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SVS >> Spacecraft

Movie ID Title
This movie shows the orbits of the fleet of NASA spacecraft exploring the heliosphere. 3570 NASA's Heliophysics Great Observatories Study the Sun and Geospace
NASA's Earth Observing Fleet 3227 NASA's Orbiting Earth Observing Fleet (improved background)
 Spacecraft orbit the Earth including Terra, Aqua, and Aura 2945 NASA's Orbiting Earth Observing Fleet (includes Aura)
Spacecraft orbit the Earth including Terra, Aqua, and Aura (in orange) 2944 NASA's Orbiting Earth Observing Fleet (includes Aura in orange)
NASAs Orbiting Earth Observing Fleet close up 2881 NASA's Orbiting Earth Observing Fleet
The entire narrated NPOESS video 562 EOS NPOESS the Bridge Mission
AM1 spacecraft with Earth globe in the background 183 EOS - AM1 Beauty Shot
End of the year 2008 mission update on the GLAST/Fermi spacecraft.<p><p><p><p>For complete transcript, click <a href='GLASTcast_6_transcript.htm'>here</a>. 10357 GLASTcast Episode 6: 2008 Mission Update
Hubble Space Telescope Servicing Mission 4 is the last time humans will visit Hubble. NASA’s scientists, engineers and astronauts are working together to make Hubble better than it has been before. See what NASA has planned for this last mission to Hubble; from new science instruments, to two challenging and never-done-before instrument repairs, and numerous upgrades.<p><p><p>For complete transcript, click <a href='script_719_01.html'>here</a>. 10346 The Last Mission to Hubble
GLASTcast Episode 6: Mission Update<p><p><p>End of the year 2008 mission update on the GLAST/Fermi spacecraft.<p><p>For complete transcript, click <a href='GLASTcast_6_transcript.htm'>here</a>. 10345 GLASTcast in HD for Apple TV and iTunes
<b>HST SM4 New Outer Blanket Layer (NOBL) Installation EVA </b> completed and edited animation sequence. 10330 New Outer Blanket Layer (NOBL) Installation EVA Animation
Meet the major U.S. players behind the GLAST mission. <p> <p>For complete transcript, click <a href='GLASTcast_Episode5.htm'>here</a>. 10325 GLASTcast Episode 5: Meet the U.S. Team
The hopes and anticipations of the GLAST team as they prepare for launch. <p>For complete transcript, click <a href='GLASTcast_Episode4_transcript.htm'>here</a>. 10324 GLASTcast Episode 4: Launching a Spacecraft
NASA's Swift and GLAST satellites will work together to better understand the high energy universe. <p>For complete transcript, click <a href='GLASTcast_Episode3.htm'>here</a>. 10323 GLASTCast Episode 3 - Swift and GLAST
Selected soundbites with Steve Ritz, GLAST Project Scientist (NASA/GSFC) 10322 GLAST Soundbites
Swift leaves the darkness, camera zooms in to catch the spacecraft crossing Earth. 10298 Swift Spacecraft Animations
Goes in geostationary orbit over the Earth 10292 Goes 13 (M) Spacecraft
This animation follows LRO as it moves along its orbit high above the lunar surface. 10281 LRO Tracking (version 2)
Here we follow LRO as it moves along it's orbit high above the lunar surface. 10280 LRO Tracking (version 1)
A 720 degree spin of LRO with labels on the 6 major instruments and Mini-RF technology demonstration. 10279 LRO Spin (instruments labeled)
This is the opening title sequence for LRO videos. 10278 LRO Title Sequence
This animated sequence takes a view from inside a large crater as LRO passes overhead. 10277 LRO Moonview
We get a view from inside the Lambert crater (using a topological DEM model) as LRO passes overhead. 10276 LRO Lambert Crater
This animation tracks with LRO as it passes above a large lunar crater. 10275 LRO Follow Over Crater (version 2)
This animation tracks with LRO as it passes above a large lunar crater. 10274 LRO Follow Over Crater (version 1)
The LRO spacecraft traverses from darkness into daylight. 10273 LRO Distant
This animation is a close-up view highlighting spacecraft instrumentation - pulling away to reveal LRO's track over the moon. 10272 LRO Over Moon
This animation reveals Glory’s APS taking polarimetric measurements along the satellite ground track within the solar reflective spectral region (0.4 to 2.4 micrometers). <p><p> 10268 Glory’s Aerosol Polarimetry Sensor Taking Polarimetric Measurements
When placed on the Hubble Space Telescope, WFC3 will provide unprecedented capabilities for imaging the cosmos at near-ultraviolet and at near-infrared wavelengths. The Wide Field Camera 3 (WFC3) will study a diverse range of objects and phenomena, from early and distant galaxy formation to nearby planetary nebulae, and finally our own backyard — the planets and other bodies of our Solar System. WFC3 extends Hubble's capability not only by seeing deeper into the universe but also by seeing simultaneously into the infrared and ultraviolet. WFC3 can, for example, simultaneously observe young, hot stars (glowing predominantly in the ultraviolet) and older, cooler stars (glowing predominantly in the infrared) in the same galaxy. 10266 Wide Field Camera 3: Extending Hubble's Vision, Packed with Power
Celebrating the launch and science of NASA's Gamma-Ray Large Area Space Telescope. 10251 GLAST Prelude, for Brass Quintet, Op.12
GLASTcast Episode 6: 2008 Mission Update<p><p>End of the year 2008 mission update on the GLAST/Fermi spacecraft.<p><p><p><p><p>For complete transcript, click <a href='GLASTcast_6_transcript.htm'>here</a>. 10250 GLASTcast for iTunes
Episode 2:  What are Gamma Rays?

<p>A brief overview of gamma ray science.

<p>For complete transcript, click <a href='GLASTcast2_transcript.htm'>here</a>. 10248 GLASTcast Episode 2: What are Gamma Rays?
Episode 1:  What is GLAST?

<p> A brief overview of the GLAST satellite mission.

<p>For complete transcript, click <a href='GLASTcast_Episode1_transcript.html'>here</a>. 10247 GLASTcast Episode 1: What is GLAST?
The last mission to Hubble, Servicing Mission 4 movie-trailer-like video.

<p>For complete transcript, click <a href='script_415_02.html'>here</a>. 10244 Hubble Servicing Mission Movie Trailer 1
Astronauts travel to NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center to prepare for Servicing Mission 4 to the Hubble Space Telescope.  HST Servicing Mission Commander Scott Altman describes coming to Goddard and working with the flight hardware.

<p>For complete transcript, click <a href='script_401_00.html'>here</a>. 10243 HST SM4 Crew Training at NASA Goddard
In planning for Servicing Mission 4 to Hubble, crew members divide their time between NASA’s Johnson Space Center, Houston, working underwater on a Hubble mock-up to simulate the effects of weightlessness, and NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland, where they practice scheduled mission tasks on a Hubble mock-up inside a large clean room facility.  Many Goddard engineers are trained divers.  These engineers work along side the astronauts while in the Neutral Buoyancy Lab to aid in their training.  This underwater experience helps HST engineers understand what the astronauts need as they work together to refine tools and procedures to service Hubble.

<p>For complete transcript, click <a href='script_410_00.html'>here</a>. 10242 Goddard Space Flight Center Divers
A team at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center designs and builds the special tools and aids astronauts need when they service the Hubble Space Telescope.  Engineers describe working with the astronaut crew and developing tools to meet specific challenges as well as inventing new tools that will help NASA astronauts well into the future.

<p>For complete transcript, click <a href='script_412_02.html'>here</a>. 10240 CATS: Crew Aids and Tools
To prepare for Servicing Mission 4, Hubble components must endure harsh tests at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center.  This feature explores test facilities at Goddard like: launch phase simulator centrifuge, the acoustic test chamber, electromagnetic interference testing, vibration tables, static load test facility, and the space environment simulator.

<p>For complete transcript, click <a href='script_399_00.html'>here</a>. 10239 Enter NASA's Spacecraft Chamber of Horrors
An update on instrument, tool and carrier preparations for STS-125: HST Servicing Mission 4 at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center in Maryland. Update as of January 2, 2008.

<p>For complete transcript, click <a href='script_398_02.html'>here</a>. 10238 HST SM4 Countdown Status 1
The Hubble Space in orbit in its post-servicing mission 3B configuration. 10217 HST Zoom-Way-Out
The Hubble Space in orbit in its post-servicing mission 3B configuration.
10216 HST Fly-By
The Hubble Space in orbit in its post-servicing mission 3B configuration. 10214 Slow Look at HST 2
The Hubble Space in orbit in its post-servicing mission 3B configuration. 10213 Slow Look at HST 1
The Hubble Space in orbit in its post-servicing mission 3B configuration. 10212 HST Out and Around
An animation of space shuttle Atlantis in orbit as it comes out of the Sun’s glare.  The camera passes over the shuttle’s main engines to view Hubble in the cargo bay.
10211 Shuttle Atlantis with HST From Out of the Sun
A tour of Atlantis’s cargo bay as configured for Hubble Servicing Mission 4.  The tour starts at the airlock, moves to the Super Lightweight Instrument Carrier, then to the Orbital Replacement Unit Carrier, the Flight Support System and finally to the Multi-Use Lightweight Equipment Carrier. 10210 Servicing Mission 4: Atlantis Cargo Bay Carrier Fly-Over
<b>PROPULSION AND BUS INTEGRATION</b>   <br />After launch, SDO's propulsion system will boost the spacecraft into its geosynchronous orbit.  Thrusters using the same fuel and oxidizer mix will keep SDO in the correct orbit during the mission.  The Bus carries the electronics and battery for the spacecraft.
<p>For complete transcription of this video, please click <a href='integ_prop_bus.html'>here</a>. 10189 Stepping Stones to SDO
This edited music video shows the launch and deploy of GLAST, and the spacecraft in orbit. It ends with the website for GLAST: 10172 GLAST Promo Video
This footage shows the LAT instrument arriving on September 18, 2006. 10169 GLAST LAT Integration - B-Roll
This animation begins with a Delta rocket launch. Once the vehicle reaches orbit, the satellite deploys into its final configuration. 10168 GLAST Launch and Deployment
This animation shows a gamma ray (purple) entering a corner tower of the Tracker. After the electron (red) and positron (blue) cascade down the tower, their incoming paths (red/blue) combine to show the original path (purple) of the incoming gamma ray that created them. 10167 GLAST's LAT Instrument
This  beauty shot shows an over-the-shoulder view of the spacecraft. 10166 GLAST's New Window on the Universe
This footage shows the LAT instrument in the cleanroom at the NRL. 10165 GLAST LAT Testing - B-Roll
This beauty shot provides a 360-degree view of the spacecraft without a simulated gamma ray sky. 10164 360 Degrees of GLAST
This beauty shot begins with the earth in full view and pans to reveal the spacecraft in orbit. 10163 The GLAST Spacecraft in Orbit
This animation shows SDO coming out of the darkness. 10162 The Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) logo - the U.S. Government's official Web portal. + Privacy Policy and Important Notices
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