosphere of the Earth, a surface of constant plasma pressure is added showing a shield-like configuration due to the pressure from the solar wind 805 Digital Earth Workbench: Magnetospheric Pressure
Starting with a view of the magnetic field of the Earth, a surface of constant plasma density is added.  The basket shape of the surface depicts the compression in front of the Earth caused by solar wind pressure and the handle behind the Earth due to the magnetotail current 804 Digital Earth Workbench: Magnetospheric Density
Zooming out from the surface of the Earth to a view of the Earths magnetic field as represented by selected field lines.  A representation of the Sun is also added. 803 Digital Earth Workbench: The Earth's Magnetic Field
Visible aurora over the North Pole on November 13, 1999 as measured by Polar 788 Polar Visible Aurora: Normal Solar Wind Conditions on November 13, 1999 over the North Pole
Visible aurora over the South Pole on May 11, 1999 as measured by Polar 787 Polar Visible Aurora: Low Solar Wind Conditions on May 11, 1999 over the South Pole
Visible aurora over the North Pole on May 11, 1999 as measured by Polar 786 Polar Visible Aurora: Low Solar Wind Conditions on May 11, 1999 over the North Pole
Visible aurora over the North Pole on April 17, 1999 as measured by Polar 785 Polar Visible Aurora: High Solar Wind Conditions on April 17, 1999 over the North Pole
A comparison of images of the aurora over the North Pole on May 11, 1999, when there was no solar wind, and November 13, 1999, during normal solar wind conditions. 784 Polar Visible Aurora: North Pole Comparison between May 11, 1999 and November 13, 1999 (Grid)
A comparison of images of the aurora over the North Pole on May 11, 1999, when there was no solar wind, and November 13, 1999, during normal solar wind conditions. 783 Polar Visible Aurora: North Pole Comparison between May 11, 1999 and November 13, 1999 (Continents)
An x-ray image of the South Pole on May 11, 1999 taken by the PIXIE instrument on Polar, indicating enegetic electron fluxes striking the upper atmosphere 782 Polar: PIXIE at T055798 on May 11, 1999 at 22:55
An x-ray image of the South Pole on May 11, 1999 taken by the PIXIE instrument on Polar, indicating enegetic electron fluxes striking the upper atmosphere 781 Polar: PIXIE at T055798 on May 11, 1999 at 05:05
An animation of x-ray images of the South Pole on May 11, 1999 taken by the PIXIE instrument on Polar, indicating enegetic electron fluxes striking the upper atmosphere 780 Polar: PIXIE at Perigee 2 on May 11, 1999 (South)
An animation of x-ray images of the South Pole on May 11, 1999 taken by the PIXIE instrument on Polar, indicating enegetic electron fluxes striking the upper atmosphere 779 Polar: PIXIE at Perigee 1 on May 11, 1999 (South)
An animation of x-ray images of the North Pole on May 11, 1999 taken by the PIXIE instrument on Polar, indicating enegetic electron fluxes striking the upper atmosphere 778 Polar: PIXIE at Perigee on May 11, 1999 (North)
An animation of x-ray images of the North Pole on May 11, 1999 taken by the PIXIE instrument on Polar, indicating enegetic electron fluxes striking the upper atmosphere 777 Polar: PIXIE at Apogee on May 11, 1999 (North)
Topography of Argyre Planitia as measured by MOLA 776 Mars Southern Hemisphere Rotation in False Color from MOLA
Watching Viking imagery data of the southern hemisphere of Mars on a rotating globe 775 Mars Southern Hemisphere Rotation in True Color from Viking
A view of the topography of the southern hemisphere of Mars, using a color table designed to highlight the topography at the south pole.  White colors indicate elevations in excess of 3012 meters, red shows elevations between 2500 and 3012 meters, yellow shows elevations from 2450 to 2500 meters, dark cyan shows elevations from 2150 to 2450 meters, dark violet shows elevations from 320 to 2150 meters. 774 Push in South of the Hellas Basin Showing Topography from MOLA: New Color Map
A view of the southern hemisphere of Mars showing topography data from MOLA.  Blue tones represent elevations of less than 2 kilometers, while reddish tones are greater than about 2.8 kilometers, relative to the mean equatorial height of Mars. 773 Push in South of the Hellas Basin Showing Topography from MOLA
The southern hemisphere of Mars from Viking imagery 772 Push in South of the Hellas Basin using Viking Imagery
A rotating view of the Martian south pole using MOLA topography data.  This animation uses a color table designed to highlight the topography at the south pole.  White colors indicate elevations in excess of 3012 meters, red shows elevations between 2500 and 3012 meters, yellow shows elevations from 2450 to 2500 meters, dark cyan shows elevations from 2150 to 2450 meters, dark violet shows elevations from 320 to 2150 meters. 771 A Rotating False Color View of the Martian South Pole from MOLA: New Color Map
A rotating view of the Martian south pole using MOLA topography data 770 A Rotating False Color View of the Martian South Pole from MOLA
A close-up view of the Martian south pole with grid lines, from Viking imagery 769 A Rotating True Color View of the Martian South Pole
A visible image of the Martian south pole, from Viking data, overlaid over a false color image of the topography of the region as measured by MOLA 768 A Comparison of Visible and Topographic Data for the Martian South Pole: Version 2
Rotating a Martian globe, using Viking imagery, to the south pole and fading to topography data from MOLA, showing that large portions of the ice cap may be covered by dust.  Note that the permanent frozen cap of carbon dioxide ice is not located directly at the south pole.  White colors indicate elevations in excess of 3012 meters, and dark violet shows elevations from 320 to  2150 meters. 767 A Comparison of Visible and Topographic Data for the Martian South Pole: Version 1
High altitude view of the Mars Polar Lander landing site in false color, with color representing topography as measured by MOLA. 766 Close Up Fly Over of Mars Polar Lander Landing Area in False Color
Overhead view of the Mars Polar Lander landing site 765 Close Up Fly Over of Mars Polar Lander Landing Area in True Color
Zoom from a global view of Mars from Viking imagery to the Mars Polar Lander landing site near the south pole of Mars, using a false color inset of MOLA topography data.  White colors indicate elevations in excess of 3012 meters, red shows elevations between 2500 and 3012 meters, yellow shows elevations from 2450 to 2500 meters, dark cyan shows elevations from 2150 to 2450 meters, dark violet shows elevations from 320 to 2150 meters. The topography in these images is vertically exaggerated by a factor of 5. 764 Mars Polar Lander Landing Site: Global View to False Color MOLA Inset
The entire narrated Images video. (NOTE: 79 MB DOWNLOAD) 737 Images of Earth and Space: SC99 Edition
An animation of TRACE imagery in the 195 Angstrom wavelength, showing a MOSS shockwave 695 TRACE: 195 Angstrom Wavelength Image Showing MOSS Shockwave.
An animation of TRACE imagery in the 171 Angstrom wavelength, showing a MOSS disc center 694 TRACE: 171 Angstrom Wavelength Image Showing MOSS Disc Center.
Shot of MOSS at the limb showing the thin layer effect as well as many small and one large dark chromospheric jets projecting in front 693 TRACE: Shot of MOSS at the Limb
A TRACE image showing a MOSS patch outlined in yellow and magnified. 692 TRACE: Still of TRACE Image
An image of a coronal loop from TRACE, with a co-temporal soft x-ray image from YOKOH overlaid 691 TRACE: A Coronal Loop with a Co-temporal Yohkoh Soft X-ray Image Overlaid.
The Flare.  The X pattern is an instrument artifact. 690 TRACE: Viewing a Coronal Loop
The flare.  The X pattern is an instrument artifact. 689 TRACE: Viewing a Coronal Loop with a Diagram of the Earth for Scale.
Mars true color Viking sphere rotating to Polar Lander site in MOLA false color 688 Polar Orbiter: Fly Up to Primary Landing Site with Altitude Map
Mars true color Viking sphere rotating to Polar Lander site in MOLA roughness false color 687 Polar Orbiter: Fly Up to Primary Landing Site with Roughness Map
Fly up to primary Polar Lander landing site 686 Polar Orbiter: Fly Up to the Primary Landing Site (Green)
Mars true color Viking sphere rotating to four potential Polar Lander landing sites (primary in green, secondary in yellow) 685 Polar Orbiter: Fly Up to 4 Possible Landing Sites (Primary in Green, Secondary in Yellow)
Mars true color Viking sphere rotating to four potential Polar Lander landing sites (in yellow) 684 Polar Orbiter: Fly Up to 4 Possible Landing Sites (Yellow)
False Color (Lunar Prospector) with Flip showing
the South Pole (crash site). 683 False Color Moon Rotation with Flip Showing the South Pole
False Color (Lunar Prospector) with Flip showing crash site of the
Lunar Prospector 682 False Color Moon Rotation with Flip Showing Crash Site of the Lunar Prospector
False Color Moon (Lunar Prospector) with Flip showing the
south pole, where the Lunar Prospector crash site. (unmarked) 681 Rotating False Color Moon with Flip Showing the South Pole
True Color (airbrushed) Moon. Showing the south pole, the crash
site of the Lunar Prospector. 680 True Color Moon using USGS Airbrush Texture
Lunar Prospector crash site in False Color Rotate with Flip 679 Lunar Prospector Crash Site in False Color Rotation with Flip
A rotating moon with a false color surface texture map from Clementine data. 678 False Color Moon Rotation using Clementine Surface Texture Map
True Color Rotate with Flip showing crash site of the
Lunar Prospector 677 True Color Moon Rotation with Flip Showing the Crash Site of the Lunar Prospector
True Color Moon Rotating (1 minute) using Clementine
surface texture map 676 Airbrushed Moon
Push in and spin around Tharsis rise on a flat map of Mars MOLA topography with false color 662 Rotating around the Tharsis Rise (False Color)
Push in and spin around Tharsis rise on a flat map of Mars MOLA topography with Viking true color 661 Rotating around the Tharsis Rise (True Color)
Rotating Mars with false color MOLA topography 660 Mars Rotate (False Color)
Rotating Mars with MOLAi topography and a true color Viking texure 659 Mars Rotate (True Color)
Flyover flat map of Mars topography of Hellas Crater with true color texture 658 Hellas Crater Flat Flyover (True Color)
Flyover flat map of Mars topography of Hellas Crater with false color texture 657 Mars Hellas Crater Flat Flyover (False Color)
Flat map of Mars topography tipped on its side to show cross section sloping downhill from South to North 656 Mars Topography: Downhill showing a gradient slope (False Color)
Flyover of Mars topography globe in Tharsis region with false color texture 655 Tharsis Rise (False Color)
Flyover of Mars topography globe in Tharsis region with true color texture 654 Tharsis Rise (True Color)
Mars flat topographic map flyover and spin over Hellas Crater with false color texture 653 Mars Hellas Crater - Flat Spin (False Color)
Flyover of Valles Marineris on Mars topography globe with true color texture 652 Flyover of Mars' Valles Marineris (True Color)
Flyover of Valles Marineris on Mars topography globe with false color texture 651 Mola based Flyover of Valles Marineris (False Color)
Mars topography globe flyover of polar regions using false color texture 650 Viewing North and South Poles of Mars (False Color)
Mars global topography view rotating and zooming into Polar Lander landing site 649 Polar Lander Landing Site (Rect. Box) (False Color)
Flyover of Mars Polar Lander landing site with false color texture 648 Polar Lander Landing Site (Curved Box) (False Color)
Seepage regions in an un-named Martian crater (draft render) 647 Onion Skin of Un-named Martian Crater
The entire narrated UARS video 579 UARS: The Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite
Zooming past the Earth towards the sun, showing a coronal image of a solar sigmoid followed by a view of the magnetic field of the sigmoid 578 Solar Sigmoid: Zoom In, Pull Back
Zooming past the Earth towards the sun, showing a coronal image of a solar sigmoid followed by a view of the magnetic field of the sigmoid 577 Solar Sigmoid: Zoom In, Move Around, Pull Back
An animation showing the magnetic field of a solar sigmoid on the surface of the sun 576 Solar Sigmoid: Simple Spin Head-on to Limb
An image of the corona of the sun showing the solar sigmoid, with magnetic field lines superimposed 575 Solar Sigmoid: Match Frame for Simple Spin with Sigmoid and Field
An image of the corona of the sun showing the solar sigmoid 574 Solar Sigmoid: Match Frame for Simple Spin with Sigmoid Only
An animation showing the magnetic field of a solar sigmoid on the surface of the sun 573 Solar Sigmoid: Simple Spin - Limb to Head-on Move
A simulated collsion between two neutron stars, shown as translucent spheres.  The flat circles are cross-sections through the equators, showing matter density increasing as colors move from yellow to blue to red. 560 Neutron Star Collision
A flyby of the Martian surface, using topography and imagery from Mariner 9 and Viking 559 Mars
A cut-away view of the asteroid Castalia as it is impacted by a house-sized rock traveling at 5 kilometers per second.  The scattering white dots are fragments from the smaller rock. 558 Asteroid Castalia Impact Simulation
A animation of the magnetic field of a sunspot, where the magnetic field at the Suns surface is colored blue for strong fields pointing into the sun and red for strong fields pointing out of the Sun.  The white lines represent magnetic field lines. 551 Delta Sunspot
An animation of turbulent convection on the surface of the Sun, where brighter colors trace rising hot regions and darker colors trace sinking cool regions 550 Solar Dynamo
Mars north pole flyover from above 362 Mars North Polar Fly In From Above And Tilt
Mars north pole mesa 361 Fly over of Mars Mesa, Tounge, Dunes, Sasquatch Crater
Fly up to Mars north pole spinning around dunes area 360 Fly up to Dunes- thought to cover ice
Fly up to Mars north poles Sasquatch Crater 359 Fly up to Sasquatch Crater view two
Fly up to Mars north poles Sasquatch Crater 358 Fly up to Sasquatch Crater view one
Mars north pole with topography 357 Mars: Fly Straight over Pole
Slow spin around Mars north pole 356 High Slow Fly around Pole
The entire narrated Images video 329 Images of Earth and Space II
Countdown Animation 328 Earth Today 1998 Countdown
A zoom into a composite solar image created from TRACE observations made on October 10, 1998, followed by an animation of TRACE images showing a flare in the solar corona 302 Zoom and Fade to Animation of Solar Flare using TRACE Imagery
A zoom into a composite solar image created from TRACE observations made on October 10, 1998, followed by a pan showing various active regions in the solar corona 301 Zoom Around the Sun using TRACE Imagery
A zoom into a composite solar image created from TRACE observations made on October 10, 1998, showing an active region in the solar corona 300 Zoom into the Bottom Right of the Sun using TRACE Imagery
A zoom into a composite solar image created from TRACE observations made on October 10, 1998, showing an active region in the solar corona 299 Zoom into the Bottom Left of the Sun using TRACE Imagery
A zoom into a composite solar image created from TRACE observations made on October 10, 1998, showing an active region in the solar corona 298 Zoom into the Top Right of the Sun using TRACE Imagery
A zoom into a composite solar image created from TRACE observations made on October 10, 1998, showing an active region in the solar corona 297 Zoom into the Top Left of the Sun using TRACE Imagery
A zoom into a composite solar image created from TRACE observations made on October 10, 1998, showing an active region in the solar corona 296 Zoom in to a Center View of the Sun using TRACE Imagery
A pan around the limb of the sun using an image from TRACE 293 Pan around the Limb of the Sun with TRACE Imagery
Zoom into TRACE solar mosaic 292 Zoom in on the Sun with TRACE Imagery: Zoom 4
Zoom into TRACE solar mosaic 291 Zoom in on the Sun with TRACE Imagery: Zoom 3
Zoom into TRACE solar mosaic 290 Zoom in on the Sun with TRACE Imagery: Zoom 2
Zoom into TRACE solar mosaic 289 Zoom in on the Sun with TRACE Imagery: Zoom 1
The entire narrated Images video made for Supercomputing 97 251 Images of Earth and Space: SC97 Edition
Positron-electron annihilation 182 Positron-electron Annihilation
Antimatter plume in the Galactic Center? 181 Milky Way Antimatter Plume
This is a conceptual animation of the Milky Way Galaxy. 127 Horizon to full Galaxy
A live screen capture of an interaction with a 3D perspective view of a Hubble Space Telescope image of R-Aquarii.  The image has been deconvolved using the maximum entropy method. 118 VIS-5D VR Animations: R-Aquarii Jet
Contour lines of the z-component of the magnetic potential are compared for a 2D global hybrid simulation and a magnetohydrodynamic model of the solar wind-magnetosphere interaction 117 Global Hybrid Versus MHD Modeling of the Magnetosphere: Magnetic Potential
A animation of the evolution of the density gradient and velocities in the solar atmosphere model.  The three velocities shown are the velocity normalized to the fast magnetosonic speed and the velocities parallel and perpendicular to the magnetic field.  Mach number contours are shown in green. 115 Numerical Simulation of Magnetic Flux Emerging Through a Model Solar Atmosphere: Density Gradient and Velocities
A animation of the evolution of the density gradient, the magnetic field, and the mach number in the solar atmosphere model.  Magnetic field contours are shown in magenta and mach number contours are shown in green. 114 Numerical Simulation of Magnetic Flux Emerging Through a Model Solar Atmosphere: Density Gradient, Magnetic Field, and Mach Number
A animation of the evolution of the density, the magnetic field, and the mach number in the solar atmosphere model.  Magnetic field contours are shown in black and mach number contours are shown in green. 113 Numerical Simulation of Magnetic Flux Emerging Through a Model Solar Atmosphere: Density, Magnetic Field, and Mach Number
A animation of the evolution of the density gradient in the solar atmosphere model 112 Numerical Simulation of Magnetic Flux Emerging Through a Model Solar Atmosphere: Density Gradient
A animation of the evolution of the density in the solar atmosphere model 111 Numerical Simulation of Magnetic Flux Emerging Through a Model Solar Atmosphere: Density
The full, 6.5-minute Images video with music 110 Images of Earth and Space: Supercomputing 96
Density and magnetic flux surfaces from a simulation of magnetic flux in the solar atmosphere undergoing velocity perturbations.  This run has a vertical scale height of 4.8 million meters. 107 High Resolution 2-D Numerical Simulation of Emergence of Magnetic Flux Through the Solar Atmosphere
The full, narrated 17-minute Images video 97 Images of Earth and Space: The Role of Visualization in NASA Science
An animation of the deconvolution of a 1992 image of R-Aquarii jet from the Hubble Space Telescopes Faint Object Camera. 91 Motion in the R-Aquarii Jet 1991, 1992, 1993: Image Deconvolution of 1992 Data
A comparison of energetic electron fluxes (&gt; 0.4 MeV) over the North Pole from the PET P1 solid state detector during the period 7-19-1993 through 8-6-1994 with soft X-ray images from Yohkoh 90 SAMPEX - Yohkoh: Solar Modification of Relativistic Electrons in the Earth's Radiation Belts
Energetic electron fluxes (&gt; 1 MeV) over the North Pole from the HILT solid state detector array during the period 7-6-1992 through 7-9-1993 89 SAMPEX - A Synoptic View of Earth's Electron Radiation Belts: North Pole Energetic Fluxes from HILT
This animation presents correlated measurements and model data for an impact of a magnetic cloud originating from the Sun on the Earths magnetosphere on October 18-20, 1995. 88 Magnetic Cloud Event: October 18-20, 1995
Magnetic field lines superimposed over density for a 2D simulation of the solar wind-magnetosphere interaction 87 2-D Unstructured Mesh Particle-MHD Solar Wind Flow Over the Earth:Density and Magnetic Field
Contour lines of the z-component of the magnetic potential for a 2D simulation of the solar wind-magnetosphere interaction 86 2-D Unstructured Mesh Particle-MHD Solar Wind Flow Over the Earth: Magnetic Potential
This animation follows the center of mass of the particles as the clumps form, stopping at several points to rotate and zoom the swarm configuration.  The green line connects the center of mass with Jupiter and the box size remains constant at 4 km. 85 Simulations of the Breakup of Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 Employing a Swarm Model: Dynamical Evolution
In this animation of the initial simulation conditions, the comet orbit around Jupiter is shown, then the view zooms in to the comet at a distance of 2.1 Jovian radii from Jupiter, where the initial spherical distribution is shown within a box 4 km on a side. 84 Simulations of the Breakup of Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 Employing a Swarm Model: Initial Conditions
Lunar rotation and surface flyby using LIDAR data from Clementine 80 Lunar Rotation and Flyby from Clementine Data
Lunar rotation and surface flyby using LIDAR data from Clementine (with inset map of the flyby route) 79 Lunar Rotation and Flyby from Clementine Data (with route map)
A sequence of animations depicting the Earths
inclination and orbit relative to the Sun 75 The Relationship of the Sun to the Earth
A series of animations showing various quantities from a coronal heating simulation 60 Nonlinear Studies of Coronal Heating by the Resonant Absorption of Alfven Waves
Evolution of the electron fraction during the first 20 milliseconds in the life of a neutron star formed from a Type II supernova 48 Instabilities in Very Young Neutron Stars: Electron Fraction
Evolution of the temperature during the first 20 milliseconds in the life of a neutron star formed from a Type II supernova 47 Instabilities in Very Young Neutron Stars: Temperature
Evolution of the density during the first 20 milliseconds in the life of a neutron star formed from a Type II supernova 46 Instabilities in Very Young Neutron Stars: Density
Evolution of the partial density of oxygen in a supernova explosion, in both a fixed reference frame and in the blast wave reference frame 45 Rayleigh-Taylor Instabilities in Supernovae Explosions: Partial Density of Oxygen
Evolution of the oxygen mass fraction in a supernova explosion, in both a fixed reference frame and in the blast wave reference frame 44 Rayleigh-Taylor Instabilities in Supernovae Explosions: Oxygen Mass Fraction
Evolution of the partial density of helium in a supernova explosion, in both a fixed reference frame and in the blast wave reference frame 43 Rayleigh-Taylor Instabilities in Supernovae Explosions: Partial Density of Helium
Evolution of the helium mass fraction in a supernova explosion, in both a fixed reference frame and in the blast wave reference frame 42 Rayleigh-Taylor Instabilities in Supernovae Explosions: Helium Mass Fraction
Evolution of the partial density of hydrogen in a supernova explosion, in both a fixed reference frame and in the blast wave reference frame 41 Rayleigh-Taylor Instabilities in Supernovae Explosions: Partial Density of Hydrogen
Evolution of the hydrogen mass fraction in a supernova explosion, in both a fixed reference frame and in the blast wave reference frame 40 Rayleigh-Taylor Instabilities in Supernovae Explosions: Hydrogen Mass Fraction
Evolution of the density in a supernova explosion, in both a fixed reference frame and in the blast wave reference frame 39 Rayleigh-Taylor Instabilities in Supernovae Explosions: Density
A narrated video describing the results of the plasma vortex street model 9 Topological Features of a Compressible Plasma Vortex Sheet - a Model of the Outer Heliospheric Wind
An animation of a vortex street with a weak magnetic field and a tau of 20 8 Topological Features of a Compressible Plasma Vortex Sheet: 6 Cases
A close-up of the neutron star and its tidal wake 7 Stellar Wind Disruption by an Orbiting Neutron Star: Neutron Star Close-up
A simulation of the wake of a high luminosity neutron star in orbit around a massive star 6 Stellar Wind Disruption by an Orbiting Neutron Star: High X-Ray Luminosity
A simulation of the wake of a moderate luminosity neutron star in orbit around a massive star 5 Stellar Wind Disruption by an Orbiting Neutron Star: Moderate X-Ray Luminosity
A simulation of the wake of a low luminosity neutron star in orbit around a massive star 4 Stellar Wind Disruption by an Orbiting Neutron Star: Low X-Ray Luminosity
A simulation of the turbulent wake of a neutron star in orbit around a massive star 3 Stellar Wind Disruption by an Orbiting Neutron Star
A close-up of the tidal distortion of a neutron star orbiting a massive star 2 Tidal Streams in Massive X-ray Binary Systems: Neutron Star Close-up
A simulation of the tidal distortion of a neutron star orbiting a massive star 1 Tidal Streams in Massive X-ray Binary Systems
Orthographic Map<p><p>Astronomers wrapped the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope's first all-sky map over a sphere to produce this view of the gamma-ray universe. The globe in this animation rotates showing the galactic plane and the north galactic pole, then tilts up to show the south galactic pole region. 10347 GLAST First Light All Sky Map
GLASTcast Episode 6: Mission Update<p><p><p>End of the year 2008 mission update on the GLAST/Fermi spacecraft.<p><p>For complete transcript, click <a href='GLASTcast_6_transcript.htm'>here</a>. 10345 GLASTcast in HD for Apple TV and iTunes
Meet the major U.S. players behind the GLAST mission. <p> <p>For complete transcript, click <a href='GLASTcast_Episode5.htm'>here</a>. 10325 GLASTcast Episode 5: Meet the U.S. Team
The hopes and anticipations of the GLAST team as they prepare for launch. <p>For complete transcript, click <a href='GLASTcast_Episode4_transcript.htm'>here</a>. 10324 GLASTcast Episode 4: Launching a Spacecraft
NASA's Swift and GLAST satellites will work together to better understand the high energy universe. <p>For complete transcript, click <a href='GLASTcast_Episode3.htm'>here</a>. 10323 GLASTCast Episode 3 - Swift and GLAST
Selected soundbites with Steve Ritz, GLAST Project Scientist (NASA/GSFC) 10322 GLAST Soundbites
Swift leaves the darkness, camera zooms in to catch the spacecraft crossing Earth. 10298 Swift Spacecraft Animations
This view shows the planet and ring structure from 30 degrees above the planet's orbital plane. 10263 Resonant Dust Ring Sculpted by a Super-Earth
This is an excerpt of the STS-125 Preflight Science Briefing recorded at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center on September 15, 2008.<p><p>For complete transcript, click <a href='script_742_00.html'>here</a>. 10259 Vision. Hope. Triumph.
This animation depicts what happens to the most massive stars when they die. 10253 Scientists Watch Baby Black Hole Get to Work Fast
Celebrating the launch and science of NASA's Gamma-Ray Large Area Space Telescope. 10251 GLAST Prelude, for Brass Quintet, Op.12
GLASTcast Episode 6: 2008 Mission Update<p><p>End of the year 2008 mission update on the GLAST/Fermi spacecraft.<p><p><p><p><p>For complete transcript, click <a href='GLASTcast_6_transcript.htm'>here</a>. 10250 GLASTcast for iTunes
Episode 2:  What are Gamma Rays?

<p>A brief overview of gamma ray science.

<p>For complete transcript, click <a href='GLASTcast2_transcript.htm'>here</a>. 10248 GLASTcast Episode 2: What are Gamma Rays?
Gamma Ray Burst 10245 Gamma Ray Burst
This animation shows gamma-rays from a pulsar 10205 Gamma Rays in Pulsars
AGN animation
10200 Gamma Rays in Active Galactic Nuclei
With so many questions and so few answers, is a U.S. Venus mission overdue? 10192 Venus: Long Time, No See
This edited music video shows the launch and deploy of GLAST, and the spacecraft in orbit. It ends with the website for GLAST: 10172 GLAST Promo Video
This footage shows the LAT instrument arriving on September 18, 2006. 10169 GLAST LAT Integration - B-Roll
This animation begins with a Delta rocket launch. Once the vehicle reaches orbit, the satellite deploys into its final configuration. 10168 GLAST Launch and Deployment
This animation shows a gamma ray (purple) entering a corner tower of the Tracker. After the electron (red) and positron (blue) cascade down the tower, their incoming paths (red/blue) combine to show the original path (purple) of the incoming gamma ray that created them. 10167 GLAST's LAT Instrument
This  beauty shot shows an over-the-shoulder view of the spacecraft. 10166 GLAST's New Window on the Universe
This footage shows the LAT instrument in the cleanroom at the NRL. 10165 GLAST LAT Testing - B-Roll
This beauty shot provides a 360-degree view of the spacecraft without a simulated gamma ray sky. 10164 360 Degrees of GLAST
This beauty shot begins with the earth in full view and pans to reveal the spacecraft in orbit. 10163 The GLAST Spacecraft in Orbit
This animation shows a high-energy photon (blue coil) colliding with a free electron (red ball), which causes the release of a gamma-ray (purple flash). 10155 Gamma Ray Creation
This animation illustrates Neutron star SGR 1806-20 which  produced a gamma ray flare that disrupted Earth's ionosphere. 10084 Cosmic Explosion Second Only to the Sun in Brightness
10068 Cutaway View of the Earth's Radiation Belts
10067 Lightning Makes a Safe Zone in the Earth's Radiation Belts
10066 Model for Coronal Mass Ejections
Changing seasons as the Earth orbits. 10065 Changing Solar Insolation
10064 STEREO Watches the Active Sun
10063 STEREO Enroute: Earth Flyby
10062 STEREO Spacecraft Beauty-Pass
10061 STEREO Enroute: The Lunar Flyby
10060 STEREO On-Station
View the impact of a coronal mass ejection against the Earth's magnetic field. 10059 A CME Generates Reconnection in Earth's Magnetic Field
View of the Earth's geomagnetic field and following the electrons down to the aurora formation. 10058 Earth's Magnetic Field to Aurora
View of the Solar System, showing the Sun, Jupiter and Saturn 10045 Coronal Mass Ejections Blast their Way Through the Solar System
CME passing Voyager 10044 Voyager Meets a Coronal Mass Ejection
A close-up view of the Venus transit. 10043 Conceptual Venus Transit
10042 From Venus to Venus Transit
10041 A Solar Tsunami
'Beauty Pass' of Solar Dynamics Observatory on-station. 10040 Solar Dynamics Observatory On-Station
Movie of solar protons breaching the magnetic shield through the reconnection event. 10039 Proton Aurora Forms from Reconnection Event
Movie showing IMAGE and Cluster in position for the event. 10038 IMAGE and Cluster View Magnetic Reconnection
10037 Coronal Mass Ejections Reach the Heliopause
RHESSI observes a gamma-ray burst 10036 RHESSI Sees a Gamma-Ray Burst
Movie of simplified solar flare model 10035 Simplified Model for a Solar Flare
10029 Venus Transit 2004 logo - the U.S. Government's official Web portal. + Privacy Policy and Important Notices
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